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I dont know if anyone thought of this yet but this is what I think would be good for kotor 2. in the first one, after you beat the game, that is it, nothing else after that happens. What I would think would be good is that in kotor 2, after doing all that leveling up and getting all the cool feats and force powers, after beating the game, let players continue to explore the game by being able to still go to all the planets,exploring the levels, encountering enemies etc.....


It would be nice to do that because it would really make the game last and be fun.


please leave comments if you think this is a good sugestion or bad.


I don't like it. I believe all good books, movies, AND video games must come to an end. Granted, it would still have one, but it would be more anti-climatic. The story would have less of an overall impact on me and thus make it NOT fun.


It ends where it ends. But being able to backtrack right before the final bossfight and do challanging and fun sidequests is a good idea.


There are always quests you miss for one reason or another, unless youve played through it so many times you know exactly what to do. I think it might be a good way to allow you to get around that.

And I find it kind of funny

I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I'm dying

Are the best I've ever had

  Ford_Racer said:
I dont know if anyone thought of this yet but this is what I think would be good for kotor 2. in the first one, after you beat the game, that is it, nothing else after that happens. What I would think would be good is that in kotor 2, after doing all that leveling up and getting all the cool feats and force powers, after beating the game, let players continue to explore the game by being able to still go to all the planets,exploring the levels, encountering enemies etc.....


It would be nice to do that because it would really make the game last and be fun.


please leave comments if you think this is a good sugestion or bad.

Just so you know, this already has been discussed (but searching through ALL the threads IS an understandable pain).


I do agree with ShinIchiro though.... what makes KOTOR such an amazing game is its strong story line. Example: A friend of mine watched me play this game (my 3rd time through) for a good 7 hours one day. He didn't play... just sat there and watched. The story was SO good that it was like watching a Star Wars movie (some might even argue it is even better... in light of the prequals). Most people would get bored doing what he did... but even being a big gamer himself he thuroughly enjoyed just sitting there and helping make dialogue decisions.


That is what was so great about it: the story was SO good that it felt like you were watching a movie. Plot twists, romance, rising/falling action, appropriate ammounts of time between key sequences. If you opened the game up to endless amounts of exploration without any purpose, you destroy the key appeal of the game. The movie-esq quality of the game would be non existant.


Another great aspect of the first game was how the events from earlier in the game affected the dialogue of characters you later came into contact with (i.e. destruction of Taris, winning the swoop bike race). There is no way OE w/ their time frame could really adjust people in the game's reactions to you saving the galaxy/becoming the dark lord. As a result, exploring after the fact would really be a dissapointment. Plus, encountering dark jedi would make no sense if you had already surpassed Malak and taken the title of Sith Lord (for example).


Keep in mind also that the planets are not EXTREMELY big... so what good would getting to explore them freely be? I know for me, by the time I reached Malak I had already explored just about every corner of the game (of course, I am a thurough player like that).


I think what you are really trying to remedy, through this suggestion (whether you realize it or not), is a way to make the game continue (i.e. not end). All of us who played the first game were the same way. 45 hours simply wasn't enough; we enjoyed it so much that we were sad to see it end. However, I am not even sure 100+ hours would have been enough. My point: the game is just so damn good we don't want it to end. But as ShinIchiro said, all good things must come to an end. The appeal here is the story, plane and simple. Without an end, a good story is destroyed, and thus, there would be no real draw to the game. It would be anti-climatic.


As a side note: I really do hope OE does a better job with the ending this time around. Despite its ties to the structure of the movies, a simple ceremony for the ending simply did not fullfill our desire for an ending as big as the game. Epic games need epic endings. I will be extremely disappointed if OE does not learn from Bioware's mistake.

  Ford_Racer said:


I dont know if anyone thought of this yet but this is what I think would be good for kotor 2. in the first one, after you beat the game, that is it, nothing else after that happens. What I would think would be good is that in kotor 2, after doing all that leveling up and getting all the cool feats and force powers, after beating the game, let players continue to explore the game by being able to still go to all the planets,exploring the levels, encountering enemies etc.....


It would be nice to do that because it would really make the game last and be fun.


please leave comments if you think this is a good sugestion or bad.

i thunk they should add the good old g-druid in KOTOR2

"Your total disregard for the law and human decency both disgusts me and touches my heart. Bless you, sir."

"Soilent Green is people. This guy's just a homeless heroin junkie who got in a internet caf


How about a Galaxy droid with a better appearance, instead of looking like a sentry droid it should look like a buffed up war droid, black instead of white.


Hello, I've just read through some of your posts and I must say that after playing Knights of the Old Republic (PC) I was indeed a bit dissapointed qua ending. The game was wonderful (both light and dark side) and all though there is always room for improvement it was one of the best Star Wars games I've ever played, but....there was just one little annoying detail at the end of the game namely this; the end-movies were not of such sort what I expected after playing through such a decent game with very deep and plot-twisting storyline. Especialy the light-side ending I abhored the most, after 50 or so hours of playing the goodie-goodie galactic boyscout all you get was the most corny end film in all of Star Wars history, but let us not forget the dark-side ending (though slightly more fitting) wich was still to open-ended. Personally they could've shown a bit more of an excited end-movie (some sort of inauguration ritual were Revan is given his tittle of Dark Lord of the Sith back) for both dark-and light side endings. I realy hope that the Obsidian Entertainment developers take this into acount while developing KotOR ll - the Sith Lords so that the player has a bit more of a rewarding end-movie after all the time invested. Just my own personal humble opinion if course.


And most of the side quest go along with the story line so it would make no sence going back to do them....


Yeah... this truly is intended to be a linear game to support the linear storyline. So if that isn't something you like, perhaps other games may suit your fancy.

  Lord Chimaera said:
Hello, I've just read through some of your posts and I must say that after playing Knights of the Old Republic (PC) I was indeed a bit dissapointed qua ending. The game was wonderful (both light and dark side) and all though there is always room for improvement it was one of the best Star Wars games I've ever played, but....there was just one little annoying detail at the end of the game namely this; the end-movies were not of such sort what I expected after playing through such a decent game with very deep and plot-twisting storyline. Especialy the light-side ending I abhored the most, after 50 or so hours of playing the goodie-goodie galactic boyscout all you get was the most corny end film in all of Star Wars history, but let us not forget the dark-side ending (though slightly more fitting) wich was still to open-ended. Personally they could've shown a bit more of an excited end-movie (some sort of inauguration ritual were Revan is given his tittle of Dark Lord of the Sith back) for both dark-and light side endings. I realy hope that the Obsidian Entertainment developers take this into acount while developing KotOR ll - the Sith Lords so that the player has a bit more of a rewarding end-movie after all the time invested. Just my own personal humble opinion if course.

The reason it was "open- ended" as u say was so room could be left for kotorII.


Maybe if the players were allowed to travel freely between the planets after the game was finished, and there would be newly spawned monsters in the caves/tombs/whatever, and there were new contenders in the pazaak tournaments and race tournaments? You could travel around, killing difficult monsters, defend your pazaak title and try to fight off all the new swoop contenders.


It wouldn't take much resources to refill the planets with monsters if they just reused the ones seen in the main story.. Just add a few levels to the newly spawned monsters to make them more difficult, perhaps. Same with the pazaak and swoop races. Just give the new pazaak players better starting cards and shed a few tenths of a second from the existing swoop track records.

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