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1. You, the exile, are creating a wound in the Force, and therefore the Sith are emanating from you.


But at the end of the game, Kreia says that Revan has gone off to confront to true source of the Sith and darkness in the universe.


So, are you or are you not creating problems for the galaxy?


2. Kreia says she loves you and would have followed you anywhere, but has to destroy you, and then wants you to destroy her.


What exactly does she want?


3. Your team are the "Lost Jedi" whether or not you manage to convert anyone.


Well, are the Jedi lost or not? Were those dead Masters the last of the Jedi or not?


4. What exactly does an historian do? Did Disciple run into the same problems as Atris and Kreia did?


5. How on earth can anyone be cut off from the Force? Is there any precedent to this idea anywhere in the EU?


Lets see


1.The Jedi Academy being all pretty again


2.Both Zherron and the Mandalorians KNOWING to be on Telos just as the Sith Attack, when there are no scene's of a distress single or Mandalore calling on his Mando's to be there when he arrives.


3. Lack of continuity. A Basilisk doesn't look like that fighter from SOTE, and the Nagai shouldn't even be mentioned at all. They are supposed to be a race from the unknown regions that haven't made themselves known yet. Proven by the fact that they even thought they were from outside the Galaxy.


4. The Onderon fleet arriving at Telos. I just found this out from another player, must have missed that part.


5. The death of the Jedi masters. You search through they entire game for them, they even like you for doing so. Then they die.


They game had a good story, but it just wasn't a smart story. I've never seen so many plotholes in game. Plus the directing job was terrible. If the Onderon Fleet was there, then we should have seen them.

KOTOR 2 must be completed


In "the Sith War" comic, Nomi Sunrider cuts Ulic Qel Droma off from the force after he killed his brother. It's a light side techinque used to take power away from an opponent as opposed to hurting them. I think cutting yourself off is new, I guess


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

  northArrow said:
The fight at the end of the game between Mira and Hanharr. What was that all about?


That fight at the end made me think that something about Mira was left out of the game due to time constraints. Why else would she be so important? My first playthrough Mira didn't get off the ship at any time. I never got any influence with her and never went anywhere with her storyline. Then I get her solo scene at the end, and I think maybe she's more important than I thought. The second time through I concentrated on her, made her into a Jedi.... and get the exact same ending with her.


She is the only one, as far as I know, who has a scene that acknowledges you've made her into a Jedi. Though, that isn't glitch-free either, as if you put her in your party on the attack on Freedon Nadd's tomb, she mentions that she's not a Jedi.


At that point she was a Scout/Sentinel 15/6. Stuff like that is just aggravating.


Anyone else think that Mira would have made a much better choice as a romance with a male exile? Unlike the HM and Visas, who are so emotionally stunted it's almost scary, she's almost a real person.

  northArrow said:
The fight at the end of the game between Mira and Hanharr. What was that all about?


And did anyone ever find out exactly who Mira's father was? Kreia mentions Mira's father when the Exile asks about the future of all his allies. I was never able to pry anything out of Mira about her father, except when she tells the Exile she had a father once already.

  Frinklin said:
Anyone else think that Mira would have made a much better choice as a romance with a male exile? Unlike the HM and Visas, who are so emotionally stunted it's almost scary, she's almost a real person.


Yeah, I thought that she was perfect. She had spunk, she had a full range of emotions, she had a sexy outfit, she was skilled, and she was also pretty smart. Of course, the sexy outfit helped as well (although, did anyone else notice that her undergarments covered her back, while her "clothing" didn't?).

  Eleni Vedras said:
  northArrow said:
The fight at the end of the game between Mira and Hanharr. What was that all about?


And did anyone ever find out exactly who Mira's father was? Kreia mentions Mira's father when the Exile asks about the future of all his allies. I was never able to pry anything out of Mira about her father, except when she tells the Exile she had a father once already.


I think he's hiding in the HK50 factory. :D


Seriously, I think that could be a metaphorical father, meaning the Mandalorians and her childhood with them and on Nar Shadaa. I don't think I could have any more influence with her than I did (she mirrored my LS mastery) and I never got anywhere beyond the implication that she became a bounty hunter due to the fact she could never find her own family.


Like much in this game, Mira seems only 2/3 done.

  Eleni Vedras said:
  northArrow said:
The fight at the end of the game between Mira and Hanharr. What was that all about?


