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Found 7 results

  1. increase nearby storage range or better, make all chests within your building usable no matter the size of it
  2. Organizing a chest for Xbox is a bit annoying having to constantly press the D-pad to get it to the correct spot. My current work around is to increase my overall storage and have a specific chest for every single item in order to use the quick move feature. If there was some sort of shadow ability (similar to the hot bar tool effect currently) to where it would be possible to quick move multiple items of the same category into a large chest and have it snap organize nicely, that would remove this tedious organizing time for counsel players. As a side effect, it may provide a goal for players to fill their storage up! Simply an OCD suggestion. Thanks!
  3. I would like to suggest an improvement for container storages in the game Grounded. I recently happened to have a group of Larvas show up at my base, who destroyed all of my buildings, including chests. When destroyed, the chests items popped out, and where everywhere. My suggestion would be, that upon destruction of a chest, a small bag will spawn, with your items in them, which will despawn after a set amount of time (so people will actually need to get their items out of there). The small bag can only be looted, and not used to store items.
  4. Heya again! Without wasting to much time, here you go: - BUILDING: Be able to transfer a whole stack (10 pc) at once through a hotkey. - hover over a stack and press 'set key' - Hold shift and right click the stack. -Proximity storage building. - have a radius around the storage boxes that counts towards your backpack when building. (Idea from CohhCarnage but I want to back this up!) - Be able to replace a base structure (floor, wall, foundation etc) with a different one. - Let's say I put up a grass wall.. it would be great if we could place a weedstem wall blueprint over that wall, put in the needed resources and so it would upgrade the wall. That's it for now. Will update if I think of more! Cheers!
  5. When transferring items to a storage container, if both the action button(E key) and left mouse button are used in tandem to move items as quickly as possible, the GUI will occasionally, but routinely, freeze. On most occasions, tapping the Tab key will exit from the transfer interface and correct the problem, rarely however, all inputs are ignored. Music continues to play, mouse cursor continues to move, and Windows shortcut keys continue to function, but the game interface is locked.
  6. I've finished adventure 2 on normal and got four loot cards (instead of the whole five, but whatever) and one of the Loot cards was an item (mask) that I didn't want at that moment. When it was time to assign which cards my party will keep and which they will leave behind I decided to leave that mask behind. Now I'm having second thoughts. It's a unique Loot and I'm a completionist. Is there any way to get that card back? Or for that matter to get any good rare item back that I had to discard in favor of other items? Did my party lose that item forever? I've read the forums and the closest solution I've found was to have a pack rat character to store all the good, but not great, items. If I take that approach, do I have to bring that character with me on every adventure? Or is it enough to have that character just in the rooster?
  7. Request: Throughout the stronghold are containers of various kinds - bookcases, vases, boxes, chests, etc., the majority of which we are unable to select/interact with. This greatly detracts from my ability to roleplay the stronghold as my home. Given that I can pick up such a great variety of goods throughout the world, it only makes sense that I would be able to store them appropriately in my home. Please, make it so that a great majority of containers are usable in the stronghold. It would increase my enjoyment soooo much! Also, while you're at it, please make sorting the containers enjoyable as well. Sorting scrolls by name or level, books alphabetically or by series, e.g., part I, II, III, IV... Please, the more containers, the greater variety, and added sorting/viewing mechanisms would go such a long way! Thanks!
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