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Weiser_Cain's Concepts

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Spoken like someone that doesn't know what their talking about. Have you used guns before? You think someone is MORE afraid if you point an AK-47 at their head instead of a 9mm? No. Both are just as scary.

This is Star Wars. What do Storm Troopers use? Big Blaster rifles or little pea shooters? Did you go and bitch at GL saying "BIG ISN'T BETTER! THEY SHOULD ALL USE ROCKET LAUNCHERS!".


And as for the concept. In KOTOR, Canderous used a big gun. All of the powerful guns, were big. You say big does not equal better, but if you used a small gun with x firepower, with the same technology, you could build a bigger gun with 2x power.


It just seems some people here are so insecure they have to vehemently attack someone for no reason at all.

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Spoken like someone that doesn't know what their talking about. Have you used guns before? You think someone is MORE afraid if you point an AK-47 at their head instead of a 9mm? No. Both are just as scary.

This is Star Wars. What do Storm Troopers use? Big Blaster rifles or little pea shooters? Did you go and bitch at GL saying "BIG ISN'T BETTER! THEY SHOULD ALL USE ROCKET LAUNCHERS!".


And as for the concept. In KOTOR, Canderous used a big gun. All of the powerful guns, were big. You say big does not equal better, but if you used a small gun with x firepower, with the same technology, you could build a bigger gun with 2x power.


It just seems some people here are so insecure they have to vehemently attack someone for no reason at all.

Did you actually bother to check any of the links? Or read my posts?


Depends on if you define E-11 Blaster rifles as big. I certainly dont. Their as big as most assault rifles. A bit bulier but no real difference. I didn't say everyone should use Walther PPKs. Sheesh. Nice hyperbole. :)


I would tell GL what a dumb bitch he is but not because of any guns he used but because of the arena scene in AoTC.


Like I said. I certainly dont find heavy repeating blasters in KOTOR any different or bigger than an M249 SAW which has definite uses on the battlefield and in urban combat.


The rest of your post is well I hesitate to say lie because Im sure you believe but it is completely untrue.

The most powerful guns were the Zabrak Battle Cannon and the one Blaster rifle whos name I forget. Even Cassus Fetts heavy pistol was better than Canderous heavy repeating blaster. And they were not "big." They certainly didnt cover an entire arm and then some like Weiser's.


Taking a walther PPK and making it 10x bigger does not make the gun better. The Desert Eagle is not a good gun just because its the biggest handgun. In SW upping a blasters power would probably have far more to do with the energy source and maybe the size than the size of the casing. The E-web blaster cannon for example has a very big battery and cable. Anyways not even Canderous could carry that thing in SW.


Seems some people on these boards are so stupid their only ability to judge something is based on bad fantasy and sci-fi literature. Next time before you respond try and get your facts straight. If you actually played KOTOR there is no excuse for not knowing heavy repeating blasters sucked in it.


My dislike for Weiser's poor uninspired artwork and ridiculously childish concepts has nothing to do with my security in anyway.

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The rest of your post is well I hesitate to say lie because Im sure you believe but it is completely untrue.

The most powerful guns were the Zabrak Battle Cannon and the one Blaster rifle whos name I forget. Even Cassus Fetts heavy pistol was better than Canderous heavy repeating blaster

Casus Fetts pistol

Damage: Energy, 4-11


Ordors Repeating blaster, Fully Loaded:

Damage: Energy, 5-14


It did more damage.


Baragwin Heavy Repeating Blaster (Heavy Weapon)

3-22 Energy, Fully loaded, 3-22 + 4-24


What is the point you're trying to make? Small weapons are always better than big weapons? Obviously not true. Small weapons are sometimes better than big weapons? True. But big weapons are sometimes better than small weapons, and he chose, for his sketch and concept, to go for a big weapon.

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Taking a walther PPK and making it 10x bigger does not make the gun better. The Desert Eagle is not a good gun just because its the biggest handgun.

