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Found 10 results

  1. I just installed Pillars of Eternity for the first time on my MacBook Pro Late 2013 Retina 15" running macOS Sierra. No matter whether in Window or Full Screen Mode, by mouse or by keyboard, using standard cursor keys or remapped ones: the camera just won't move. The only way to reveal a different area of the world is by using the map (open map, click somewhere, close map). Zooming in and out works, though. I searched for hours, but I haven't found any other player having this problem. This is really very annoying and keeps this great game from being actually enjoyable. Can I do something about this?
  2. Hello I would like to buy a game in the Mac App Store but it shows me that the game is not available in my country or region (Poland) I do not really understand why this is because the game itself is in Polish and I remember that it was once available in the store. Thanks
  3. I've been playing Grounded on Xbox and have enjoyed it so far! I would really love to be able to play on my MacBook and Nintendo Switch. Having it available for switch would be so convenient. Do you guys think it would be a possibility they'd expand to different devices? Or should I not get my hopes up??
  4. Is there a way to switch from the pillars of eternity game to other apps like google chrome? I'm playing the game on macos and would like to be able to look things up on the internet without quitting the game. Thanks everyone.
  5. Any chance of getting GNU/Linux support? And macOS support, for that matter?
  6. I originally purchased POE when it was first release on the Mac App Store. I played about 60 hours and bought the definitive edition today from the Mac App Store for the White March Content. I put my save games into the folder where the new definitive version kept them and am able to continue my game, but the player's portrait is missing and just a gray box. The smaller version of the portrait (used in the inventory and lower left of game screen) is gray with a red question mark. There's an eye icon which will bring a little to select a portrait, but there's not way to actually choose a portrait. (see attached images) I've seen other have had this problem, but everything I've see are from user who've purchased POE from Steam and did something with the Steam app to fix it. I've not found anything regarding this from purchase through the Mac App Store
  7. I cannot load ANY of my save games it says: --- Loading Error. There was an error loading the next map. Returned to Main Menu to prevent save game corruption. --- I'm playing on: iMac5k 2014, intel core i7 4GHz, 32GB DDR3, Radeon R9 m295x 4GB MacOS 10.13.4 I've tried: Create several new characters, but all the same - I could not load even firs autosave! Rebuild local files. Delete the game and install it once again. Restart machine. But no effect! It's a horrible, when you waiting for the weekeng to play game, but after four hours of play find out that you could not load ANY of your saves... But then even more - you cannot load ANY GAMES AT ALL. Logs and save game in attach. Report.zip
  8. I am on Gog Fig backer version macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 2.4ghz Intel Core 2 Duo 8Gb Memory and Nvidia Geforce 320M 256MB I know I am underspeced, but the game is pretty well optimized on the rest of the gameplay and I think that the aforementioned screens should be the least likely to slowdown the performance,so maybe something happens there. On PoE 1 I had no such problems ,if it helps *Also sometimes running the game results in blackscreens where there is limited interaction,tht is to say you can year dialogue going but in black,sometimes it happens in the menu too. * I also found an instance where the enemy pirate ship in the opening battle disappears, its crew standing over the waves attacking normaly. I wanted to report my findings for the optimisation/bug fixing team.
  9. Curious, because in the past, Obsidian did manage to put Pillars of Eternity on some tablet variant. ​Some market trends, Konami (those bastards) focusing (2015) on mobile platforms, we also know how successful Pokemon GO was on mobile, of course, it was made for mobile (which I hope Deadfire isn't even remotely thought of as a Player interface). Anyways, Fire Emblem (Konami) is "Coming soon" "Released" on the Play Store (Android, don't know about iOS). ​I know Baldur's Gate & Icewind Dale exists for mobile, Shadowrun Returns too. And Deadfire shrunk down to 5 party members "for space" (mobile screen space is small). ​Is Deadfire designed in mind to be compatible for mobile screens, or would it be something desired for by the community? ​Personally ambivalent, I want Deadfire to be in monogamy for PC, Mac, Linux (mouse and keyboard), but can't deny the market in mobile. Technology advances really fast, and with HoloLens, AR, VR, on the doorstep of revolution, I believe Deadfire would benefit tremendously. ​A bit of a Captain Obvious statement, but I would want Deadfire to be designed for computer use only, and if it'd work or even be really simple to port to console or mobile, go for it.
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