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AoE weapons (Whispers otEP, Citzal's, Mortars etc.) don't apply afflictions in an area anymore

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No, it does not. But do you know what does? Blinding Smoke from Hand Mortar.  :dancing:  Best enchantment... but shhhh!


I found out by testing a Fury focused on hand mortars + Avenging Storm.


And then I tried Blinding Smoke + Avenging Storm on a fighter with Clear the Path (Hand mortar in main hand, Sungrazer in offhand):








:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


I think you'll get into trouble with the International Rotghast Protection Society if you keep publishing those videos.

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As I understand it, aoe weapons like whispers/mortars get any stat bonuses from an ability against all targets (+pen from strike the bell, +dam from finishing blow) maybe because they're a bonus applied to you rather than a debuff on the enemy, so it makes sense that flames of devotion gets the bonus accuracy/damage versus everyone. 


Not sure how its supposed to work, but Strike the Bell Pen bonus used to work vs the primary target only, same as the ranger abilities (accurate wounding shot, concussive shot). Making it considerably less attractive then the cheaper Cripping Strike, which has a bit less Pen but vs all, carries a damage bonus and aoe debuffs.

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What's the deal with Sungrazer?  I remember it being used in some builds a while ago, but I thought it had been nerfed.  It does AOE on scoring a crit - so are you just scoring so many crits via Avenging storm that it's worth using as your offhand?




I never see it used in mage builds any more?  It's always Sun and Moon for the PL.

Edited by brasilgringo
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So, Avenging Storm + Fire in the Hole + Kitchen Stove + Wild Barrage + Stunning Surge is awesome.


I think maybe having Kitchen Stove + Wild Barrage in the offhand is better than the hand mortar in the offhand when you are using Avenging Storm, since you get +2 bounces with 4 hits each, for 12 procs of Avenging Storm. And Kitchen Stove + Wild Barrage is better than the hand mortar in the offhand with Stunning Surge until this bug gets fixed, since you get stuns on 3 enemies. Bonus: Kitchen Stove has a reload speed bonus, which makes it a good offhander.


I'm actually thinking the Kitchen Stove might be better than the hand mortar in most situations. Maybe if you manage to really cluster up lots of enemies, the mortar is better. Or if you really don't want to rest all the time, then Wild Barrage won't be available much -- that's probably the biggest reason to prefer the hand mortar.

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  • 11 months later...
4 hours ago, Ascaloth said:

So I just came across this thread, and it's a concern since I'm currently theory crafting a build that uses this interaction.


Is this still the case at this point?

No it isn't. AoE Weapons + Debuff are back.

Edited by Elric Galad
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Yes, it was fixed at some point (but it took a while).

I want to add that it's not only afflictions but nearly all hostile effects (DoTs for example). Even rolls that triggere secondary AoE effects will work (e.g. Clear Out + WotEP = cone attack where each hit triggers an additional cone attack or Heart of Fury with Hand Mortar where every hit of HoF triggers a mortar AoE attack).  

I say nearly because Wounding Shot's DoT does not work with any AoE weapon (besides on the initial target of course). Arcane Archer's Imbue shots also don't care for AoE weapons. Maybe there are more but I don't remember.

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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2 hours ago, Boeroer said:

I say nearly because Wounding Shot's DoT does not work with any AoE weapon (besides on the initial target of course). Arcane Archer's Imbue shots also don't care for AoE weapons. Maybe there are more but I don't remember.

I could investigate on this maybe. Also Concussive Shot seems to have the same problem according to previous posts.
Ranger is the next class on my list ^^

Strike the Bell too, but I fear this one could be due to Strike the Bell Attack filters, so harder to tweak.

Also I remember Something weird about Fury form Attack not being categorized as weapon, but I'm not sure it is related to the topic.

Edited by Elric Galad
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I think Fury got fixed by Phenomenum, but I'm not 100% sure. Its jump didn't stack with Driving Flight which was odd and caught my attention.

For Arcane Archer's imbue shots it's intended. THe inbues trigger from every jump already. If they also triggered with very AoE hit it would be absolute mayhem.

With Woundig Shot I think it was a kind of nerf at first because Wounding Shot's DoT used to be very strong. Then they nerfed the DoT, too and I guess they simply forgot to remove the restriction. No proof for that theory whatsoever though.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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2 hours ago, Boeroer said:

I think Fury got fixed by Phenomenum, but I'm not 100% sure. Its jump didn't stack with Driving Flight which was odd and caught my attention.

It's easy to test anyway.


For Arcane Archer's imbue shots it's intended. THe inbues trigger from every jump already. If they also triggered with very AoE hit it would be absolute mayhem

Indeed. This one shall stay as it is.


With Woundig Shot I think it was a kind of nerf at first because Wounding Shot's DoT used to be very strong. Then they nerfed the DoT, too and I guess they simply forgot to remove the restriction. No proof for that theory whatsoever though.

Ok, to be checked.

Edited by Elric Galad
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3 hours ago, Boeroer said:

I think Fury got fixed by Phenomenum, but I'm not 100% sure. Its jump didn't stack with Driving Flight which was odd and caught my attention.

I can't find anything about Fury in the CP files. I'm pretty sure you spoke about it in the CP thread (that's why I noted it as a back-up).
If he corrected it, it might be in his own local version.

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9 hours ago, Boeroer said:

Yes, maybe he did it after CP went live and it wasn't incorporated yet. Can't remember. 🥴
I only know we talked about it and he said that he changed it. 

OK, so you will be able to release it for next version of CP aren't you ?
Or do you need absolutely require MaxQuest to upload a new version ?

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I have no idea. I just discussed stuff on the forum and made the passive icons. 🤷‍♂️

If I had the time I could dive into modding myself and reupload CP and whatnot. But... I'm doing software development for a living and don't feel the urge to "code" during my free time as well (unlike other software guys I guess who never stop). I enjoy doing things that don't involve an IDE or editor after work. ;)

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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4 hours ago, Boeroer said:

I have no idea. I just discussed stuff on the forum and made the passive icons. 🤷‍♂️

If I had the time I could dive into modding myself and reupload CP and whatnot. But... I'm doing software development for a living and don't feel the urge to "code" during my free time as well (unlike other software guys I guess who never stop). I enjoy doing things that don't involve an IDE or editor after work. ;)

That’s funny to hear because I was thinking the opposite way last week : I’m working as an Engineer, but not Dev Engineer. I have some programming to do from time to time, maybe once every 5 years, for simulation tools or stuff like this, but it is rather limited.
I have also spent my last 2 years of “personal hobby time” at writing. Which is rather different from coding
😊 , except for the “I like doing my little stuff” part.

Therefore, when I started modding and managed to get a couple of things working, I thought that it was quite refreshing to deal with some Logical problem solving.


That’s why I feel quite motivated for PoE2 tweaking at the moment, of course when I find time to do so (my daughter has just started walking, so micromanaging her is becoming more complex given her soft AR vs Pierce, Crush, Slash, Electrical, Fire, Cold and Acid ; I don’t want to play Hylea’s challenge, it would remind me too much IRL).


So if you need a hand for coding some CP improvements, just tell me. Even if I’m working on my own mod, I’m willing to use CP as a basis, so addressing some issues within the CP will ultimately make no difference for me.

The trinkets may be a bit above my learning curve for the moment, but I think I would ultimately be able to do it.


But, hey, CP has been Phenomenum’s and your mod (and also MaxQuest’s obviously), so it’s up to you to decide what you want to do about it 😊

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