This isn't a case of better/worse. If you compared a desert eagle to a M60, which has more firepower? The M60. In a bigger gun, you have more room for ammunition, energy sources, whatever. Your statement that a small gun can do every single thing a larger gun can do is simply wrong. Yet you cling to it demanding that guns be a certain size or smaller.

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If you actually played KOTOR there is no excuse for not knowing heavy repeating blasters sucked in it.

And KOTOR is not the be all and end all of all things Star Wars. If KOTOR was the standard for everything, no-one in the movies would use ranged weapons at all, they'd just use big Vibroswords and charge their enemies.

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Not to nitpick (since I don't care either way about this arguement), but Cassus Fett's blaster actually gets bumped up to a 6-19 damage once fully upgraded.

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Seems some people on these boards are so stupid their only ability to judge something is based on bad fantasy and sci-fi literature.

And some people are so arrogant and immature that they believe their opinion should be taken as fact and throw a tantrum when someone dares to do something different to it.

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Not to nitpick (since I don't care either way about this arguement), but Cassus Fett's blaster actually gets bumped up to a 6-19 damage once fully upgraded.



6-19 is still less than 7-46 of the Baragwin Heavy repeating blaster. Which is a heay weapon.

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Taking a walther PPK and making it 10x bigger does not make the gun better. The Desert Eagle is not a good gun just because its the biggest handgun.

This isn't a case of better/worse. If you compared a desert eagle to a M60, which has more firepower? The M60. In a bigger gun, you have more room for ammunition, energy sources, whatever. Your statement that a small gun can do every single thing a larger gun can do is simply wrong. Yet you cling to it demanding that guns be a certain size or smaller.

Yes there are smaller weapons that can do a lot. A lot of this depends on what you consider big. I consider an M249 SAW or an M60 to be big of course. But what is on canderous arm is humongous. Its bigger than a bazooka. And THAT is the point. Not what the gun can do. I didn't say all guns need to be a walther PPK. I just said having a weapon bigger than a bazooka strapped to your arm is absurd and offers no dramatic advantage over much more intelligent weapons. Im saying if there was a gun that could do everything an M60 could do and was half the size do you think any soldier would use the M60 over it? Of course not.


Baragwin's Heavy repeating blaster was put into the dl content BECAUSE every heavy repeating blaster sucked. So yes. There is now ONE heavy repeating blaster better than Cassus Fett's heavy pistol in terms of pure damage. WOW. ONE. Way to prove me wrong. :rolleyes: Of course those two blaster rifles are still JUST as good.


By the way it's hard to take someone seriously when they respond to each quoted part of your post in a separate post. :) Desperate to reach number 2? :lol:

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You're going to refer to me as s***ty? why? I don't care that Canderous had a robotic arm or that the weapons he's carrying are huge. Even though the huge weapons are quite clearly ridiculous and pointless, and dont actually offer much style other than suggesting that the game is set in one of those cliche futuristic settings where guns have to be big for no reason whatsoever, the only reason I posted in this thread was because Weiser Cain completely lacks artistic talent and I had to point that out - not for any other reason.


I don't know what gave you the idea that I had anything against the big weapons.


RPG Codex - the premier avant garde gaming news site.


"It is more convenient to follow one's conscience than one's intelligence, for at every failure, conscience finds an excuse and an encouragement in itself. That is why there are so many conscientious and so few intelligent people." - Nietzsche

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Guns that size can be implemented well (the S.M.A.R.T. Gun from Aliens that the Marines used comes to mind) but usually to be effective, this is all theoretical of course, they would have to have some sort of harness to make them manageable, pivoting and rotating handle, auto targeting system etc. If you look at how the implemented that gun in AvP 2, you will have a perfect example of cool larger than life gun. I suppose Candyman, assuming that his robotic arm wouldn't rip off of the rest of his body while trying to support that gargantuan (honestly, 90 lbs, try several hundred), it could be effective, but without some sort of pivoting and rotating handle, I don't see how he's supposed to manuever that thing without pivoting his entire torso. I could probably be effective at long ranges though.


