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Let's post here our playthroughs. This topic will be only for a link of your run (only playlist), your class and date finished.

PM me if you wanna make any changes in the format.

Edited by Decadency
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  • 2 months later...

Not validated yet, but at this point it was so much work I'm just happy to be done.

I don't know how other people went about it, but the way I did it was to break the run up into small, easily-rehearsable sections, and run a character in parallel to my real run so I could practice each section before doing it with my real character. It was a hell of a lot of work (I probably in aggregate did the ultimate many times over), and it required a massive amount of note-taking, down to all relevant dialogue choices:



If I were to go back in time, I don't know if I'd do it this way again. On the other hand, this was my 23rd attempt (though only the 3rd since I started this method), and I'm not sure I would have had the time or patience to start over from scratch every time I messed up, versus simply mindlessly rehearsing each section until I had it down pat.

edit: if you're actually watching, i recommend clicking through to youtube - i have comments on most of the later section that let you jump past the buffing sections (of which there are a lot).



Edited by thelee
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  • 4 months later...

Sorry to necro the thread, but I figure this is the best place for it.  Just completed mine and submitted it a few minutes ago.  Ran mine similar to thelee with a parallel run.

Forbidden Fist/Priest of Skaen






Edited by KhanAidan
Wrong month of completion.
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6 hours ago, KhanAidan said:

Sorry to necro the thread, but I figure this is the best place for it.  Just completed mine and submitted it a few minutes ago.  Ran mine similar to thelee with a parallel run.

Forbidden Fist/Priest of Skaen




wooooo! congrats

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8 hours ago, KhanAidan said:

Sorry to necro the thread, but I figure this is the best place for it.  Just completed mine and submitted it a few minutes ago.  Ran mine similar to thelee with a parallel run.

Forbidden Fist/Priest of Skaen






Cool! Forbidden Fist! :)

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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2 hours ago, thelee said:

wooooo! congrats

Thanks, couldn't have done it without you and the other completionists!


35 minutes ago, Boeroer said:

Cool! Forbidden Fist! :)

Yeah, I had this idea about blowing through encounters with FF curse stacking.  Turns out that without the high power level stuff in monk I just couldn't get wounds built up fast enough to really get the damage bonus high for any lengthy period.  I can see why Helwalker would be an easier choice.

Still, my main character for my fun run is an FF, so I figured I had to try it.

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1 hour ago, KhanAidan said:

Thanks, couldn't have done it without you and the other completionists!


Yeah, I had this idea about blowing through encounters with FF curse stacking.  Turns out that without the high power level stuff in monk I just couldn't get wounds built up fast enough to really get the damage bonus high for any lengthy period.  I can see why Helwalker would be an easier choice.

Still, my main character for my fun run is an FF, so I figured I had to try it.

Why not automate mortification of soul? With blade cascade running, briliiant, wounds from curse and hylea talons it should be around 2-2,5sec  to go from 0 to 10

btw if more of that spiders were bullish (belranga)  sh1t would hit the fan  I think, you should have Effort prepared, but congratulations, great job.


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5 minutes ago, Waski said:

Why not automate mortification of soul? With blade cascade running, briliiant, wounds from curse and hylea talons it should be around 2-2,5sec  to go from 0 to 10

Good point.  That would've probably gotten me there.  Thanks!


10 minutes ago, Waski said:

btw if more of that spiders were bullish (belranga)  sh1t would hit the fan  I think, you should have Effort prepared, but congratulations, great job.

Absolutely should have.  I went in with the assumption that her spiders and her wouldn't both randomly get the bullish trait, and didn't even think about taking in Effort.  Belranga was easily the closest I came to losing this run.  As soon as I saw that she had bullish I knew it was going to be a problem, particularly once I didn't notice the summons go down quickly enough to keep her from closing into range.

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, KhanAidan said:

For those interested, here's the link to Orz's single class blood mage run:



WOW. This means its the first one without brilliant+barring deaths door+salvation of time? Its impressive that the ultimate is possible at all and now they do it without the immortality trick.

I am not an expert, so even with the video I cannot tell for sure whats going on.

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27 minutes ago, Madscientist said:

WOW. This means its the first one without brilliant+barring deaths door+salvation of time? Its impressive that the ultimate is possible at all and now they do it without the immortality trick.

I am not an expert, so even with the video I cannot tell for sure whats going on.

I just watched few minutes,  but I suspect he uses bdd from items/potions(wand/cloak), but either way great job



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I only watched the last vid but it seems he uses BDD potions and Brilliant from Shroud of the Phantasm (uses self targeting with spells to trigger it) and prolongs stuff with Draining Wall. He also uses Arkemyr's Brilliant Departure a lot which doesn't break the invisibility if you cast Walls, pure DoT or CC only.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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  • 3 months later...

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