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Official KOTOR: AE FAQ


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LMAO, Chemix wrote the storyline. I only did a little of it. We have modding tools already BTW. The only thing that isnt fully understood I think is the model format. I do believe that every other aspect odf the game has a pretty good editing tool for it except for the model format. I know there isnt a tool for coding but there is one for scripts and such.

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Well, I wanted T3 to be a servant droid because he was absolutely useless in KOTOR 1. Juhani died because she was a whiner and had homosexual problems and Carth dies or is killed because it seems many hate Carth's guts. And it was Return of the Jedi BTW. The unknown world was a bit boring but there will be quite a few areas added too it. The biggest add on is an underwater part where you can use lightsabers underwater and fight creatures underwater with more than just a sonic emitter. One of you party members is recruited on the Unknown World and he isnt a Rakatan. A jedi if you can believe that. We havent finished the DS plot yet, but there will be quite a few spots ingame where you can choose to go DS or stay LS so there are more options and sidequests. The DS plot of course will have different party members, dark lords and mercenaries of course. Hence the Dark Lord class.

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Well, If the combat engine recoding goes as planned we will surley add multiplayer. We were also going to change around the swoop racing so that you can actually race against opponents and shoot them down and all of that instead of just trying to beat their times. Swoop racing I think should be more of a pod racing sport where you can sabotage other people's swoop bikes. We were thinking of making swoop racing really interesting by making a swoop bike upgradeable. It's very possible to do and it would sort of be covering for Bioware since they said in an xbox strategy guide that you could upgrade your swoop bike and ebon hawk (i dont think it was a strategy guide but I know they said it somewhere.) Swoop bikes should be upgradeable if the sport is to become that much more fun.

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Well, If the combat engine recoding goes as planned we will surley add multiplayer. We were also going to change around the swoop racing so that you can actually race against opponents and shoot them down and all of that instead of just trying to beat their times. Swoop racing I think should be more of a pod racing sport where you can sabotage other people's swoop bikes. We were thinking of making swoop racing really interesting by making a swoop bike upgradeable. It's very possible to do and it would sort of be covering for Bioware since they said in an xbox strategy guide that you could upgrade your swoop bike and ebon hawk (i dont think it was a strategy guide but I know they said it somewhere.) Swoop bikes should be upgradeable if the sport is to become that much more fun.

:lol: Really? I wonder how you will do that... <_< I believe 99.9% of all this will remain only on paper...

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I think I forgot to mention Kamino, When its finished, I was thinking of releasing that as some sort of press release demo or something just so you can play through new models and such.

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No, Its not hard coded, its just figureing out how the GUI's work. I am viewing the party selection screen in the gui and already found out how the dimensions of the boxes work. To get more party members id just have to edit the dimensions of the boxes, copy them and change a few words and that should do it though i havent tested it yet. I did change the gui to the party selection screen to prove to you that its not hard coded and Ill post the download in a bit.

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Heh, sorry, its named partyselectscreen.gui. That may be but it appears that in the gff editor, you can add new buttons and such by copying the gff trees and editing them to take you to different locations, Im sure there must be some coding involved but I think that there are just locks on the gui that keep you from having more thn two party members at a time which I am looking for so I can change it. There appear to be alot of locks on things in that gui which i have removed almost all of them and nothing is different. <sigh> its just a possiblity and not written in stone yet. <_<

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I agree. We still need revans padawan to have a name. Revans as in your PC's padawan. And for the intrest of romance sidequests the padawan will be female. You will have 3 possible romances for male and 3 possible romances for female.

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This seems like a rather big undertaking, especially when there's still various things you can't do with the models.


Instead of trying to do so much (9 planets?), why not focus baby steps, such as 4 planets, and work on a good storyline. There's no need for a new combat engine, there's no need for playable swoop(pod) racing. What most people want is a new story, with new planets.


I think IF you are indeed capable of doing that, then that's what you should concentrate on. I mean, it took Bioware, what, 2 YEARS to complete the game with 7 planets, and NO playable swoop racing, yet you intend to do something in 6 MONTHS with more planets, and a more integrated swoop racing feature?

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I agree. We still need revans padawan to have a name. Revans as in your PC's padawan. And for the intrest of romance sidequests the padawan will be female. You will have 3 possible romances for male and 3 possible romances for female.

His name should be Quixote Richax, and he should be a shifty grey side Devaronian Counsular. :p

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I agree.  We still need revans padawan to have a name.  Revans as in your PC's padawan.  And for the intrest of romance sidequests the padawan will be female.  You will have 3 possible romances for male and 3 possible romances for female.

His name should be Quixote Richax, and he should be a shifty grey side Devaronian Counsular. :p

This is one of the best ideas I've seen come out of this mod discussion.


That would also require a new model however.

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