And did anyone ever find out exactly who Mira's father was? Kreia mentions Mira's father when the Exile asks about the future of all his allies. I was never able to pry anything out of Mira about her father, except when she tells the Exile she had a father once already.


On my first play through I went to Nar Shadaa last so by the time I got Mira I automatically got maga influence and could listen to her entire story and as such one of the last things you find out is that she was a child of a mandalorian who took her mother as a slave or some such... but it also said in one of her convo's that she herself was a slave used for transporting mines and ammunition by the mandalorians so to me this would kind of contradictory since it would seem odd that even a half mandalorian child would be used as a slave not trained for battle. Please if anyone can either correct me or refute what I have posted above plase because now I am wondering myself as to whether or not I am correct.


Somethings that made me scratch my head in wonder


1) what changes about Boa-Dur and hand maiden after the second trip to Dxun?

2) what is that noise you hear in the background when kreia teaches you too read minds?

3) what happens to Boa-Dur its never said in the convo with Kreia at the end of the game?

"The only difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits!" - Albert Einstein.


"It's better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"


"You can try to kill me, you'd fail!, but you can try!" - Revan.


"When you have exhausted all other possibilities whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes (a.k.a. Sir Arthur Conan Dole)


"A lack of planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on my part"




1-the backstory of many of the npcs that i could get nowhere near enough influence to learn in 2 play throughs. not really a "flaw", since thats how it was supposed to work. but still something that makes me shake my head since it seemed like more a chore to learn the entire story than fun or replayability.


2-the ending. it was just a bit....blah.


3-goto. i had no choice but to allow the thing to join my party and stay on my ship even though i didnt even care for him/it.

  Eleni Vedras said:
  northArrow said:
The fight at the end of the game between Mira and Hanharr. What was that all about?


And did anyone ever find out exactly who Mira's father was? Kreia mentions Mira's father when the Exile asks about the future of all his allies. I was never able to pry anything out of Mira about her father, except when she tells the Exile she had a father once already.


I never learned anything about her father, though I did notice this odd word choice. It made me wonder if there are plans for Mira in the future -- you would think so, based on the special treatment her character receives at the end -- or if there was a chunk of her story missing.


I did trigger the dialogue in which she talks about having been enslaved by the Mandalorians. I was surprised she and Mandalore never confronted each other about this. Certainly there is no love lost between Mandalore and Bao Dur.


Does anyone have any ideas about this whole "true Sith" thing? Was Kreia just lying when she said the Force Bond was lethal? And was everyone lying/misguided when they said that the Exile was the source of the "invisible threat"?


Things that made me go Huh?



1. The jump to Telos from apparently nowhere. There was no lead-in. All I saw was the Sith fleet invade Telos and didn't get any kind of reason why.


2. Malachor V. All of a sudden I'm going to Malachor V for no reason...again. I just drop on the planet without a reason why I'm going there in the first place. No lead-in.




There are more, but these are the ones that really got me. There were points in the game where I was getting so frustrated that I had to save and turn the game off. After lurking in these forums for a while and reading them, I've decided to replay the game (I already beat it once) and plan on doing a more thorough job.


But thanks guys for inspiring me to pick this game up and play it again.

  Frankychan said:
Things that made me go Huh?



1.  The jump to Telos from apparently nowhere.  There was no lead-in.  All I saw was the Sith fleet invade Telos and didn't get any kind of reason why.


2.  Malachor V.  All of a sudden I'm going to Malachor V for no reason...again.  I just drop on the planet without a reason why I'm going there in the first place.  No lead-in.




There are more, but these are the ones that really got me.  There were points in the game where I was getting so frustrated that I had to save and turn the game off.  After lurking in these forums for a while and reading them, I've decided to replay the game (I already beat it once) and plan on doing a more thorough job.


But thanks guys for inspiring me to pick this game up and play it again.



In defense of OBSIDIAN, I think some of this doesn't seem to make sense because we are NOT seeing the entire game as it was originaly intended. Due to the production schedule, some of the content (movies, quests, etc.) didn't quite make it into the final version (much more information about the SITH invasion of TELOS seems to be covered in the HK FACTORY quest, that most people will never see).


I doubt it will ever happen, but perhaps one day OBSIDIAN can finish the job and give us a "directors cut" version. Otherwise we'll be judging plot holes that might have otherwise been filled in.

  GingaMalandro said:
In defense of OBSIDIAN, I think some of this doesn't seem to make sense because we are NOT seeing the entire game as it was originaly intended.  Due to the production schedule, some of the content (movies, quests, etc.) didn't quite make it into the final version (much more information about the SITH invasion of TELOS seems to be covered in the HK FACTORY quest, that most people will never see).


