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Guys i remmeber how in the original KOTOR they had the gayest lightsaber hilt, it looked like a peace of metal (i feel like im the only one on this planet sweating over this ;) ) well i wish that in KOTOR 2 you will be able to choose your own lightsaber hilt or even better FIND PARTS TO PUT TOGETHER YOUR OWN HILT!!


Dooku used a classical form of Lightsaber battle which lead to him using a curve-handled lightsaber for better performance.


I'd like the hilt to be something that derrives from choices made by the character, not something chosen because "it looks cool".

  FireWolf said:
Dooku used a classical form of Lightsaber battle which lead to him using a curve-handled lightsaber for better performance.

I believe it's called "Form II." I read about it in a Star Wars Insider awhile back. Had a description of all the various forms of lightsaber combat. Pretty interesting stuff. ;)


"I'm guessing we will be able to soon," in reference to the lightsaber hilts.


Just to make that clear, no one ever said it'll be in the game... but they're doing what they can.




Also: While I like the idea of your hilt being affected by your choices, I don't like it. Fable forces you to look like an air-headed male model if you go good-guy hero throughout the game - something I REALLY don't like, even though the game looks cool. What I like about the idea is that custom hilts actually mean something of your character, instead of being fan art with no other purpose except to BE fan art.

  FireWolf said:
Dooku used a classical form of Lightsaber battle which lead to him using a curve-handled lightsaber for better performance.


I'd like the hilt to be something that derrives from choices made by the character, not something chosen because "it looks cool".

whatever. i'd just like it implemented.


At least some graphical representation of your character's choices would be nice. Like the character skin changed with your alignment in the first game, if youre Saber's hilt works in the same way, like as you go more to the darkside the hilt becomes darker and more, well, evil looking. If you're a light-saber weilding manic hell-bent on destruction your hilt should look appropriately aggressive. Perhaps implementing the hilt change like the force crystals in the first game. Where according to the path you've chosen you're offered specific color crystals, but if you choose you can decide to ignore the appropriate hilt and choose another.


I think it would just be nice to have a Hilt respond to the user like the weapon actually reflects the character you play.


Well since there were very few situations where a diplomatic character was a viable option in the original, I'm assuming the number of battles will be high in this sequel.


Perhaps have the colour reflect your alignment, the shape reflect your choice of Jedi path and philosophy. Aggressive lightsabers should look more designed for fighting, one who uses the force more should have a more mystical feel, neutral has a balanced saber between form and purpose.


I don't know, I'm just bouncing ideas here.


It would be cool if you could form lightsaber hilts from recoces you gather throughout the game( Say a Rancor tooth lightsaber or a Krayt Horn, ect)

Shot me down if im wrong.


Say Firewolf thats a bad pic and symble where'd you acwire it?

  • 2 weeks later...

L-5-R u actually have an idea that had been used in some of the books. one of the students at Lukes academy had a rancor tooth for her hilt. her name was tenel ka, i believe its the young jedi knight series.

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together


I'd like to have different hair styles and the choice of beards as well.


Since we're already adding cosmetic, nonfunctional, moronic stuff in the game I'd like to have a beard, which grows longer throughout the course of the game.


"Oooh, look! Those two pixels right there reflect my character! This is soo cool!"


I can only imagine the inventory filled with identically functioning light sabers, but not stackable due to their different hilts.


"What kind of dining set defines me as a person?"

"You have offended my family, and you have offended the Shaolin temple." Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon

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