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The attack of Hendar!!!!

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If there's one easter egg in this game I'd like to see.. it would be Hendar somehow getting off Taris and showing up in KOTOR2..cheering somewhere  :o

I totally agree. :o

Like I said, if Hendar's face was a face you could pick for your character in KOTOR 2, I surely would pick it. Serioulsy. He would be the face I pick for my LS character.

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The best part is if you play LS, you get LS points. And at the same time you drop her off on Dantooine before the planet gets bombarded. She still dies.

LOL! I like, never even thought of that!


That's like if you're playing LS, and you do every good thing possible on Taris, it doesn't matter because the planet gets obliterated.


And there's one other alien dialogue that I thought was hilarious. I know I'm not spelling this right, but it was something like, "Meesha Masha Musha Mashsee Mesha Bobo." And, man, they would rip off that line like they were on speed or something. LEAVE THAT IN. It was hellafunny. :rolleyes:

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Oh and btw, my other favorite moment was when you could help that one dancer on Taris try to impress that agent or manager or whatever. If you were a male you did this like weird version of the running man dance but it looked kinda like you were having a seizure. Then at the end of the dance you did the cheer animation. They had to be high when they drew that. I had to stop playing for a half-hour after that.

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Hendar was funny, maybe I should start a Hendar fanclub....

Tyrell, do you ever think it's dangerous posting Episode iii photos on these boards? You never know who could be posting here, or watching. As writer for the TheForce.net, you probably know better than anyone else the The Great Eye of Lucasfilm is ever searching the net for their next victim.


I only ask because I myself work for a major Hollywood studio, and I'm sure others on here do as well.

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