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KOTOR2 Story Ideas!

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Unless something happened at the chain of command of the Sith Empire that given the Republic a edge to take or destroy the Star Forge it was only a matter of time the Republic days were over
Hence turning Bastilla. Wait a minute, when you plan as a DS male, you need bastilla to prevent the republic fleet from attacking the star forge. What the hell happens if you kill her at the temple? Do you beat malak, then blow up?


With lead us to recycle, in SWKotOR the Star Forge was the key point of the game, if a sequel makes the Star Forge a key point again .... its simply recycle.


Yea, I can see that.



The idea of fighting "the Sith empire" again would be overused, most Star Wars game do that and I rather it had someone as Xizor or simply a single powerful Sith


Well, the game is "KNIGHTS of the old republic". I'd expect jedi to play a big role. I suppose you could fight guys with blasters the whole game, but that would suck.

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You cannot kill Bastila in the Temple, if you try you simply go the LS path.


Ok, so it's safe to assume she is alive during a darkside ending. So, taht could be played with.


anyways, I see pros and cons to both ways of doing it. Nice arguing with ya 8)

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The story doesn't have to be a save the universe story.


But it should have a huge army of (clones/robots/aliens) and a (battlestar/starforge) that needs destroying, and ewoks that you can kill.


Oh, and Jar Jar Binks should be in as a required NPC.

Let's keep the T&A in FanTAsy


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Why Bio Why?

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i want to start as a jedi NOT multi class.

Starting as a Jedi requires a diferent starting of the game, I dont think its a good idea to force people down that path again.


The option sould have been given at the start, like Morrowind does with interacting with NPCs and have the character generation not at start of the game but after interacting with NPCs.


Also I think the reason most people dislike not starting as a jedi is that BioWare implementation of force powers penalized late multiclassing, personaly I hope the next RPG set in Star Wars does a better job, like we pick force feats that unlock force powers.

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KotOR not only suffered from poor multiclassing system, it suffered from a really poor choice of classes, feats and skills overall.


The GURPS inspired FO system was better than the d20 bases KotOR system, unfortunately using d20 is probably a requirement..


The story doesn't have to revolve around being a jedi either. In fact you should be able to play through as any class.

Let's keep the T&A in FanTAsy


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Why Bio Why?

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I agree to some degree ...


Fallout system was not without problems and what really hurt SWKotOR was the "Xbox dumb down" of the d20 rules, the force power system was completly wrong for the Star Wars universe and shown there was some rush job in there (Sentinel class is a example).

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I doubt the x-box was the reason for the dumbed own d20 rules. The reason for the dumb down rules was BIO looking for as simple a set of rules as possible. Don't blame the x-box; blame the bioware.


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From what I seen most Xbox games treat the players as if they have a single digit I.Q.


(Of course reading some replies of Xbox players also gives that impression to me)


I do blame the Xbox for the "dumb down" design of SWKotOR, the fact it included the stuoid idea of mini games makes the game being a console RPG and not a PC RPG, PC RPGs are more complex that console RPGs.

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Really? My mistake. I thought POR2 was released on PC... Maybe it was PS2 it was released on. :rolleyes:


And, I thought Chrono Trigger was released on console. My mistake. It was released on PC. :rolleyes:


I really do love generalizations which basically have nothing to stand on.


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A console game must be simpler than a PC game because of the controller. Thus, including a wider variety of options from the d20 system would have probably made the interface too convoluted.


One other point is that the current KotOR class/skill/feat setup doesn't allow the player to make a sub-optimal character build, which is probably also a function of the console origins, since a player who rented the game and made a sucky character probably wouldn't last long, and would probably conclude that the game sucks (and wouldn't buy it).

There are no doors in Jefferson that are "special game locked" doors. There are no characters in that game that you can kill that will result in the game ending prematurely.

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I think it's more like BIo was going for a very simple combat system and concentrating on other stuff. i've seen more than a few "simple console games" be more complex than more than few of their 'deep PC game" relatives. I gave twoe xamples above that illustrates it just nicely.


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A console game must be simpler than a PC game because of the controller. Thus, including a wider variety of options from the d20 system would have probably made the interface too convoluted.


One other point is that the current KotOR class/skill/feat setup doesn't allow the player to make a sub-optimal character build, which is probably also a function of the console origins, since a player who rented the game and made a sucky character probably wouldn't last long, and would probably conclude that the game sucks (and wouldn't buy it).

Simpler then PC?


If by simpler you mean less buttons, but more use per button, then yeah simpler. I could fairly easily imagine a control scheme for Fallout, IE games, or my own systems on a console controller.


It would be very similar to KotOR, but with more ability to customize. Sort of a combination of KotOR and NWN. I actually give BioWare a lot of credit for their ability to make KotOR console friendly, it actually plays much better on console then PC.


You couldn't have emotes like in SW:G on console, but you probably wouldn't need them.


Using (A) as the select button, and the left thumbstick, you could navigate through the quickbar. Want to move a specific attack style to the quick bar? Bring up the menu, select the attack type, then using the d-pad, navigate back to the quick menu and assign a quick slot.


It wouldn't be as efficient as mouse and keyboard, but it could be as complex.

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I've heard that a lot about KOTOR controls being better on x-box. That sucks; as they were horried on PC.. Talk about unfair.. :angry:

OMG I agree. The interface in general is horrible on the PC. Don't know exactly how well it works on consoles, as I don't play console games.


In general, though, console controllers have a limited set of buttons and a joystick/joypad thingie, no? I can't imagine playing an IE game with a console controller, since I used hotkeys a lot, and the mouse offers much more movement precision. Imagine trying to find the hidden ankheg plate in Nashkel with a console controller, and you'll see what I mean.

There are no doors in Jefferson that are "special game locked" doors. There are no characters in that game that you can kill that will result in the game ending prematurely.

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Samamel, I doubt we'll be able to taste that theory. Yes, controls would have be done differebtly; but a console game can still be complex and definitely as complex as a PC game if the developer chooses it to be.


Kumq, i didn't. I got used it after awhile; but definitely not a preference of mine.


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personally we found the pc controls pretty easy to use... and better than xbox for most part. am not a fan of game pad controls, and only difference 'tween kotor and most pc crpgs is that we had to hold down the right button to move in direction we was currently facing.


as to kotor2... we feels sorry for whoever does kotor2. james ohlen was damn clever with kotor story and game design. there is loads of negative backlash following the episode 1 and 2 movies, so as a developer it is natural to ask what made the original movies popular and to try and recreate some of the original star wars mystique. james did something that probably would not have occurred to us... ever. james did something so damned simple and obvious

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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...Grommy's got a helluva point 'ere...whome'er decides ta do KotOR 2 best be prepared fer the venture theys gonna git inta... :blink:




A long, long time ago, but I can still remember,
How the Trolling used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance, I could egg on a few Trolls to "dance",
And maybe we'd be happy for a while.
But then Krackhead left and so did Klown;
Volo and Turnip were banned, Mystake got run out o' town.
Bad news on the Front Page,
BIOweenia said goodbye in a heated rage.
I can't remember if I cried
When I heard that TORN was recently fried,
But sadness touched me deep inside,
The day...Black Isle died.

For tarna, Visc, an' the rest o' the ol' Islanders that fell along the way

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