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Little Baron

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A quote from me


Also the seperation of church and state has been twisted over the years. It was a provision to keep the church safe from the government not vice versa. Remeber the original settlers were leaving England partially because of its state sponsored church.


A quote from taks


the separation of church and state, btw, is actually a misnomer. read the constitution and you'll notice it does not explicitly state "separation of church and state." this is a key point and underlies what this clause is actually intended for. the intent is purely a catch-all so the government does not form a national religion. this clause is abused more than any...


Holy cow I was begining to think I was the only one to understand this. :D


Quite frankly I am tired of listening to our fair weather friends across the ocean. Everyone is happy to have america as a friend if they need something or have something to gain, but as soon as America looks for help and there is nothing to be gained our so called friends turn their backs on us. They call us idiots because we do not think or act like them. Di said it best our ancestors left because they didn't like living under your rules. Also if you think other governments can not affect things in the US with their policies look at China and relise you are dead wrong.

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Quite frankly I am tired of listening to our fair weather friends across the ocean.  Everyone is happy to have america as a friend if they need something or have something to gain, but as soon as America looks for help and there is nothing to be gained our so called friends turn their backs on us.  They call us idiots because we do not think or act like them.  Di said it best our ancestors left because they didn't like living under your rules.  Also if you think other governments can not affect things in the US with their policies look at China and relise you are dead wrong.

We don't think your idiots because you don't think or act like us, but because you want someone like Bush to be your president. A man that is more hated around the world than Saddam Hussein himself. Personally I don

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Its also one of the reason why I have a certain amount of disdain for the United States.  Especially when its representatives seek to spout off religious rhetoric for the justification of their policies.


you not listen to darque? conquering nations (including indigenous american peoples,) has been killing folks since the dawn of time... and the u.s. has been no more likely to use God as an excuse than most others.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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World War III, I mean.


[John Kerry has officially conceded].





Not to mention, America is now headed directly back to the social conservatism of the 50's. Complete Republican control bought with promises of Christian moral values (really! It was the #1 concern of Bush-voters!*). The potential impact on the supreme court alone could be [will be] devastating, but with no-one to stop them they will pretty much be doing whatever they want.


*and because of this, even the Dems still in office are going to start turning socially conservative in order to survive. Here, I thought that ruining the country's reputation and economy were important things to consider, when all that really matters is whether or not gay people can get married. Silly me.


Good times, good times.



Civil war in USA would need to happen B4 WW3 broke out IMO... Hmm check this out :wacko:



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uhh well nartwak you do put yourself in the same catagory of many Americans in foreign peoples minds when you attack someone like that... You have an afinity for put downs like that.


For example I asked in the question to the devs thread if kotorII being their first project made a difference in the quality of the game.. And you blatantly attacked me... Break the trend I'd say...


Although I agree that dichotomy isn't a great method of operation.

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Its also one of the reason why I have a certain amount of disdain for the United States.  Especially when its representatives seek to spout off religious rhetoric for the justification of their policies.

oh yeah, it's our current people that did that to the indian nation... good call there. showing some real clever thought on that one... give me a break. do you speak in anything other than rhetoric?



comrade taks... just because.

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We don't think your idiots because you don't think or act like us, but because you want someone like Bush to be your president.

because, at the very least, he has balls enough to admit what's wrong with the world.


A man that is more hated around the world than Saddam Hussein himself.

oh boy, that really makes sense. at the very least, bush isn't killing his own people. of course, the rest of the world hates bush because he wasn't bribing them like saddam was. two for you, none for us. bummer.


Personally I don

comrade taks... just because.

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Actually there are plenty of instances which the current government continues to deprive the Native Americans of their own rightful property. In one such case involves the Black Hills which the Supreme Court has indeed ruled that the land was taken illegally but instead of allowing the native tribe to reclaim the land they wish to give them hundreds of millions of dollars. The Sioux, if memory serves, do not want the money. They want their land back for it is sacred to them with their own religious customs and traditions yet the US government denies this even they themselves have said they were in the wrong.

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PoTC's quotes in bold... quote thing didn't want to work, not sure why.

