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The final encounter at "The Shadow Under Neketaka" gives you several options about what to resolve the situation with the dragon Scyorielaphas.

The eassy option is to rebuild your main character and put 9 points at Methaphics skill but i dont like eassy solutions (specially this ones that are like doing "legal cheats") so im trying to reinforce the enchantaments after beat him (people said that when he is with so few hp the game gives you the option to interact with the rest of the enchantament wards)

Well the fight is so ****ing difficult, im lvl 10 and am playing at veteran difficulty. I love so much difficult fightings. In this one, my main strategy is to put all my group inside one of the enchantament wards because you gain inmunity to water, and if you dont come close to the dragon...the dragon only spell water spells...so i atack ranged, nobody let the ward area...

but there is a huge huge problem:

After summoning 8 "Water Whips" the ****ing dragon no satisfied with that, cast sometimes a spell that in my language is call "Oleaje" (something like surge/surf) and he destroy ALL the enchantament wards and inflicts 150-200 dmg to each member of my group....except the tanks they all die...but well...sometimes they survive because they avoid the spell...but ALL  the wards allways ended destroyed....

So...i never gonna be able to reinforce the enchantament wards unless i discover how to avoid that Scyorielaphas cast this spell.


Can you help me? After 1h looking at Google there isnt nothing that gives me more info about this... :(

At the end i gonna have to rebuild the main character like a ****ing coward -.- 


Thank you so much guys!



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Level 10 is low.

Use interrupts. Use them wisely. Don't just wail at the dragon with brute force and spend all your resources on damaging abilites. Rather time your interrupting abilites. Once he wants to cast something: interrupt him. You must remove all his concentration layers first though. You can do so with Slicken, Rooting Pain, Mule Kick, Concussive Shots and so on. Just keep enough interrupts to cancel his spells once he starts casting them.

IIRC you can use shock damage (e.g. Essence Interrupter bow) since his shock AR was very low. Interestingly my go-to-method with bosses (Combusting Wounds + multihits) doesn't work too well because his burn AR is quite high.  

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13 minutes ago, Boeroer said:

Level 10 is low.
You must remove all his concentration layers first though. 

Chanter Phrase's Thick Grew Their Tongue or Druid Insect Swarm will remove all layers of Concentration at once before starting interrupting.

It would be a bit sad to waste Interrupting abilities just to get rid of Concentration.

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Yes, those would be nice as well. Also Insect Swarm. That's why I said "and so on". :)

I don't know how many concentration layers the dragon starts with.
Because the abilites above (insect stuff and chant) all target fortitude or will (same goes for some of the abilites I noted) - and those are the two defenses which are highest on that dragon. Deflection isn't even half that high (see Concussive Shot). Reflex is not that high as well (see Slicken). Keep in mind that he is tryng to hit with those at level 10. So it might be better (depending on the number of concentration layers) to use stuff that is sure to hit. Another case for Morning Star and Club I guess. ;)

Of course the chant has a high chance of hitting at some point eventually - so if you have it you should most def. use it, I agree. 

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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¡Thanks both of you for show me the way!

Besides that...it stills looking so hard this fight, because if you fail a spell that interrupts...you are also ****ed so maybe...need that several characters try to interrupt that spell...

I know that lvl 10 is low because the dragon appears with three red skulls on his hp bar...but...it looks to be hard at any lvl...specially if you want to protect the enchantament wards...

In my opinion is not a fair fight...that Scyorielaphas´s spell is ****ing broken...

In youtube there is some videos killing Scyorielaphas but they are so overleveled (and maybe playing in low difficulties) and they kill the dragon before he is able to cast this spell (he start to cast it after he summon the 8 Water Whips and in the videos they are killing him moments after of that summon)

I dont know, but mi final impression is that this fight is a little wasted because is not balanced enough. And for me its sad because it looks so nice fighting ranged protected by the enchantament wards. It would be awesome that only the water whips near by would be able to destroy the enchantament ward, forcing you to kill them or that  Scyorielaphas would be able only to destroy one ward with that unbalanced spell...forcing you to move to another enchantament ward to continue fighting ranged (and forcing you to kill the two near by water whips) or something like that would be very funny...

Maybe the developers want to let the things like this to show you how powerful is this dragon and how difficult is to keep him trapped with the enchantaments.

Cheers and thanks for your answers!


Edited by Zaser
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It's a Dragon. It's supposed to be difficult. Killing a Dragon at level 10 is rediculous although I'm sure it can be done with the right party as Dragons in POE are kind of weak.

Scyorielaphas is level 14 so you'd need to be around that to be able to beat him. He's not like other encounters with lower stats. He's also weak to electricity and things that target his dex score. Pierce damage is good, other damage not so much because of his DR.

His stats are far from impressive for a dragon so it's possibly doable at level 10 or maybe even lower to be honest.

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Zaser, if you are having troubles in a fight, make sure you read the combat log to see how and why they are damaging you so badly... also read up in the cyclopedia about damage types, combat mechanics, and everything.  

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He's pretty easy to defeat if you have a fury druid stacking all of the lightning +PL gear. He goes down quickly if you hit him with the Voulge's ball lightning and the seven bolts attack from the mantle. Just position your character so that the bolts all hit him.

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I think it'd be funner if you were unable to beat him entirely. Would make more sense to me anyway. Dragons in POE are too weak imo.

I don't think I've ever heard anyone complain their level 10 party couldn't beat Daurgothoth in dnd either. I mean a party of 6 elminsters probably wouldn't be able to beat him.

Edited by AeonsLegend
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1 hour ago, Boeroer said:

I beat Firkraag at low(ish) levels with the help of Wizard's Eye. ;)

You can also beat Firkraag at level 1 with 2 wands of cloudkill, which only work because they ignore spell resistance as it's not considered a spell. It's not comparable if you can "cheat". I beat the last dragon in ToB by using the epic level traps. Just lure him on top of them and he dies. Well that stuff doesn't happen on table top hahaha.

I think you used the same trick because I don't think he attacks you directly if you're outside his aggression circle.

Firkraag is pretty darn strong though. If you don't have a cleric in the party and you're not level 20 then it's near impossible if you fight him on equal ground. He has too many hitpoints and I think his heal spell is infinite? It's been a while.

Edited by AeonsLegend
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I only remember that he attacks Wizard's Eye because he has true sight and can see invisible objects. But Wizard's Eye can't be harmed. Since it has very bad stats though (I guess) he keeps attacking it as he thinks it's the weakest link in the party. You can then just wack at him all you want while he's fruitlessly pummeling the Eye.

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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2 hours ago, AeonsLegend said:

I beat the last dragon in ToB by using the epic level traps.

an example of poor BG2 balance. the normal and bounty hunter thief traps change as you level up, but it's not well-balanced. there's a sweet spot at like level 10 or so (i forget exactly which, it's been a while), where the traps do an un-resistable, un-savable poison effect for several rounds. even though the highest-level normal trap can instakill (but at +4 saves) and the highest-level bounty-hunter trap can un-resistably, un-savably maze enemies, the poison effect can annihilate enemies that would otherwise shrug off everything else (even higher-level traps). a level 10 thief with the patience to rest-spam a bit can wipe out a room full of dragons, liches, and iron/adamantine golems.

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