I doubt it will ever happen, but perhaps one day OBSIDIAN can finish the job and give us a "directors cut" version.  Otherwise we'll be judging plot holes that might have otherwise been filled in.


I also understand the time constraint put on Obsidian by LucasArts or whomever. But if there was some kind of downloadable patch, or some kind of disk made where you could actually fill in more about the game (instead of a 'directors cut') I would probably pick it up.


I guess what gets my goat is the fact that LucasArts wants to push the game out and not caring if the end product is finished or not. Don't get me wrong, KOTOR 2 is a good game, but I feel like too much attention was paid to the combat system and customizability (sp?) instead of the actual plot and storylines.


Will I play this game again? Yes.....

  Frankychan said:
  GingaMalandro said:


In defense of OBSIDIAN, I think some of this doesn't seem to make sense because we are NOT seeing the entire game as it was originaly intended.  Due to the production schedule, some of the content (movies, quests, etc.) didn't quite make it into the final version (much more information about the SITH invasion of TELOS seems to be covered in the HK FACTORY quest, that most people will never see).


I doubt it will ever happen, but perhaps one day OBSIDIAN can finish the job and give us a "directors cut" version.  Otherwise we'll be judging plot holes that might have otherwise been filled in.


I also understand the time constraint put on Obsidian by LucasArts or whomever. But if there was some kind of downloadable patch, or some kind of disk made where you could actually fill in more about the game (instead of a 'directors cut') I would probably pick it up.


I guess what gets my goat is the fact that LucasArts wants to push the game out and not caring if the end product is finished or not. Don't get me wrong, KOTOR 2 is a good game, but I feel like too much attention was paid to the combat system and customizability (sp?) instead of the actual plot and storylines.


Will I play this game again? Yes.....


Let's be frank, if a good storyline was easy to comeup with then, Lucas would have done better with the last 3 films. :lol:


Seriously though, it's amazing just how good the first kotor storyline was. I think of course that it was helped along by the excellent voice acting.


Unlike the last one, there will be no downloadable content for this version, however, there are a few out there who are already "exploring" some of what was semi developed but not incorporated into the final version of the game (the data is actualy already on the disc, just not redily accessable). The "HK Factory" is the first of such "additional storyline" that we can now see on the XBOX.

  Frankychan said:
Things that made me go Huh?

2.  Malachor V.  All of a sudden I'm going to Malachor V for no reason...again.  I just drop on the planet without a reason why I'm going there in the first place.  No lead-in.


you were told thats where all the trouble started (or were hinted at). and you wanted to go face this darkside energy at its source. thats why you went to malachor v. i cant remember exactly the dialogue, but you were told why you were going to malachor v.

  ladymurasaki said:
5. How on earth can anyone be cut off from the Force? Is there any precedent to this idea anywhere in the EU?


Yes if you read the Chronicles on the official KotOR II website you learn that it happened before when Nomi Sunrider took away Ulic Qel-Droma's connection to the force.


Also happened other times in EU but I cant list em all.

"Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill."

Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade.

Edited for content


"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud


I think TSL storyline is markedly better than the storyline of KOTOR. On top of being more complex and interesting, it totally expands the story of the first and actually fleshes Revan out as a character though he does not appear in TSL.


A lot of these huh moments can be explained:


-the sith fleet showed up on Telos because Kreia revived Tobin and lied to him to get him to tell nihilis that he could find jedi to eat(?) at Telos.


-The mandalorians show up because Mandalore leaves the party to go contact them at the start of the citadel station assault.


-Revan spawned the sith in the known galaxy by going dark and attacking the republic. He never had a sith master, so while he may have been referred to as a sith he was actually a fallen (read pragmatic) jedi since he would have no knowledge of the unique sith spells and attacks that those in the traceable sith lineage (Darth Bane, Palpatine) would posess. The True Sith are not the Sith'ari, but rather the sith that stem from this lineage or rather, predate it. Think of it like this: There were plenty of nobles in pre-revolutionary france. the Louis were the kings and when people talked about french nobility they were talking about the Louis and such. But there were also a family of french nobles who secretly claimed to be descended from christ called the merovingiens (yeah, like the guy from matrix reloaded). If they were telling the truth (which they most likely weren't) that would make them the unknown kings of the world and the argument could be made that they were biding their time in the shadows in order to claim their birthright. The Revan sith/True Sith thing could be explained in the same way. I think the DaVinci code references this conspiracy thing but being that I'm about 30 back on the library reserve list, I won't know for a while.


