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The Master Apprentice Relationship

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I wouldn't mind not being able to have an apprentice. Being one and then turning on your master sounds sweet enough for me. :D


That'd be an interesting theme for KotOR3 though, if we were able to keep out KotOR2 character somehow.

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Here's my take on Atris, which I'm re-posting; because I don't want what I've written to get drowned under an unnecessary discussion.


My bet is that as soon as our character becomes powerful enough, he'll attract the attention of the Sith Lords as an emerging Force-user. They'll want to take our character on as an apprentice -an offer which we can resist, or accept. When playing DS, we could appear to be the ally of one of the Sith Lords in destroying the rest of the lords and the republic -and the game would conclude by the ultimate confrontation between our former master, and our character. So again in the end the main character would have become *the* Sith Lord.


Atris, similarly, could be tracking us secretly, only to reveal herself at the right moment -when the player character reaches a certain level, attains certain feats, or completes certain quests- to take him on as her own apprentice. Then, she'd join the party, but only as our 'master' -maybe she'd have a different status than other party members, meaning that while our character's supposed to be the 'leader', that wouldn't apply to Atris-.


and....the game in this case could end, in an epic battle between the main character, Atris -his master-, and the strongest Sith Lord who probably had his rivals eliminated by then. Atris would die -yes, in true 'duel of the fates' fashion- and it would be the main character that strikes down the evil lord. Atris's dying words then would be that the main character is to found the new Jedi order.


Now both these ending-speculations are somewhat in tune with what the devs. have been telling about the ending of TSL so far: Bad things happening to good people; a 'happy' ending with a bitter taste; and ending that would really be pointing towards a seuel, etc...

Zwangvolle Plage!


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Why do we have to have another Master? <_<


Why not have the either the white-haired chick, or that other one who people thought was Atris, as the daughter of Onderon, who aftr the conflict, flees with you, you find her either to be force sensitive, or a jedi padawan, who you then can train? At the right moment of course.... :)


And of course having that nice bittersweet ending? :)

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Here's my take on Atris, which I'm re-posting; because I don't want what I've written to get drowned under an unnecessary discussion.


My bet is that as soon as our character becomes powerful enough, he'll attract the attention of the Sith Lords as an emerging Force-user. They'll want to take our character on as an apprentice -an offer which we can resist, or accept. When playing DS, we could appear to be the ally of one of the Sith Lords in destroying the rest of the lords and the republic -and the game would conclude by the ultimate confrontation between our former master, and our character. So again in the end the main character would have become *the* Sith Lord.


Atris, similarly, could be tracking us secretly, only to reveal herself at the right moment -when the player character reaches a certain level, attains certain feats, or completes certain quests- to take him on as her own apprentice. Then, she'd join the party, but only as our 'master' -maybe she'd have a different status than other party members, meaning that while our character's supposed to be the 'leader', that wouldn't apply to Atris-.


and....the game in this case could end, in an epic battle between the main character, Atris -his master-, and the strongest Sith Lord who probably had his rivals eliminated by then. Atris would die -yes, in true 'duel of the fates' fashion- and it would be the main character that strikes down the evil lord. Atris's dying words then would be that the main character is to found the new Jedi order.


Now both these ending-speculations are somewhat in tune with what the devs. have been telling about the ending of TSL so far: Bad things happening to good people; a 'happy' ending with a bitter taste; and ending that would really be pointing towards a seuel, etc...

i like that idea but i still would like 2 have an apprentice. maybe atris is struck down before the end of the game and she was ur master until then like u said and after she is struck down u start rebuilding the order by finding an apprentice and training him/her. and maybe the sith flees after he kills atris. and maybe the sith is none other than the maksed dude.

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together

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I just don't know, I find the concept of the player character having an apprentice completely unrealistic. Though I'm not certain, it is my impression that the PC is a relatively young person, while that person might be strong in the Force like Anakin, there hasn't been the years of experience to actually master the craft of being a Jedi, especially to the point where you are ready to teach this to someone else. I'm not even taking into account that the player is supposed to have been exiled and unconnected to the Force (Or whatever happened to the character) between the Mandalorian Wars and the present.


