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Heres an interesting point Luke managed to be successful were Anakin failed miserably. He resisted the dark side to the point he almost died from that shriveled prune of a sith. Realizings his son's dedication to the light side Vader finally understood that the light will always be stronger then the light. The thing that seperated Anakin from Luke was that Luke made the choice to save his friends and his sister. Friends and Family are things that Anakin didn't really have any so he had nothing to hold on to.


In the first Jedi Knight game Kyle becomes a Sith but his love for whats her face brought him back. Then in Outcast when he thought she had died he snapped and almost went to the Dark side to bring her back. But when he found out she was alive he lost any hint of the Dark Side within himself. So my theory is that Love lost can lead to the Dark side, thats probably why the Jedi Masters don't wany Jedi to love. But, love found can bring people away from the dark side, Bastilla if u went light and followed the romance path. And well ya enjoy


Right you are Darth Abomination :thumbsup: .

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Well you cant blame the master if the student falls. Simply look at Qui-Gon Jinn. His master (Dooku) fell, yet he remained in the light. Yoda (who is the best teacher) was the teacher of Dooku. Would you say Yoda failed because he lost a student. Some members of the Jedi Council fell to the dark side (despite having more wisdom than any Jedi Knights). The choice always is with the individual, not the master. You cant blame Obi-wan for Anakins fall.


And just because Obi-wan only physically trained Luke for a short time doesnt mean that he didnt have a hand in Lukes maturation as a Jedi. He continued to guide him as a spirit...even after Yoda died, so he had as big a hand in it as Yoda.

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The whole existentialism theory flies out the window here. As someone quoted before, something about there not being choice where the force is involced. So in actuality Anakin falling to the dark side, was a choice, but, a choice that was pre-determined?

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what annoys me is in the original trilogy obi-wan keeps saying that yoda trained him when qui-gonn did that would be a sensible change for lucas to make in the special edition hence lucas did not make that change. anakin's fall was his own choice and wasn't predicted to happen to the chosen one and the future fortold doesnt mean it's controlled the chosen one thing was anakin's own chosing just because it was known about earlier doesn't mean it was out of anakin's control. and the fate stuff could be explained as fate gives the opportunity but choice is where someone takes that opportunity qui-gonn chose to train anakin but fate led to the circumstances where that was a possibility. and so on nuf said from me now stop whining

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Yoda trained all the young Jedi hopefuls including Obi Wan, he gave them basic training and then they were assigned as apprentices to other Jedi Knights or Masters. What I am saying is that a padawan already has a lot of training behind him when he starts travelling around with an older Jedi.

Qui Gonn said the Chosen One will bring balance to the force not swift triumph for the light side. And in the end it was the Chosen One that truly defeated the Emperor.

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before Sidious it was unbalanced because the light side was stronger. Then when The Empire was created, the Dark side became stronger than the light. Luke becoming a Jedi and the death of Vader and Sidious, balanced it out again.


No, no, the Balance of the force doesn't mean a balance of Light and Dark, it means there is no Darkside, the Sith and the Darkside throw the force out of balance.....becuase at first there was the Jedi, who used to force to protect, then Jedi started leaving and etc. and the Sith was born (once they found Korriban and the original Sith Race) And then the force was thrown out of balance....


....to bring a balance to the force the Darkside must be eliminated....but it never will.....THE DARKSIDE IS MUCH TOO POWERFUL :)

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to bring a balance to the force the Darkside must be eliminated....but it never will.....THE DARKSIDE IS MUCH TOO POWERFUL


Well that totaly screws the idea of the profecy of Anakin bringing the force back into balance doesn't it.


I'm gonna go with Hallowed_be_thy_name on this one.

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question what was dooku doing during ep 1 was he trained by sidious than and was well hidden, was he manipulated by palpatine when he was a jedi like anakin? if palpatine trained dooku and maul at the same time then that would be breaking the rule of there being only two. If he wasn't being trained at this time than he must have had a quick crash course in the ds for palpatine to turn him and then train him up pretty good but then again yoda trained him so he must be pretty good in the force anyhow.


Nooo I hope I don't continue making these long posts this is a fall to the dark side for me

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I think that Dooku left the Jedi because he felt they were unable to do anything right. I don't think that he was really into the Dark Side. But again he may have felt to the DS after the death of Qui Qon with the purpose of destroying SIdious, but in the way he bacem corrupted.

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom

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before Sidious it was unbalanced because the light side was stronger. Then when The Empire was created, the Dark side became stronger than the light. Luke becoming a Jedi and the death of Vader and Sidious, balanced it out again.


No, no, the Balance of the force doesn't mean a balance of Light and Dark, it means there is no Darkside, the Sith and the Darkside throw the force out of balance.....becuase at first there was the Jedi, who used to force to protect, then Jedi started leaving and etc. and the Sith was born (once they found Korriban and the original Sith Race) And then the force was thrown out of balance....


....to bring a balance to the force the Darkside must be eliminated....but it never will.....THE DARKSIDE IS MUCH TOO POWERFUL :p


Nightsister Clans are Force Witches and they ahve been around since the founding of the Jedi Order... the Darkside is not a fan club, it is how you live, even non force users equal the Darkside, hence whole planets like Dagobah having Dark Force Aurors

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For there to be balance there must be both a Lightside and a Darkside. Or neither.


Dooku left the Jedi Order because he felt that the Jedi wasted their talent serving an institution as corrupt as the Republic. As Mace Windu put it: "Dooku is a political idealist". Dooku started out as an idealist, and left the Order with the best of intentions, but he was corrupted along the way by Sidious. I can't really say whether Dooku/Tyranus was a Sith or a Dark Jedi, because I don't know enough about him and whether he fully embraced the Sith ideals. If he did then he was a true Sith. If not then he was merely a Dark Jedi.


And for the record Obi-Wan Kenobi is a badass and certainly deserves Master status.

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before Sidious it was unbalanced because the light side was stronger. Then when The Empire was created, the Dark side became stronger than the light. Luke becoming a Jedi and the death of Vader and Sidious, balanced it out again.


No, no, the Balance of the force doesn't mean a balance of Light and Dark, it means there is no Darkside, the Sith and the Darkside throw the force out of balance.....becuase at first there was the Jedi, who used to force to protect, then Jedi started leaving and etc. and the Sith was born (once they found Korriban and the original Sith Race) And then the force was thrown out of balance....



Yes, this must have been the Jedi Council's take on the prophecy of the Chosen One. Well, why should any Jedi want a balance if it involves the death of the Order? They knew about their weakness to use the force at that time (EpII). That's their interpretation of imbalance.

"Jedi poodoo!" - some displeased Dug


S.L.J. said he has already filmed his death scene and was visibly happy that he

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