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I was wondering for all those who have played the game, if you could tell us which character they liked better, Revan or The Exile.


I mean in personality, back story and so on. I do not want to know if you think that Revan was stronger than The Exile or vice versa. Try not to include spoilers (for I must wait until February :p ), and if you must please use the spoiler tab.


Thanks and I can't wait to hear what you guy's think! :p


Wouldn't this be better suited for the Spoiler forum?


I mean if people pick the exile, and give you the reasons, that will likely include his story and examples from the game.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


Oddly enough, I began to like Revan more as I played through the Sith Lords.


The backstory of the Exile is more compelling but I think that Revan is still much more powerful.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

Wouldn't this be better suited for the Spoiler forum?


I mean if people pick the exile, and give you the reasons, that will likely include his story and examples from the game.


I don't necessarily think so. I think people can say which character they like more without revealing the whole game. Just because I want to know whether more people liked The Exile over Revan does not mean I want to know who the last boss is. However if the mods feel that this will likely have too many spoilers, then they can move it to the correct forum.


Oddly enough, I began to like Revan more as I played through the Sith Lords.


The backstory of the Exile is more compelling but I think that Revan is still much more powerful.


Thank you for your opinion. (And not telling any spoiler. :thumbsup: )


Revan, only because the storyline with the Exile made no sense. Revan's storyline was well explored. With the Exile I just had to pretend I was Connor MacLeod from Highlander, on a quest for power. :thumbsup:

  GeneralCrimson said:
  Lacan said:
Revan, only because the storyline with the Exile made no sense. Revan's storyline was well explored. With the Exile I just had to pretend I was Connor MacLeod from Highlander, on a quest for power. :p

whats wrong with his backstory? what exactly didn't make sense?


Not his particular story, but the whole thing.



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That said... I liked the exile better. I'm more interested in what happens to him, simply because his situation is a bit more complicated and unresolved. Revan had no established relationship, (K1 spoiler)

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I would've expected the final confrontation with malak to be detailed, but it wasn't. The backstory of Revan's relationship to HIS party members was a little better done, but I don't know. I just like the Exile better, and I have more a sense of personality from him.


I favor Revan over the Exile. The Exile was... too confused of what was going on around him which made me more confused.


Plus while playing through the Sith Lords I too began to like Revan even more and more and when I learned of his fate... let's just say I miss him. But nevertheless the exile was cool.


With Revan, I was pretty sure why I was fighting. I wanted to get to the Star Forge and unlock its secret power to use in my own campaign of domination.



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Some of this stuff, on top of what I listed above, didn't make any sense to me. Revan's story was at least plausible and his motivations are clear.



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I'm more inclined to go with The Exile. Much of that is because Revan was, more or less, a blank slate. Its the fault of his amnesia, but KotOR2 actually provides us more background information on the guy we played in KotOR1 than the latter itself does. With The Exile, there's still a number of gaps in the backstory (more information on the relationship with

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in particular would have been appreciated), but at least a backstory is there.



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The Exile, by far. Revan was cool, but the Exile is such a complex and interesting character. He isn't a Jedi, but he hasn't falen to the Dark Side. I believe a silver lightsaber ingame signifies well this neutrality. He is hostile towards the Jedi Order, but he isn't a Sith. So intriguing. He is a great character, and even though Revan could wipe the floor with him in battle, Revan is either good or evil, through and through, making for a rather two-dimensional character. The Exile is great because his very rebellious nature is so unlike that of the Jedi Knights, and he wasn't afraid to disobey his masters to do hat he thought was right.


The Dark Lord


I kind of liked Revan considering you don't hear anything hear anything negative about him. He was:


A) A brilliant strategist who saved the Republic, practically a genius on the field

B) He had a thirst for knowledge

C) A powerful jedi with powerful force powers

D) He could inspire others to follow

E) He didn't hesitate to fight (showing he wasn't a coward)

F) He fought for what he believed in though some would argue his loyalty was fickle as he changed sides


whereas the exile was:


A) A fallen jedi whose connection to the force was severed

B) I'll know more when I play the game


My opinion may change but I probably doubt it will...



