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[Feeback] Aspect of Galawain is underwhelming



Not necessarily a bug per se so much as feedback about the 9th-level Druid spell Aspect of Galawain.


The spell summons a creature that is pretty underwhelming for a 9th-level spell in general, and more so in comparison to another endgame summon: The Chanter's dragon.


Here's a quick comparison against dummies:





Stats-wise, the two are comparable: same accuracy, about the same damage from auto-attacks, and Aspect of Galawain actually has an edge when it comes to penetration.


However, the dragon has a few tricks up its sleeve: a continual debuff (Fear Aura), three knock downs, two breaths, and two tail lashes (for a total of four AoE highly damaging attacks, plus a debuff and three interrupts.)


Granted, even on PotD you'll rarely need to summon the dragon more than once—but you could, if you wanted to: The Chanter can build up to 8 phrases again. The Druid, on the other hand, can cast Aspect of Galawain only once unless he spends an Empower to restore resources.



Bottom line: Aspect of Galawain could use a buff to be a bit more competitive versus the dragon.

Edited by AndreaColombo
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How does this pass the test play through? A druid lvl 9 summon that only does 20 damage? While another infinite summon with many actives and does 100 damage in aoe?


I mean at least you guys should test every class, use some console to get access to full abilities and test them one by one. It is obvious which is very much underwhelming which is overpowered isn't it? I mean anyone whoever played any RPG games will do. Or the testers has their personal favors???

Edited by dunehunter
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How does this pass the test play through? A druid lvl 9 summon that only does 20 damage? While another infinite summon with many actives and does 100 damage in aoe?


I mean at least you guys should test every class, use some console to get access to full abilities and test them one by one. It is obvious which is very much underwhelming which is overpowered isn't it? I mean anyone whoever played any RPG games will do. Or the testers has their personal favors???

There is something Id like to address here that I see brought up many times on the forums. As mentioned above, this was something that was found during development by our QA team, this one in particular by me while I was QA on the project. Please know, none of this is said in anger! Just a bit of defense for my kin here :)


There are many things that are involved in game development for all aspects of it, and even if we find an log an issue it's all about where time for all of our developers get placed for the amount of time we have, and for this one it may have been shelved or rejected. 


The blame often time here falls onto QA, and I think its a bit unfair. While some things are on them and have fallen through the cracks, in the end for all the people here no matter what role they fill, we are only human.


So now with that known, I've relogged this issue for evaluation, it goes a bit further with the community's voice. That is why we saw so many changes after Beta, the devs listened to QA and the Community to make the best decision for the game and all our players.


I hope this clears it up! I would also be confused if I were playing the game and saw this in the 9th level spot tbh. Let's hope we get this one some love.





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I like big bugs and I cannot lie...

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