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First of all the first game was too easy, and the sequel is WAY easier than the original. Its painfully easy. I never even had the slight risk of losing a battle and I don't think I'm some super-human player. Its just too frickin' easy.



I enjoyed the game, though after finishing it I'd say it isn't quite the smash the first one was. The problem with it was the same problem a lot of people had with the Matrix sequels. The first half(Matrix 2) was great and hinted at a larger mystery and a ton of revelations down the line. Then the 3rd part(Matrix 3) proceeds to answer none of those questions and replaces it with a non-styop battle sequence and when that sequence is done, the movie is over and you're scratching your head wondering why it has so many plot points left hanging.


The dialogue thing REALLY irks you by the time you're towards the end of the game and was tempting me to stop playing by sheer annyance factor.


Another problem is that this game is perhaps the arch-enemy of power gamers. It just has no rhyme or reason at times. Instead of having the benefit of the shops that you could visit, etc. you get random events like fighting at the end alone and having random items like Dominator gloves, GMC belts, and cool un-seen items pop out of b-class Sith and by that time you're not caring. Another example is how you never find a silver crystal until you're alone in Kreia's lair.


By the time I got all the pieces for HK I'm on the last leg and he NEVER got used.


So the final break down is that whereas Sith Lords is a huge improvement in aspects of item and weapon designing, force powers, fighting styles, clothing and other things we all were begging for on the bioware forums.. it also takes a big step back on aspects that the original did good on. Ie Having an overall plan, placing items where you can get them and USE them for a bit, giving the characters a past and most importantly dialogue.


I enjoyed the game a lot, but it makes no sense to give Mira, Atton Rand, the Handmaiden, the Droids and Bao all sub-plots if you have zero intention of ever resolving them. If the original was an A+ on my scale, the sequel is probably a strong B, (oh and WTF was with the ending?.. I know we all begged to lose the cheesy ceremony, but damn)



The designers should have just waited until February rather than releasing an incomplete X-Box version.





to me this game feels rushed. IMO lucasarts leaned on Obsidian to get it done for xmas, and as a result we have bugs and a very abrubt ending. Classic signs of force out early.

  GSpotFrenzy said:



to me this game feels rushed. IMO lucasarts leaned on Obsidian to get it done for xmas, and as a result we have bugs and a very abrubt ending. Classic signs of force out early.



A good theory, though it is slightly flawed. The truth is, like many of us on this mb, LucasArts and Obsidian really really hate American XBox owners. We hates them :- And what better way to upset them then to make them think we're doing them a favor by releasing it early, but making it full of bugs. muahhaahahahah, long live the PC owners :cool:

  ryan12177 said:
First of all the first game was too easy, and the sequel is WAY easier than the original. Its painfully easy. I never even had the slight risk of losing a battle and I don't think I'm some super-human player. Its just too frickin' easy.



I enjoyed the game, though after finishing it I'd say it isn't quite the smash the first one was. The problem with it was the same problem a lot of people had with the Matrix sequels. The first half(Matrix 2) was great and hinted at a larger mystery and a ton of revelations down the line. Then the 3rd part(Matrix 3) proceeds to answer none of those questions and replaces it with a non-styop battle sequence and when that sequence is done, the movie is over and you're scratching your head wondering why it has so many plot points left hanging.


The dialogue thing REALLY irks you by the time you're towards the end of the game and was tempting me to stop playing by sheer annyance factor.


Another problem is that this game is perhaps the arch-enemy of power gamers. It just has no rhyme or reason at times. Instead of having the benefit of the shops that you could visit, etc. you get random events like fighting at the end alone and having random items like Dominator gloves, GMC belts, and cool un-seen items pop out of b-class Sith and by that time you're not caring. Another example is how you never find a silver crystal until you're alone in Kreia's lair.


By the time I got all the pieces for HK I'm on the last leg and he NEVER got used.


So the final break down is that whereas Sith Lords is a huge improvement in aspects of item and weapon designing, force powers, fighting styles, clothing and other things we all were begging for on the bioware forums.. it also takes a big step back on aspects that the original did good on. Ie Having an overall plan, placing items where you can get them and USE them for a bit, giving the characters a past and most importantly dialogue.


I enjoyed the game a lot, but it makes no sense to give Mira, Atton Rand, the Handmaiden, the Droids and Bao all sub-plots if you have zero intention of ever resolving them. If the original was an A+ on my scale, the sequel is probably a strong B, (oh and WTF was with the ending?.. I know we all begged to lose the cheesy ceremony, but damn)



The designers should have just waited until February rather than releasing an incomplete X-Box version.


Dude, I agree 100%.


The DS ending was seriously... egh, I don't even know. I'm so ****ing confused right now. :-


To get them to turn, you must gain influence, or, in the case of handmaiden, complete her echani duel training and pick the right conversation choices.


I liked the story of the first one better, which is not something I expected (seeing as how planescape torment was one of my favorite games of all time).


