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While this 'is' an excellent question. Personally, I'd just like to know what Project X even IS. But that could just be me. ;)

I find your lack of faith disturbing...


Another thing to add to this subject, I am curious about is there only 1 dev team? I would assume there is since your just getting your feet wet, but it doesn't hurt asking.

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson


If their project is KOTOR2, it's probably going to be console first release, and also optimised for the xbox given how microsoft will be releasing it and it's a big name title. i would hope that afterwards they'd focus on PC only RPGs. I can't imagine microsoft ever letting a game as niche (and as brillaint) as PS:T onto a console, nor that type of game working on the console (isometric, loads of text etc)

I would assume there is since your just getting your feet wet, but it doesn't hurt asking.




Perhaps not the best way to descripe the developers of both BGII and PS-T...


I wouldn't be suprised to see KOTOR2 released simultaneously for PC and Xbox. Spliner Cell 2 is debuting on PC and Xbox (with PS2 and GC versions coming later) even though the original SC was first an Xbox exclusive.


Part of the reason I think for the delay was because KOTOR's original PC deadline would have come out for the PC around the same time as when Star Wars Galaxies shipped on the PC and LucasArts didn't want the two products to compete for salaries. Of course, it also allowed them to focus on improving both games.

Part of the reason I think for the delay was because KOTOR's original PC deadline would have come out for the PC around the same time as when Star Wars Galaxies shipped on the PC and LucasArts didn't want the two products to compete for salaries. Of course, it also allowed them to focus on improving both games.

I don't remember if it was on the Lucasarts or Bioware site, but the reason given was that seeing as how Star Wars Galaxies was coming out, they didn't want to overwhelm Star Wars fans with two games at once. That's possibly the lamest excuse I've ever heard for an exclusive deal. I wasn't interested in Galaxies, I wanted PC KOTOR. Anyway, if this was really the case then there is no need to delay the PC release this time around.


There is no after Project X. It is infinite and timeless.

What Is Your Battle Cry?


Who is that, skulking over the plains! It is Ozymandias, hands clutching a reflective halberd! He grunts gutterally:


"I'm seriously going to punch you into the danger zone, and hit you with a steamroller!!"

I would assume there is since your just getting your feet wet, but it doesn't hurt asking.




Perhaps not the best way to descripe the developers of both BGII and PS-T...

It infers that they might not have the funds to support two dev teams, since they haven't made a game that's made any cash yet. Previous dev histories wasn't intended with this remark.


And, the BG2 part has already been addressed above. ;)

Life is like a clam. Years of filtering crap then some bastard cracks you open and scrapes you into its damned mouth, end of story.

- Steven Erikson

There is no after Project X. It is infinite and timeless.

Hahaha ;))


But seriously, wait untill Project X is announced. Don't be too greedy.

I wouldn't be suprised to see KOTOR2 released simultaneously for PC and Xbox. Spliner Cell 2 is debuting on PC and Xbox (with PS2 and GC versions coming later) even though the original SC was first an Xbox exclusive.

It will depend if MS think it's a title that will sell an Xbox or two. If they dont think its likely that people will buy an Xbox because of the delay then they wont waste the money on a "payoff".


Thats really the only reason to invest in exclusive titles.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.



For once I agree with you, Hades. I think that all of this discussion of post-Project X is rather premature at the moment considering we don't even know what the game is yet, though it's highly suspected to be KOTOR2.


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"It is more convenient to follow one's conscience than one's intelligence, for at every failure, conscience finds an excuse and an encouragement in itself. That is why there are so many conscientious and so few intelligent people." - Nietzsche


I dubt that many would go buy a xbox just because they otherwise have to wait for PC version. Personaly I did not mind having to wait for awhile for KotOR, since we got some more stuff and a more stable game on PC (except maybe that problem at leveling when we got 8 in all stats ;) ).

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