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Found 6 results

  1. Just started happening to me in the last day or two. From the main screen, hit Start, then New....goes to image of goblins, gets stuck, and then crashes game. Please help!!
  2. Curious, because in the past, Obsidian did manage to put Pillars of Eternity on some tablet variant. ​Some market trends, Konami (those bastards) focusing (2015) on mobile platforms, we also know how successful Pokemon GO was on mobile, of course, it was made for mobile (which I hope Deadfire isn't even remotely thought of as a Player interface). Anyways, Fire Emblem (Konami) is "Coming soon" "Released" on the Play Store (Android, don't know about iOS). ​I know Baldur's Gate & Icewind Dale exists for mobile, Shadowrun Returns too. And Deadfire shrunk down to 5 party members "for space" (mobile screen space is small). ​Is Deadfire designed in mind to be compatible for mobile screens, or would it be something desired for by the community? ​Personally ambivalent, I want Deadfire to be in monogamy for PC, Mac, Linux (mouse and keyboard), but can't deny the market in mobile. Technology advances really fast, and with HoloLens, AR, VR, on the doorstep of revolution, I believe Deadfire would benefit tremendously. ​A bit of a Captain Obvious statement, but I would want Deadfire to be designed for computer use only, and if it'd work or even be really simple to port to console or mobile, go for it.
  3. I just purchased the game for my iPad. I can go to the store. I can make purchases. I can go to settings. I have not unlocked story or quest yet. If I try to press start game, the game crashes back to my iPad home screen.
  4. I am frozen on the second quest of Burt offerings. I have the full quest purchase with all the character. I shut down my device reloaded the app. As soon as I go to the quest this is nothing I can to to progess. I cannot forfeit or go back unless I relaunch the app. My id is DA230D2909408672 iPad Air 9.3.3
  5. I’ve been playing the Pathfinder Adventures games for a few days now on my iPad 3rd generation (iOS 9) and it’s fun. I’ve encountered a number of bugs more annoying than game-breaking, except the following one. I’m playing Quest Mode using Merisiel, Kyra and Valeros. On finishing a Quest, Merisiel and Kyra both reached level 8, and Valeros reached level 5. On tapping CONTINUE, I’m brought into the Victory screen where my characters get to receive their rewards. At first, Valeros can’t be selected until I select Merisiel’s and Kyra’s reward (in both cases, a card reward). When i get to Valeros, his first reward, an Ally card, just seems to appear OUTSIDE the screen! As since I can’t tap it, the screen is «frozen» (I can’t tap the Continue arrow nor the settings icon). I know it’s up there, since there have been a couple of times where I could see the magic ripples around the card at the extreme edge of the top of the screen… I’ve tried selecting various card rewards for Merisiel and Kyra, quitting and continue the game from the main screen (which throws me back to the Victory screen loop), restarting the app… nothing works. I’m considering deleting those characters and start anew (which would be a bummer since I’ve added some nice cards in their decks along the way), but is there a way to go around the problem and get Valeros to get that Ally card correctly and finish that Quest? And if I have to start my characters anew, is there a way to transfer their cards to new characters? Thanks!
  6. BioWare and Aspyr Media did a great job of adapting KotOR to the iPad for it's 10th anniversary. Is anyone with me in saying that an adaptation of KotOR 2 would be equally awesome, if not better? If so, back me up. If the company isn't intending to do so, maybe we could bring it back by popular demand.
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