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So, I've been having fun with Sharpshooter/Rogue Dwarf with Amiina's Legacy - basically if there are 2 targets, he does 80-100 dmg to each target every 1,5s (not counting pet)


What I am wondering is how competetive with that a single class Rogue can be (or a monk/barb/cipher for that matter?) Speaking mostly for single target damage.

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SC Rogue - Meh, lacking resources. Multiclass better in pretty much all aspects.

Monk: Weaker early on, eventually becomes godly.

Barb: Weak early on, very painful to level, strong at cap.

Cipher - Ascendant: Good, gains access to important powers fast. A bit weaker then MC at cap.

Edited by Haplok
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I'm kinda spoilt with this resource stuff. I wish every class can be like chanter or cipher or monk. For priest, wizard and druid. There are only 2 cast per encounter. Empower returns 1. Maybe i'm playing them wrong. After nuking (missed most of the time.... and you miss alot) and then your caster is just food. 


Other classes should have some form of getting back resources. Barbarian is really good especially with HoF (but only with Fire in the hold /  Hand mortar / Kitchen stove)?


There's one axe Amra, i think that's for a monk/barb somehow.

Edited by Archaven
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Bariarian is decent as single class. HoF is great with a lot of weapons, not only hand mortars. For example Morning Star + Body Blows + HoF is a very nice AoE debuffing/damage tool (if you also have Brute Force: even better). The best part is Barbaric Retaliation - sadly it's PL 9.


SC Rogue's Vanishing Strike is actually better than most people think because it allows you to get the Assassinate and Backstab Bonus with every swing of the Full Attack.

But I agree that the lowish resource pool is a strong argument against it. Sadly the high lvl passives of rogues are pretty lame compared to Barb's or Monk's. So once your Guile is spend you feel a bit gimped.  

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Maybe it was nerfed but SC rouge could spam gambit with rapiers allmost constantly. You just have to push ACC (77, +10 PER, +3 bracers, +20 accurate and legendary rapiers, +20 modal, +10 natures resolve, +10 gambit, if You could distract enemy its like +10 so it is like 150-160 :) ) and have 14 guile for 100% hit to crit(10% for 1 guile after gambit). Bonus dmg was something like +80% sneak, +50% crit, +50% deathblows, +200% gambit. It didn't work unfortunatly on everybody, for example fire dragon have crit to hit conversion. But for me it's spellblade where rouge really shines. Toxic strike with high INT and spirit lance can drop 1k of dmg  over few enemies just for 3 guile.

Edited by Waski


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Bariarian is decent as single class. HoF is great with a lot of weapons, not only hand mortars. For example Morning Star + Body Blows + HoF is a very nice AoE debuffing/damage tool (if you also have Brute Force: even better). The best part is Barbaric Retaliation - sadly it's PL 9.


SC Rogue's Vanishing Strike is actually better than most people think because it allows you to get the Assassinate and Backstab Bonus with every swing of the Full Attack.

But I agree that the lowish resource pool is a strong argument against it. Sadly the high lvl passives of rogues are pretty lame compared to Barb's or Monk's. So once your Guile is spend you feel a bit gimped.  


It would be nice if barbarian, rogue, fighter and.. perhaps all classes gain resource when they deal/receive damage. barbarian gaining rage attacking or getting attacked make sense. but for other classes it's abit hard to rationalize though. some abilities are really nice but i hate the idea that you can only have 1-2 HoF and the rest of other abilities there are no more chances to use.


there's only one hope: ancestor memory... but obsidian has to just nerf it.  :getlost:. not only that, they seems to make alot of other stuff like proccing useless as well. i'm not really sure what's on their head.

Edited by Archaven
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