PS : I'm sorry for not being politically correct by not using he/she. Please don't kill me ;)


As you'll find out before long, nearly every positive you listed for Revan is also a positive for The Exile. One character even constantly calls him "General" when speaking to him.


You should really wait until B has been dealt with before you make any judgements.

  junior said:
I'm more inclined to go with The Exile.  Much of that is because Revan was, more or less, a blank slate.  Its the fault of his amnesia, but KotOR2 actually provides us more background information on the guy we played in KotOR1 than the latter itself does.


What? that's exactly why Revan is better. He's *yours*.


I'm kind of annoyed about loads of Revan's history being "told" in KotOR2 (i dont know if it is or isnt, but thats the impression I've got) I wouldn't mind if they wanted to tell me about something Revan had gone and done *after* KotOR1 so much, but Pre-KotOR1 was always left pretty vague, I thought, for the purpose of letting you decide for yourself. (Yes, I know there are some obvious key points: charismatic, brilliant military leader, falls to Dark side... but it didn't seem to be overkill on the history department)


You could make up your mind if Revan was good until he found the Star Forge, or if he had been evil from the very start ala Palpatine: that's why you had conflicting views from different people throughout the game; now *especially having read Chronicle IX* pre-mindwipe Revan is a set personality and also a Jedi Master ... when the hell did that happen? Isn't he a bit young?


People complained about it "not being their character" when they found out they were Revan, but that's crap - KotOR made Revan *your* character, not just a character you played (though I admit, I do feel like I have to give him high charisma every play through... just because of who he is, which detracts from my point somewhat). KotOR 2 seems to make the Exile "the character you play" more than *your* character, from what I've read on spoiler forums anyway.


On a side note: I'm not particularly anti-KotoR2, I'm looking forward to it- but the true protagonist of the series will always be Revan for me.


Here's hoping to see him return as a playable character, even if he has to get amnesia again :rolleyes: (I know it's unlikely :geek: )

  Ulicus said:
People complained about it "not being their character" when they found out they were Revan, but that's crap - KotOR made Revan *your* character, not just a character you played (though I admit, I do feel like I have to give him high charisma every play through... just because of who he is, which detracts from my point somewhat).  KotOR 2 seems to make the Exile "the character you play" more than *your* character, from what I've read on spoiler forums anyway.



That's not really the case, though. While there are flashbacks and conversations regarding historical events, you can still provide your own little twist on the events that took place. The Council is still going to exile you, but your arguments in front of it might be quite a bit different from mine. There are also a number of times when people come up to you and basically say, "I remember you from..." In those cases, you always have a list of options ranging from "Haven't got a clue who you are," all the way to, "Hello again!" And the game never provides any prodding as to whether you remember these people or not.


I like the Exile better for this reason alone: you have control over your past. In Kotor1, the answers to questions were always vague, no specifics. But in K2, with the answers to NPCs questions about your character, you have the freedom to choose if you are vague or specific about things. You could choose your reasons for going to war, for following Revan, for coming back to the council. Also, there are certain parts

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It really made a difference to me, personally, when I would talk with different characters and responded how I thought my character would.


  junior said:
  Ulicus said:
People complained about it "not being their character" when they found out they were Revan, but that's crap - KotOR made Revan *your* character, not just a character you played (though I admit, I do feel like I have to give him high charisma every play through... just because of who he is, which detracts from my point somewhat).  KotOR 2 seems to make the Exile "the character you play" more than *your* character, from what I've read on spoiler forums anyway.



That's not really the case, though. While there are flashbacks and conversations regarding historical events, you can still provide your own little twist on the events that took place. The Council is still going to exile you, but your arguments in front of it might be quite a bit different from mine. There are also a number of times when people come up to you and basically say, "I remember you from..." In those cases, you always have a list of options ranging from "Haven't got a clue who you are," all the way to, "Hello again!" And the game never provides any prodding as to whether you remember these people or not.



That is exactly what I am talking about. You can give your character personality and history.



I agree completely.... well said. A mid-life-crisis amnesiac can only be so interesting, as far as the things that form him. Although, if we had a chance to form him... maybe. The Exile's the more interesting hero, though, so I'd still prefer him. I like it if hero's don't have the world revolving around them... but are still very important.

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