Bush got roughly 25% of the USA peoples vote. The main section of his voters are blinded by a 2 party system.

uh, 30%, actually. 200 million eligible voters or so. under 18 can't vote...



The Bush admin has used fear for their advantage, the more fearful a person in the USA is, the more likely their vote goes for Bush.

? afraid of what? oppressive taxes, tomb to womb welfare state (thanks di) endless catering to the smallest of minorities, public education??? yeah, i'm afraid of those things... mostly because THEY DON'T WORK!


Same with religion. The more religious someoen is here, the bigger chance they support Bush. Just like most dictators-evil kings etcetc in the past, Bush is using the religion card to gain sheep to follow him.

i'm an atheist.


Not to mention Kerry was not a good candidate, or at least didnt do **** of a job making himself out to be one until the debates. That hurt him alot.

aha! a statement i can agree with. kerry could NEVER have made himself into a good candidate.


Then we have the possibility that Bush didn't even get the majority of the vote or the needed electoral college votes. Die Bold CEO, the largest electronic voting system used on election day, has been noted to support Bush in every way attending high $ plate party fund raisers at Bushs 'ranch' bunker, and they have no paper trails!

good god, it's a conspiracy i tell you! wait a minute... still banging the same drum are we? get over yourself. you aren't even original. i can find better conspiracies on the web... oh wait, that's where you get this from, isn't it? :rolleyes:


Republican Bush supporter makes the voting machines with no paper trails.

you're right, over 100 million votes to cast and dozens of positions to vote for (as well as other measures)... we should still be hand counting them. good call there. wake up to the digital age buddy. the very same technology that provides this portal will be increasingly prevalent in our lives. it is unavoidable in a society this complex and this large.



Republican in Ohio(the key state which won the election) sets Die Bold as one of the electronic voting machines used in Ohio.

gasp! oh my, we're doooooomed. evidence please... evidence.


Republican wins the election.

uh, yeah. opponent not good remember...


Republicans stunning the nation with just about every vote they were watching went their way.

an increasingly conservative state... however, most conservatives aren't. they just run under that moniker.


In my state, Oregon, where assisted suicide, abortion, and medical marijuana is legal,turned down gay marriage as legitimate?!?! This reeks of foul play IMO.

ut oh, who did poopies?


four completely unrelated concepts, btw. not really all that amazing. homosexuality is one of the few remaining "fears" in our society. people just don't like it. sorry to those that are gay, but them's the facts. is it right? probably not, but i don't really care. IMO, nobody has the right to marry. it's not in the constitution. the fed should get out of the biz...


Many have called me crazy or a conspiracy theorist for bringing that point up, but that just doesn't seem quite right to me.....

nothing seems "quite right" to you and quite frankly, it's pretty old. won't question your ridiculous ideas?


Ya... Well you see Americans(least the ones that vote, on either side) are largely idiots.. lol. And they are easily influenced by the media. For many it's hard to see easily logical things because of their blinding idiocy provided by the media here.


all this nonsense and you're qualified to be judging logic??? how many times do i have to point out logical flaws in nearly every one of your arguments? the general population may be influenced by the media, but you take the cake for being influenced by every nutjob site claiming some new theory that's sure to prove "the conspiracy."




edit: quotes are broke and i can't figure it out...

comrade taks... just because.

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Actually there are plenty of instances which the current government continues to deprive the Native Americans of their own rightful property.  In one such case involves the Black Hills which the Supreme Court has indeed ruled that the land was taken illegally but instead of allowing the native tribe to reclaim the land they wish to give them hundreds of millions of dollars.  The Sioux, if memory serves, do not want the money.  They want their land back for it is sacred to them with their own religious customs and traditions yet  the US government denies this even they themselves have said they were in the wrong.

uh, i didn't say anything about that... i implied we're not to blame for what happened 200 years ago (you know, the whole genocide thing). did i say it in a quiet voice?



comrade taks... just because.

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why on earth are you using blue text?

I like it better. Why else? lol


Plus it helps define my text from quotes etc..


"This format is way easier to read quotes from my text"





"This format is way easier to read quotes from my text"





"This format is way easier to read quotes from my text"





"This format is way easier to read quotes from my text"






"compared to this"




"compared to this"




"compared to this"




"compared to this"



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