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Patch v1. is Live

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/26/2024 at 12:55 AM, Kravshera said:

so has this been released or what? xD My game says version 3.7-somethingoranother.. and this is 3.4?


4 hours ago, Chaospread said:

Maybe it is 3.07-etc., perhaps it should be 3.0.7.etc. so 3.4 > 3.0.7. Weird numeration, indeed.

I believe I can explain this. First, the release is coming up. Obsidian is working with the major platforms in order to prepare and push the patch out for the game (Steam, GOG, etc.) Second, the reason for the odd-looking version number for the patch is due to a change in what is called "Semantic Versioning."

I can provide you with two sources: the first is to the Semantic Versioning site that explains it a bit more in detail (https://semver.org/) ... and the second source is to the collection of patch notes for Pillars of Eternity (https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Version). 

If I had to make a guess, I'd venture to say that the new PoE patch is so impactful that it would literally push the game far past v3.7 or v3.07 (either reference works; it only depends on if you personally follow the semantic versioning reasoning, etc. Its kind of like Fahrenheit vs. Celcius.)

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If you check 3.07.1318 vs https://regex101.com/r/vkijKf/1/ and https://regex101.com/r/Ly7O1x/3/ (from the link https://semver.org/) you notice that 3.07.1318 it is NOT a valid semantic version, like you said, but NO version (taken from https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Version) starting from 1.02.0508 (the first one) is a valid semantic version, by this rule (nr. 2, always from https://semver.org/) :


A normal version number MUST take the form X.Y.Z where X, Y, and Z are non-negative integers, and MUST NOT contain leading zeroes. X is the major version, Y is the minor version, and Z is the patch version. Each element MUST increase numerically. For instance: 1.9.0 -> 1.10.0 -> 1.11.0.

  But, you can refer to the "build number", the last number in the version, which is always incremental, so the build 1356 (from patch version 3.4.1356) is greater than 1318 (from version number 3.07.1318) and this can tell us that the patch is subsequent to version 3.07.1318 :)
PoeII follows yet another versioning numeration as last number it's not the "overall" build (maybe is it build number "inside" that major/minor version? Only programmers know), but again, version is subsequent to version 1.01.0064.
From version they stopped using leading zeros for major, minor and patch versions, but they still use for last number. It is to be said  that semantic versioning system is not the bible, but indeed, obsidian system is a little weird and it can generate some confusion (as above).


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ya'll crazy.. and whomever decided how to number the versions is probably crazy too.

I don't care what you call the system.. it's a terrible system if later versions of the game can have a lower number than the previous one.

I just rechecked.. the game version is 3.7-and so on.. patch is 3.4-and so on.

Sensible people don't do this sort of thing.. and certainly don't invent a system in which this makes sense, because that's just organized insanity.


ya'll crazy.. every single one of you. Just ask Maerwald, he'll confirm it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • cstanick changed the title to Patch v1. is Live

There is still a visual bug with some skills/spells. For example, imagine I use a priest spell, and after using it, I want to use a different one. The "visual problem" is that sometimes (not always, but it happens often), when I cast the second spell, the icon of the previous spell remains. It looks like you're going to use the previous spell again, but you're actually using the new spell. It's just that the icon of the previous spell stays there.

To give some context, when we use a spell, the "icon" of that spell appears on the mouse cursor, meaning the cursor gets replaced by the spell's icon. If we cast a spell, the icon appears on your mouse cursor. The problem arises when we cast another spell, and it still keeps the icon of the previous spell 😅

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On GOG, the original game from the kickstarter (so not Definitive Edition) didn't seem to get the patch, I still only see Patch 

I also checked on Amazon Games, since that one is the Definitive Edition, and that one didn't seem to be updated either.

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Posted (edited)

The latest patch bugged stun. Somehow stunned character is (sometimes) able to run while recovery time is on hold and such character can't do any action. Previously stunned characters just, well, were stunned which were unable to do anything. Right now stun icon often isn't even displayed properly and the game displays current action.

I recorded short video to get some hits from phantoms (it starts around 1:20):


Edited by Silvaren


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What's with the versioning btw, are we going back to 1.x? It's going to be even more confusing now...

