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Explain a 6-7 sec cast+recovery time for a pitiful single target buff

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The hell is this crap? A long lasting FIT buff? What? 6 second minimum with 0 armor penalties.


My party members can die in the blink of an eye at times. 6 seconds for this? What's going on here man? I don't think there was anything that ridiculous in pillars 1 right?

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I think if combat were happening at the same pace as Pillars 1, I would share this concern.

Also valid.  Combat is slower in POE 2.  I still think a 4 or 6 second cast time for a single target buff is kind of bleh

Edited by Torm51

Have gun will travel.

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There is problem with long cast single buffs.

Even worse if it is less than 30sec duration, or it is single inspiration.

In that 6 sec i can summon rain of fire, or similar nuke.

I could cast nukes first, and then buffs. But if half of enemies are dead i might as well cast single target nuke to finish it off quicker.


The solution is to keep the rule: single target buff 60 sec, group 30sec. Also buffs are quicker to cast than nukes, and selfbuffs are even faster.

That should even ground.

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I think if combat were happening at the same pace as Pillars 1, I would share this concern.

Also valid.  Combat is slower in POE 2.  I still think a 4 or 6 second cast time for a single target buff is kind of bleh


It's also a tier 1 inspiration and nothing else. Compared to something like Valorous Echoes which takes 4.5s (cast+recovery) and gives Insightful and Strong, at level 1, for just 10 focus. The increased duration on the Priest inspirations just isn't meaningful enough. IMO they should have lower cast time AND be tier 2 inspirations, at least.

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I think it would be alright if these were tier 2 inspirations instead of tier 1, but as they are these spells get an automatic pass from me, they can only be used proactively and on one party member at a time.  If I want a spell that can counter afflictions I'd rather be able to use it re-actively, like with suppress affliction, if I'm going to be taking 6 seconds to cast a single target buff it better be a good one, but these really aren't.

Edited by Climhazzard
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this was discussed on the priest thread—priests need inspirations that scale to power level —after all damage spells keep pace w power level yeah?—or don’t obsolesce and faster cast times in general.

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