My $0.02

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In the game, I found virtually all pistols sucked. Casus Fett's pistol is the only good pistol and the bargwin heavy repeater is the only good heavy repeater. As a final note, I say in this game melee weapons are usually better.

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I think your drawings (if you can call them that. I call them scribbles, personally) are horribly crap and that the you have the exact personality to match the quality of your drawings.

I think you must be some drooling invalid shut-in who smells like rotten fish and tripe. Why else would you continue to post in a topic about things you pretend to hate?


How many of those people had a bionic eye? And Lobot pays a heavy price for that computer. Luke getting his hand cut off doesnt mean cyborgs is a big part of SW just that they are used to replace limbs. Malak had the stupid mising mouth and special metal neck guard because KOTOR used the entire OT as inspiration for its story. Thus Malak resembled Vader with his special tinny, metallic voice. The way Vader had his breathing. Had nothing to do with cybernetics being a big part of SW.

So I can only do what's been done before? The rules exist for replacement eyes in D20, I know you don't like D20, but KOTOR happens to run on a version of D20 so too bad.

Luke getting his han cut off doesn't mean cybernetics are common, him getting his hand replaced right away does genius.

You're the only one making a big deal about the arm and eye, we all would probably have moved on long ago if I didn't like feeding trolls.


Oh you say it does.  Great argument. Id use it if that wasnt utter crap. The topic is indeed called weiser cain's concepts. Has nothing to do with anything.

It's the best argument. These are my concepts, I'm just sharing them with you lovely people(sharing is something you learn when you aren't raised a spoiled brat). Now I've been on the internet long enough to know there'd be some detractors, and I accept that. You can say whatever you like about anything I've done, but nowhere in the fake rules of the internet does it say I have to sit back and quietly accept(or even listen to) your criticism, either fair or the crap you've been spewing.


I also pointed out her launcher has multiple ordinances. She doesnt have to fire concussion rockets in close quarters. She can switch to tranq darts for example. Canderous has no such versatility with that thing.

How many ways could you want something to die? Canderous kills, that's his job it's what he likes to do. You don't send him on a stealth mission. He's (almost) strictly all-out assault. You bring him in when you want to take out armor or armies, not when you want to capture someone alive and unharmed. The gun does have a little versatility though, he can hit you with a barrage with the lower barrel or just blow up the general area you happen to be in with the top barrel, or if you instst he's so close to the enemy that he can't shoot, he could A: slap you around with his beefy mandalorian arm, or B: smash you to a bloody pulp with the giant mobile cannon he holds in his strength enhanced cyborg arm...


My argument centers on pointing out that big does not equal BETTER or more powerful in SW
So which is stronger, the Slave 1 or the Death Star? Not a reasonable comparison? OK, fine. Which is stronger a Star Destroyer or A super Star Destroyer?


Well if you werent listening how can you claim any sort of superior argument.
Because I'm right.
Many Jedi aliens do not wear boots. Juhani is a Jedi alien.

Juhani already wears boots in KOTOR. Nothing in her character suggests she would stop.


Cathar Jedi in ToTJ do not wear boots. Juhani is a Cathar Jedi within the same time frame.

One I don't care what you read in some EU book. Two Juhani grew up on taris with no influence from other Cathar so even if it's a big thing on Cathar to run around toughening your feet by stepping on glass, she wouldn't have been exposed to the idea.


Cathar have claws on their feet and wide paws for superior balance. Both of these things are very useful in combat with a lightsaber especially considering the kicking that was a combat move in KOTOR.

Maybe male Cathar have wide feet but female Cathar are built just like humans(we've been over the boot thing).


Ah so it was a threat. Thats a serious infraction against board policy. Dont worry I wont go get a mod. Unlike you Im not a little baby who takes message forums too seriously.
One it wasn't a threat, I was just sharing my feelings on the matter. And anyway,hypocrite, didn't you say something about sending a lion or tiger to 'slash my head open'.