-Atris tells you to go to malachor.


This all having been said, here's what I can't understand:


-it seems like the exile leaves behind all his companions on the way to malachor except Goto (who shows up), remote (bao-dur suggests that the remote was sent because no one else wanted to die with the exile at malachor when the MSG was activated), and presumably T3 to fly the Ebon Hawk. What the hell is Mira doing wandering around malachor?


-Kreia seems to be lying to Atris about creating a bigger wound in the force. So what does she really want?


-Why DOESN'T Revan take anyone with him into the outer rim? Wouldn't bastila have been better served there than in the nihilis jedi-suckling section of the galaxy?


-If most/all force adepts are dead from the jedi civil war and subsequent fallout, where did all the generic sith lords/marauders in the malachor academy come from?


-Why station a human sith academy on a world whose atmosphere is poison to humans?


-Nihilis was born of malachor. Okay. Why did Sion the indestructable not have a role in the jedi civil war?



One of my useless liberal arts BAs is in fiction writing, so I've had to read a lot of s****y things in my time and this is not one. That having been said, this game's story is a second draft, not a finished product. Kotor's story receives so much respect because it was self contained and didn't have any gaping plot holes other than the fact that Revan spontaneously called himself sith without having been trained as one, which is filled by TSL.


I do honestly hope that the PC version gets pushed back to, like, next august, so the story can be completely filled out and some things can be put back in. Plus I stopped my last playthrough because on three occasions at three different places suring the citadel station assault the game froze.

  Lifthransir Bane said:
-Why DOESN'T Revan take anyone with him into the outer rim? Wouldn't bastila have been better served there than in the nihilis jedi-suckling section of the galaxy?


this was explained in either the bastila holocron on korriban or t3's playback on the ebon hawk.


revan didnt want to bring anyone he "cared" about to where he was going because it could be exploited as a weakness in him. he didnt want to have that kind of "weakness" when he faced whoever it is he was going to face.

  Lifthransir Bane said:
I do honestly hope that the PC version gets pushed back to, like, next august, so the story can be completely filled out and some things can be put back in. Plus I stopped my last playthrough because on three occasions at three different places suring the citadel station assault the game froze.



They shouldn't push back the PC versions release, because the PC version should already be out!!!!


I perfer the idea of a patch and/or expansion that fixes this problem.

"Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill."

Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade.

Edited for content


"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud


People help me with this.


In 2 cutscenes on the EH, we see 1.) GOTO blast Remote into a million pieces and 2.) HK-47 get wasted by the the other droid (sorry name escapes me he is the R2 D2 clone) once HK-47 figures out something about him.


But once these cutscenes are over everything is just fine as if _nothing_ happened.


Any thoughts?

  montrossx said:
People help me with this.


In 2 cutscenes on the EH, we see 1.)  GOTO blast Remote into a million pieces and 2.) HK-47 get wasted by the the other droid (sorry name escapes me he is the R2 D2 clone) once HK-47 figures out something about him.


But once these cutscenes are over everything is just fine as if _nothing_ happened.


Any thoughts?


yeah either i missed something in a dialogue or future cutscene, or that cutscene didnt make sense.


it goes straight from a cutscene where go-to destroys the remote, to then all of a sudden the remote being fixed and no further mention or after effect happening (ie. bao-dur never is seen fixing the remote or questioning go-to).




So help me out here....the HK Factory CANNOT be done? Boogers. >_<


As for the Droid Trouble thing, I interpreted it as G0-T0 blowing Remote up, but Bao-Dur putting him back together again.


The T3-M4 vs. HK-47 I thought HK was hit by an Ion beam and this caused his memory to "fail" again...like it always does. Not the best of explanations...but good enough for me.


Unlike some people out there, I actually LIKED the fact that there was no plot twist! I think not having a twist was the actual twist....get it? It's like everyone is expecting to have it, but they threw us all a curve. Even Kreia says something like "What? You were expecting some soul shattering revelation?" (or something to that effect). I liked it.


That's one of the things that I DID like. (That and Darth Sion....I understood him)


Jacen Solo and the entire Vong species were also cut off fromt he Force in the EU.


I thought Kriea and the Exile's relationship was very close to Jacen and Vergere's relationship in the book Traitor.

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