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Found 5 results

  1. That was a pain, but I made it Here is a fixes for the slight of hand bonus missing for all rogue classes with Berath's blessing bonus skills. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/206 The bonus was applied to insight instead of slight of hand. This fix redirects it to slight of hand. Berath's blessing is only applied at character creation or for npcs when they join you. So one have to start a new game for the correct bonus on the avatar. It is incompatible with anything that modifies Berath's blessing bonus skills. Just extract into the override folder like all the other mods for PoE2. This are the class IDs for anyone, who wishes to change/make abilities for classes. The ForClassID is the main class.
  2. Anyone knows if this is possible? I haven't seen any table that modify runspeed per class yet but I might have missed something. Only one I've seen is the global function to raise "walking speed" but nothing for stealth. Any insights would be greatly appreciated
  3. Heya, didn't see too much on this, but I'm debating on a few things for my hearth orlan gun rogue. The big questions are pistol vs. blunderbuss, and two weapon style vs. single weapon style. I saw that the pistol modal gives me an accuracy penalty that's worse than what the blunderbuss has to begin with, but I presumably get more shots. The speed calculator has also pointed out that stealth massively increases my reload speed - which, given the diminishing returns for buffs, means that if that I make a rogue who has all the invisibility abilities then I wouldn't be worrying about reload speed anyways. My choice of weapon styles also adds a interesting wrinkle: hit to crit is something that hugely benefits a blunderbuss, and wielding a single weapon to start with effectively counters the accuracy penalty for the pistol modal and the blunderbuss's built-in accuracy penalties. However, my abilities that use my full attack are gonna be far less powerful - yet the dual wielding talen/ability also doesn't provide a significant speed bonus as far as these weapons are concerned. Could someone give me some solid input on where to go from here? I'm pretty flexible on everything but the fact that I want to use firearms for this character.
  4. So, I bought the game when it launched, but I've had zero time to play it until recently. There are 2 character archetypes I am interested in: An agile monk, who forsakes weapons, using dodging, parrying, and skill to win, over broad constitution and soak. A dashing corsair, renown for her fencing ability, and her quick witted tongue. This particular archetype includes the parry/riposte dueling style (one rapier or saber, and no shield). I have read that Rogues have Riposte as a skill, but that it is terrible. Is a chanter perhaps? or another class better suited toward this concept? I played through the intro as a monk, but realized that a lot of the monk guides seemed to toss out all care for RP dialogue options. I don't really like this approach as, well I don't get a lot of time, so the chances of me replaying the game are negligable, at least for quite a long time. So basically I am looking for a build for either a monk, or a rogue. That still satisfies dialogue checks to keep RP interesting. I am looking to do it with characters met in the world (checking the option to build them myself is allowed however, I will not be making adventurers at the tavern.) I had a stat spread of something (i'm out at the moment.) close to 18 str. Something con. 16 dex, 16 perception, something int, and 16 resolve. I seem to remember con and int being rather low. At any rate, I was curious as to whether a build of either of those archetypes would be able to do well in Hard difficulty. I don't particularily like dropping stats that low, but it seems to meet a lot of the dialogue checks I need to for the desired social impact in RP, and/or the deflection stat for parrying. Is a monk with lower con, and higher resolve, awful? Same question in regards to the pirate theme. Also, do resolve dialogue options always make you into a brute? I would much rather a sarcastic/dashing approach, say Dread Pirate Roberts, than an abusive its my way or the high way! type. I doubt it needs to be stated, but I have no interest in playing a ranged rogue. A sword in one hand, and a pistol in the other is a possibility, but it needs to be a rapier, or a saber. I am sorry if this post comes across rather convoluted, I am in a bit of a hurry and wanted to give people time to respond by the time I get to play!
  5. I love CRPGs, I've actually been on something of a CRPG marathon lately. I've played through IWD, IWD2, BG, BG2, BG2:ToB, NWN & all expansions, NWN2 & all expansions. PS:T is next. One thing that many of these games are guilty of is what I'd call plot-related forced character positioning. Essentially I'm describing what happens when the plot demands a conversation before a fight and forces your character to stand close to and in full sight of your aggressor, even when it will obviously become a fight and even when tactically it is suicide. NWN2 is by far the worst culprit of this but the others suffer from it to one degree or another. When playing as a sorceror there is little more frustrating than sneaking ahead with your party's rogue, running across an invisible zone which triggers a conversation in which your main character & your rogue mysteriously switch positions, leaving your rogue nice & safe with the rest of your party and your squishy sorceror all alone to face the music... I like to play Archers, Rogues or Spellcasters in these kind of games, never the kind who like to be 'in the thick of it'. Thus it frustrates me immensely where I'm forced into a conversation which results in a fight for which I am immediately disadvantaged. It especially frustrates me when the conversation starts even though I'm successfully sneaking or invisible etc. What I'd like to see in Project Eternity is for this to be handled differently. If my main character rogue sneaks into the room where some enemy wants to start up a conversation, I'd like the game to allow one of my companions to speak for me so I can remain hidden. I'd also like to see the game allow me & my party to remain standing in their original positions after the conversation is over rather than seeing Aerie (or similar character) placed next to something with more swords than braincells. Obviously plot must prevail but I'd like to see that tactical options are never denied me when they shouldn't be!
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