Minor thing, but I can't seem to change the screen that the Pillars window runs in anymore while in windowed mode. Dragging the window over to my other screen, or using Windows-Shift-Left/Right causes the game to snap back to the main monitor (and often resize itself wonkily). Starting the game on the other screen by moving Steam to that screen before opening the game, or by using the command line argument "-monitor 2" does the same thing.

It's also impossible to pick my native screen resolution in the dropdown, since all supported refresh rates are shown in addition to each resolution, and the box overflows outside the screen to contain them all. Previously the dropdown only contained resolutions at the active refresh rate, so this wasn't an issue.

Ngl, I think this one might have needed more time in the oven 😅

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For the next patch, can we please fix the ridiculous relationship between prestige and security in the taxing system?  If your prestige goes up alone, it should not lower your tax collected.  Perhaps, it should instead compare security to the total number of turns which have passed, representing more and more bandits appearing over the time they have to travel there for the opportunity.  The lower the security, the more bandits that should appear; the more time has passed, more bandits looking for an opportunity arrive.

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При переносе на новую версию движка изменился шейдер воды. В локации "Крепость Редрика" вода теперь не соответствует описанию (над неподвижной водой стоит тяжелый запах), что сразу же бросается в глаза. Верните Редрику его воду, он переживает.

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I'll be blocking this update until or unless these issues introduced by the new update are fixed.  Several people mentioned bugs before the patch went live yet none of them were addressed nor their comments even acknowledged - and new issues were introduced.  Even the community fixes made over the last 6 1/2 years (3.07 was released in 12/2017) are broken by this update.  Can you at least let us know whether there will be continued support to fix this mess?  To be clear, I'm not talking about any particular bugs that people wanted fixed - I'm referring to things you broke in this update that weren't broken in 3.07.

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On 6/14/2024 at 6:08 AM, Silvaren said:

Any chance for restoring random loot tables to the state before the latest patch? It's completly different now.

Some info on this: The tables are the same, it's just part of how the seed calculation - specifically how the player hashcode is calculated - differs from Unity 4.7 (.NET 3.5 equivalent) to Unity 2019 (.NET 4.x equivalent). Some versions of the game (Game Pass), may already use .NET 4.x that is now currently used with the Steam/Retail version.

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11 hours ago, Maeldun said:

Can you at least let us know whether there will be continued support to fix this mess?  To be clear, I'm not talking about any particular bugs that people wanted fixed - I'm referring to things you broke in this update that weren't broken in 3.07.

I believe there will be future updates since Obsidian mentioned them in the changelog.
What I don't understand is why they chose to upgrade to Unity 2019 when Unity 2023 is already available? What is so special in 2019? Unity 2021.2 adds support for Apple Silicon, and Unity 2023.1 adds support for Windows on Arm. And it'd probably be a good move for the Xbox subsidiary to add support for the new Windows architecture.

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8 hours ago, Flynn said:

What I don't understand is why they chose to upgrade to Unity 2019 when Unity 2023 is already available? What is so special in 2019? Unity 2021.2 adds support for Apple Silicon, and Unity 2023.1 adds support for Windows on Arm. And it'd probably be a good move for the Xbox subsidiary to add support for the new Windows architecture.

I would bet it has to do with licensing.  Obsidian probably already had a license agreement for Unity 2019 and Unity pissed everyone off last year with their ill-advised attempt to revise their licensing fee structure so I wouldn't blame any developer for having second thoughts about renewing that license under new terms.

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Existential Thread said:

Thanks for breaking literally every single mod made in the last 6 years for no reason. Now I'll have to resort to torrenting despite owning the game just to get things to work.

If you're on Steam you can still switch back to the legacy branch via the "Beta Participation" feature. Don't think there's an equivalent for other platforms though 😕

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4 hours ago, Existential Thread said:

Thanks for breaking literally every single mod made in the last 6 years for no reason. Now I'll have to resort to torrenting despite owning the game just to get things to work.

If you're on Steam you should be able to roll back to 3.07 ( using the beta branch.  You can then stop the update by setting it to only download when launching the game and then only launch PoE with Steam in offline mode.  There are other methods of blocking the update but this is the easiest.

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