How funny is this! Call the movie crap then steal their look and say it ISNT crap!
*looks for rubber nipples on model* Hmm, I don't know if you were aware that Batman was a comic book first, that movie didn't create a look(which I might add I don't think I'm emulating for good or ill) it ruined it. If all you've seen of batman is that movie, then maybe you don't even know anything about batman(beginning to be a trend with you).


Hate to break it to you but the future warrior program isn't Star Wars. In fact don't try to bring any real world examples into this argument. We aren't lead into battle by mystical warriors weilding a light sword against guns that shoot plasma.


come on weiser!!!!! I want to see more 3-d images of your verson of the future juhani
as do I. I would also like to see other characters. Plz.
Thanks for the intrest Craigboy2' date=' but that was just a test run and I'm running out of web space, I'm toying around with rigging her but it wont be for anything really until the game comes out. ShinIchiro, I'm working on the designs for two original characters, because Shdy314 asked for it I'm goin to bring my super cyborg from my D20 game into the KOTOR setting/time frame,she sports one replacement arm, her spine has been replaced, she has an AI in her brain and a sniper rifle *insert evil laughter*... that and a more traditional Star Wars character that's something of a cross between Lando Calrissian and Han Solo, except he's a she.


If you think he's doing a good job you have absolutely no taste in art. Go to www.cgtalk.com and see some real art. Lol "good job". Yeah' date=' good one. [/quote']I've been over to cgart and indeed those people are good. What none of you know however is that Juhani is my second attempt at modeling a human(ish) character or anything as complex,. Besides isn't this like saying 'my brother can beat you up'? What can you do? This goes for you too Shdy314. Can you do better? If so why aren't you doing it? Show me how you think Juhani should look. If this is all a tired, stupid, cliche make your own barefoot alien broad with wrist and ankle mounted rockets wearing a burka. Really, show us amateurs how it's done!


Seems some people on these boards are so stupid their only ability to judge something is based on bad fantasy and sci-fi literature.
Ok now this is funny to me since most of you're reffrences come from 'bad fantasy and sci-fi literature'. Way to stick your foot in your mouth!

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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I've been over to cgart and indeed those people are good. What none of you know however is that Juhani is my second attempt at modeling a human(ish) character or anything as complex,. Besides isn't this like saying 'my brother can beat you up'? What can you do? This goes for you too Shdy314. Can you do better? If so why aren't you doing it? Show me how you think Juhani should look. If this is all a tired, stupid, cliche make your own barefoot alien broad with wrist and ankle mounted rockets wearing a burka. Really, show us amateurs how it's done!

Hey, that would have been a nice comeback, if it wasn't completely irrelevent. It's comparable to having some crappy movie director become angry at the film critics who berate his movie by arguing that since they wouldn't be able to even direct a movie, they have no right to say anything. What a brilliant thing to say.


No actually. It's not brilliant. In fact, it's a completely stupid thing to say because everyone has varying tastes, appeals and most importantly some degree of aesthetic sense. Why certainly some of us might not be able to direct a movie, or design a pretty model of Juhani, but that doesn't mean we can't tell the difference between what looks good and what looks downright ugly.


That said, your sketches, models and so forth look downright ugly and I'm not ashamed to say that, regardless of my inability to model in 3dsmax.


RPG Codex - the premier avant garde gaming news site.


"It is more convenient to follow one's conscience than one's intelligence, for at every failure, conscience finds an excuse and an encouragement in itself. That is why there are so many conscientious and so few intelligent people." - Nietzsche

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It is clear that if 'fan art' like this continues to flood these forums, we will soon find ourselves awashed in a tide of bad art and dismal entertainment. This message is but an attempt to spare everyone from drowning.


RPG Codex - the premier avant garde gaming news site.