I think the choice of planets was wrong, they should have focused the story around the exile. For instance, have him/her visit places from the Mandolorian wars that had a great impact on the exile (like Dxun and what malachor V could have been if it had been more than just one big sith/dark jedi factory :thumbsup: )


For most of the game, i felt like a passenger. The story was supposed to be about me, but only certain scenes really made me feel like it.


I dig the force echo thing, I like Kreia's motivations. I like most of the NPC's, except even exhausting their influence dialogues I don't really get the feeling that I have changed them all that much. Sure, they glow like a christmas tree (I am LS master), but until the Ravager event Visas was still a meanie...I missed the character specific quests that the first game had.


It also bugged me the way the Jedi Masters were just wiped out on Dantooine by Kreia. I was playing a repentent Jedi, but never got the oppurtunity to really do much with them. The convo's at the end of the planets was not enough, IMO.


The ending sucked, in that we never get to speak to the rest of the party members. That REALLY bugs me. Kreia narrating what happens to them is not cool enough. I was okay with the narrative ending of the planets (though some cutscenes would have helped a lot). I loved the revelations of the main character as Reven in the first one, and what goes down on the unknown planet (especially if you chose DS), but there does not seem anything equally cool in this game. I know they have stated no big surprise in this game, which is fine...but nothing else compensated for its being absent.


All the game-play aspects were much improved, stances were cool, new cool animations, I dug the prestige classes. Random item generation for the most part sucked (come-on, a blaster rifle on a Dark Jedi?). I ended up with all kinds of ranged crud. And one last thing, no level cap but a fixed amount of xp. So whats the difference? I did everything I could, but ended up at 27 (15 guardian/12 weapon master). And way too easy...


The ending did feel rushed. I don't know what else to say. I enjoyed it, but all in all not as much as the first. ;)


I hope if they make another one, we follow the path of Reven into the real Sith Empire...


Maybe they are tyring to make it more Star Warsish. The first star wars movie ended with an awards ceremony similar to how LS Kotor 1 ended. ESB ended fast and didn't really have an ending, just set things up for a sequel. Maybe that's what they were shooting for with this game.


I definatly need to play the game over again, there are crapload of things I missed from what I've been reading.


Now I'm off to reload and interrogate Kreia before I kill her, I didn't get any info out of her last time. :thumbsup:

  Master_Splinter said:
  GSpotFrenzy said:



to me this game feels rushed. IMO lucasarts leaned on Obsidian to get it done for xmas, and as a result we have bugs and a very abrubt ending. Classic signs of force out early.



A good theory, though it is slightly flawed. The truth is, like many of us on this mb, LucasArts and Obsidian really really hate American XBox owners. We hates them :devil: And what better way to upset them then to make them think we're doing them a favor by releasing it early, but making it full of bugs. muahhaahahahah, long live the PC owners :cool:




"Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill."

Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade.

Edited for content


"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud

Maybe they are tyring to make it more Star Warsish. The first star wars movie ended with an awards ceremony similar to how LS Kotor 1 ended. ESB ended fast and didn't really have an ending, just set things up for a sequel. Maybe that's what they were shooting for with this game.


That's just the problem- KotOR was a homage to the ENTIRE Star Wars trilogy and could be split up into three parts:


Taris and then becoming a Jedi at the end "I am honoured to welcome you fully into the Jedi Order" being the A New Hope Section


Planet Hopping and then the "I AM YOUR FATHER/YOU WERE MY MASTER!" moment and the "omg, one of the characters is in the enemies clutches!" Being the Empire Strikes Back section


And then everything after that leading up to Revan's redemption/return being the Return of the Jedi section.


I hope KotOR 2 is better than everyone here is making it sound.

  Ulicus said:
Maybe they are tyring to make it more Star Warsish. The first star wars movie ended with an awards ceremony similar to how LS Kotor 1 ended. ESB ended fast and didn't really have an ending, just set things up for a sequel. Maybe that's what they were shooting for with this game.


That's just the problem- KotOR was a homage to the ENTIRE Star Wars trilogy and could be split up into three parts:


Taris and then becoming a Jedi at the end "I am honoured to welcome you fully into the Jedi Order" being the A New Hope Section


Planet Hopping and then the "I AM YOUR FATHER/YOU WERE MY MASTER!" moment and the "omg, one of the characters is in the enemies clutches!" Being the Empire Strikes Back section


And then everything after that leading up to Revan's redemption/return being the Return of the Jedi section.


I hope KotOR 2 is better than everyone here is making it sound.


Don't get me wrong, the game is one of the best I've ever played, it's just the ending was a bit lacking, the DS ending anyway..


Even then, I missed a lot of sidequests and other cool **** throughout the game, and from what I've been reading I didn't catch everything that went on towards the finale either.


I'm gonna create another character soon and try to do everything this time, I'm sure it'll be much better.


Don't listen to these losers.. TSL is ****ing awesome!!! (w00t)


Another thing Iv'e discovered is that it doesn't seem to ahve the re-playabilityu with me that the original did. I re-played the original forever until I got tired of it. I'm doing my darkside run with Sith Lords and having to force myself to do it because I know no matter what it ends in a ****ty way. Maybe I'm being too hard on it, but its just not as good as the first amd I expected it to be way better.

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