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Weekend Programmer

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Hi Akari,


I was wondering if there will be a variation in the styles and colors of the robes independent of what side you choose. I ask because so far I've seen in the trailer the old Ben Kenobi style and the dark robes, and assuming like the original game these will have bonuses based on alignment, I was hoping to see a little variation, though I like playing a LS character I've always liked the dark robed style (Like Anakin in Ep2) over the standard Jedi one Do you know anything about this? I know it's nothing major but just curious.


Will there be Jedi and Sith armor? Something resembling knight armors that can be used with Force powers? Sorry if this was asked before.


Will we be able to use helmets? Those masks in the first game seemed a bit weird without helmets or hoods.


I was also wondering how come I haven't seen any use of the prequel trilogy aliens just the OT? I would have really loved to see characters that are from Prequel races like Kel Dor (Plo Koon), Zabrak (Darth Maul), Iktotchi (Saesee Tiin), Nautolan (Kit Fisto), etc.


Thanks a lot.

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But I can afford to super size my Burger King dollar menu meal, at least.  :unsure:



He is one for your list of quotes Old Skool!


Also i heard some thing about lightsabre styles mentioned. Does that mean different animations or will each style have bonuses?

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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i threw this one out there earlier but it was never commented on. can the apprentice ba an alien?

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together

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when will we get to see pics of some of the lightsaber colors like silver/white?

No idea. :unsure: We've had them in the game for a while, so it's just a matter of screen shots being taken with them...



thanx for the info B)

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together

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Will jedi party-members faces become more 'evil' looking as they fall to the darkside, or is this still unique to the player character?


I'm not sure. I suspect *not*. Most of the NPC models are the whole body and head, whereas the PC (and most human NPCs) are a body model and a head body, which lets us alter the appearance of their head without having to make a whole new model. I know there are some NPCs that do change appearance throughout the game, but it isn't automatically happening because of alignment shifts.


Also will we be able to steal and equip items (masks/armour etc) we take from defeated sith lords? for instance will we be able to wear the skull-mask of the sith lord in all the artwork?


No idea on this one, sorry. :unsure:



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I know there are some NPCs that do change appearance throughout the game, but it isn't automatically happening because of alignment shifts.



Interesting! I wonder who and why?

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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I know there are some NPCs that do change appearance throughout the game, but it isn't automatically happening because of alignment shifts.



Interesting! I wonder who and why?

Does the PC?

is there an exact number of possible npcs yet?

Let me make it easier to answer Akari...


Can you give us a rough guesstimate of possible npc's? Just like "more than 12" or something.... :unsure:

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Did you manage to get the code for the focusing of force powers to work?


I'm not sure what this is referring to.


It was something I posted in questions to the devs




Will I be able to concentrate my force powers on a specific person?

For instance force storm could shock multiple opponents for a quite reasonable amount of damage, could I focus this attack on one person thus causing more damage to that one person while leaving the others unharmed.


For which the answer was


Something like that is being looked into... we'll see if the code cooperates.




Can I use t3 as a coffee machine (oh god please say yes)


May I slaughter gungans? (or however its spelt)


Negative to both. Sorry. :lol:

:unsure: *Sniffle*


Force crush looks to be an instant kill force power, is this so?


I don't THINK so... I didn't implement it, but I believe that it's just an insanely high damage move. It might do enough damage to instant kill the average enemy though.


Excellent *Chillingly evil laugh*


Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions :)

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Akari seems to be trying to answer questions in the order they were given, so please stop cluttering the thread by telling him all questions but yours should be ignored.    <_<

Yeah, I am. Though I'm going to start skipping repeated questions (because they're starting to pop up). One thing I really hate doing is repeating myself. I prefer to answer something once then let those that know the answer spread the knowledge to others that come along and don't know it yet. It's like a pyramid scheme of information. B)



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Can you turn off the icons for the status summary?

Hm... I think that option was already in KotOR1 now that you mention it. I don't believe it's been changed any.



No, that was the little pop-up, not the icons that appeared at the top, like the XP icon and LS/ DS icons...just want the realism to compliment the less thuggish DS options.... :unsure:

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Figure it out.

Hummmm, didn't you originally say something rude! Where has that gone???

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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