"It is more convenient to follow one's conscience than one's intelligence, for at every failure, conscience finds an excuse and an encouragement in itself. That is why there are so many conscientious and so few intelligent people." - Nietzsche

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It'd certainly be worse than the Mira model. I'll be counting my blessings if that happened.


RPG Codex - the premier avant garde gaming news site.


"It is more convenient to follow one's conscience than one's intelligence, for at every failure, conscience finds an excuse and an encouragement in itself. That is why there are so many conscientious and so few intelligent people." - Nietzsche

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Well if you werent listening how can you claim any sort of superior argument.

Because I'm right.


Well this says it all. When someone's argument has been reduced to this the argument is over. You can't argue colors with a man who was born blind.


One it wasn't a threat, I was just sharing my feelings on the matter. And anyway,hypocrite, didn't you say something about sending a lion or tiger to 'slash my head open'.

:lol: Yes I am a ring master at Barnum and Bailey's and I am going to send a lion to slash your head open. :lol: I said a boot to the head would not be as damaging as a lion slashing your head open. You responded by saying you wanted to kick my head in. If you are sure I threatened you maybe I should go get a mod and we'll see what they say after reviewing the thread.


Hmm, I don't know if you were aware that Batman was a comic book first, that movie didn't create a look(which I might add I don't think I'm emulating for good or ill) it ruined it. If all you've seen of batman is that movie, then maybe you don't even know anything about batman(beginning to be a trend with you).


Oh no I had no idea it was a comic book first. :huh: You do know they got permission from the creator for the movie and used the look from the comic book yes? Did you get permission from DC to steal their Batman look? :blink:


Hate to break it to you but the future warrior program isn't Star Wars. In fact don't try to bring any real world examples into this argument. We aren't lead into battle by mystical warriors weilding a light sword against guns that shoot plasma.

The existence of the Jedi does not negate real world battelfield applications. Only an idiot would think so. I love when little kids try to win arguments by saying what is and isn't allowed. :lol: Hate to break it to you but in SW we arent led into battle by mystical warriors wielding plasma blades. At least not in the movies time frame. The majority of battles in SW are fought just like in the real world. You think the idea of using robots in battle hasnt been a goal of the US army for a few decades now?


Because Shdy314 asked for it I'm goin to bring my super cyborg from my D20 game into the KOTOR setting/time frame,she sports one replacement arm, her spine has been replaced,  she has an AI in her brain and a sniper rifle *insert evil laughter*... that and a more traditional Star Wars character that's something of a cross between Lando Calrissian and Han Solo, except he's a she.

Sounds wonderfully pathetic and fanboyish. OOOOH a hot female just like Lando and Han combined. Leet! :lol:


I've been over to cgart and indeed those people are good. What none of you know however is that Juhani is my second attempt at modeling a human(ish) character or anything as complex,. Besides isn't this like saying 'my brother can beat you up'? What can you do? This goes for you too Shdy314. Can you do better? If so why aren't you doing it? Show me how you think Juhani should look.

First of all its always a good idea to preface anything you put up with criticism with a little info. Something like this is only the second time Ive modeled anything this complex is relevant info. It still means Juhani sucks but at least now we have a good reason for why she sucks. Second Im not very good at baseball. I have friends who are better than me. Doesn't mean they can go play pro or even in the minor leagues. The argument of you can't criticise if you can't do better has been proven a fallacious one millions of times over. And it is not at all like saying my brother can beat you up.


Ok now this is funny to me since most of you're reffrences come from 'bad fantasy and sci-fi literature'. Way to stick your foot in your mouth!

My references have been either from reality)future warrior program, M249 SAW etc.). :D Reality is bad fantasy/sci fi! How sad. Can you no longer distinguish reality from SW? Well that's true I suppose it is. Or from SW(thermal detonators, ToTJ, the movies etc.) If you consider SW so poor why are you modeling SW characters? :lol: Or are you talking about the Batman thing? Thats not a reference.

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