And I don't know exactly over how long a period of time the story of KotOR II is supposed to take but I seriously doubt the storyline takes place over years and decades for the PC to continue to grow and mature enough to be able to become a true Jedi Master (such as Qui-Gon and Mace Windu). Personally I would prefer if the PC does not have an apprentice, but I know I'm in the minority. I guess the way I see it, it is very similar to one of the reviews I read which compared the first Matrix movie with the sequels: The journey to becoming the Chose One is always much more compelling and interesting than what happens once that person gets there.

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I just don't know, I find the concept of the player character having an apprentice completely unrealistic. Though I'm not certain, it is my impression that the PC is a relatively young person, while that person might be strong in the Force like Anakin, there hasn't been the years of experience to actually master the craft of being a Jedi, especially to the point where you are ready to teach this to someone else. I'm not even taking into account that the player is supposed to have been exiled and unconnected to the Force (Or whatever happened to the character) between the Mandalorian Wars and the present.


And I don't know exactly over how long a period of time the story of KotOR II is supposed to take but I seriously doubt the storyline takes place over years and decades for the PC to continue to grow and mature enough to be able to become a true Jedi Master (such as Qui-Gon and Mace Windu). Personally I would prefer if the PC does not have an apprentice, but I know I'm in the minority. I guess the way I see it, it is very similar to one of the reviews I read which compared the first Matrix movie with the sequels: The journey to becoming the Chose One is always much more compelling and interesting than what happens once that person gets there.

what about obi wan? he started training anakin very young. i know things went wrong there but im just sayin that he did. and actually its not his fault that anakin turned i think. B)

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together

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Like I said, it just doesn't feel right to me. I don't think the PC has sufficient knowledge of the Force and the Order itself to be able to be a teacher to someone else. The result of Jolee and his wife is a perfect example on how someone who isn't a Master results attempting to teach someone else. Personally there are a lot of doctrines and restrictions I find dumb within the Jedi, so goody too shoes (sp?) I'm not, I think it's unrealistic for the PC to get an apprentice given his background, standing, and the length of time the game takes place in.


Obi-Wan is as good a guess as any I can make ;)

I'm not certain how old Obi-Wan is supposed to be in the Prequels nor how old he was supposed to be by Ep4. I think the Council allowed Obi-Wan to train Anakin since he had made the promise to Qui-Gon and he told Yoda he'd train Anakin with or without the Council's approval. But I think Obi-Wan was never meant to have an apprentice so early himself, he'd just been knighted when he took Anakin on. However I do agree with you that Anakin's destruction came more about because of Palpatine's manipulations than Obi-Wan's instructions. I have no problem if they put an apprentice for the PC in the game, but it still feels wrong to me.

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and u would need all the help u can get becaause there are few jedi left. and obiwan i think is in his early twenties in TPM but im not sure. and u must take into consideration how young adi gallia and deppa bilaba were and they were on the council

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together

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He, he, I kinda hope there are more Jedi lurking around aside those in your party, though I know I'll never see LOTR size battles between Jedi and Sith I'd sure like to see as big a fight as possible.


I think it would be really cool if you can explore the nature of the Force and discuss it and stuff with people who know little or nothing about it...course many people would probably become bored instantly but I don't need to be hacking away at everything in sight in every game I play, especially RPGs where the strength is within its story and character development.


I definately want to see the exploration of the Force and the Jedi/Sith throughout the game and I'm not opposed to the inclusion of your apprentice at all. I just pointed out the impression that gives me based on the PC and the time elapsed through the story. It's not that the PC isn't strong with the Force or that he/she doesn't know how to use it; it's that the PC is not experienced and mature enough to be able to transmit this knowledge to someone else. The PC might know the book from cover to cover and know what to do and how to do it, when it needs to be done, but knowing how to teach someone else these things is different from that. But like Wheelman said maybe there will be the option to have both, maybe you can get your own apprentice in the game or decide you want to stay as an apprentice yourself longer because you don't think you're ready to teach someone else to be a Jedi. That doesn't mean the PC can't have some really great conversations with others about how he/she thinks the Force works, how the Jedi are and should be or even how to swing a Lightsaber. We'll see come winter. ;)

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