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Found 5 results

  1. It is very annoying to be fighting an insect with my friends and that the ability of the helmet, poison nova, damages my friends a lot.
  2. Hello this is just a technical issue when I placed things in my world and build them, friends are sometimes not able to see what I've built or they will see the object in a completely different spot sometimes under the base even and they cannot access it. Hope this can get sorted out, having to waste alot of resources lol. Thanks like the new update !
  3. Hey everyone, I hope I'm in the right place to post such a post ... It is really difficult to find German forums in which there is still activity. We as the Grounded GER Discord Community are currently increasingly looking for members who want to play together. Whether PC or Xbox, everyone is of course welcome. Everyone can come and go whenever they want, there is no compulsion to play. Various text channels are available to everyone such as Automatic news about Grounded, Secrets, construction projects etc ... We would be happy if you join our server. Best wishes Oliver German below --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Hallöchen zusammen, Ich hoffe ich bin hier an der richtigen Stelle um einen solchen Post abzugeben... Es ist echt schwer deutsche Foren zu finden in denen auch noch Aktivität herrscht. Wir als Grounded Discord Community suchen aktuell verstärkt nach mitgliedern, die gemeinsam spielen wollen. Egal ob PC oder Xbox, jeder ist natürlich gern gesehen. Jeder kann kommen und gehen wann er will, es herrscht kein Spielzwang. Es stehen jedem diverse Text Channel zur Verfügung wie z.B. Automatische News zu Grounded, Secrets, Bauvorhaben usw... Wir wurden uns freuen wenn ihr unserem Server beitretet. Viele Grüße Oliver
  4. I started playing The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot. I am not yet certain how much time I will spend in the game and there are grounds for criticism (ask Monte Carlo, who has a valid, understandable dislike for the game already). But for those who are interested, and because having friends in the game increases the fun one can get out of it. Here is a post about what it is: The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot It is a hybrid game, combining building a la Dungeon Keeper, with action rpg killing of monsters and looting of loot (a la Torchlight etc (yeah not going to say Diablo ). There are two parts to the game: Attacking and Defending. Attacking is pretty straight forward: you pick a castle to raid, travel to it (using magic or something) and try to reach the treasure room, dodging traps... and killing monsters on your way.... The gold and life force you loot you then store in your own treasure room, in your own castle. That brings us to the second part, defending: You are the proud homeowner of one flying castle. And just as you loot other people's castles, they can raid yours: To prevent that, you fill your casle with... traps of your own... and monsters of your own... All in an attempt to prevent would be thieves from reaching your Castle Heart (yeah... it's so not a Dungeon Heart...) As you level up your castle, you gain access to more creatures, more traps... more rooms... upgraded creatures... and a greater income Once you have build a castle you like, you have to validate it by raiding it yourself Once that is done, your castle goes public and is there for the community to enjoy. ------------------------------------------ So what is the downside? The game is free to play with a cash shop. Free? That is great! True... And nobody forces you to buy XP-Boosts, Loot-Boosts etc for real cash. Or to unlock new heroes through real cash. New heroes? Yes, as you start the game you can select one from a choice of three heroes: Mage, Knight, Archer. A fourth hero, the Roadie, is available through the cash store. The gems (the currency bought through real cash) can slowly be earned in-game, so a lot of things may eventually be earnable just by playing... a lot That doesn't change the queasy feeling you may get when looking at the store an noticing the "ultimate pack" for a LOT of cash. The other thing that can rub you the wrong way is the browser game style of logging in to have gotten raided repeatedly by random strangers while you were asleep. Luckily, once you get looted (I read somewhere that the looter takes 20% of your stash), your castle is shielded from further looting for 12 hours or so. That doesn't mean your ranking wont go down. On the other hand: ranking? Who cares? The fun part is building a castle and hoepfully watching replays of people failing at raiding it And it takes a while until you can unlock all the cool bits. Oh and of course: Ubisoft ------------------------------------------ Who is this game for? People who like building death trap dungeons. People who like to share what they build with friends and random strangers. People who like to raid dungeons and collect loot. But building is the main bit. So if anyone wants to journey to the lands of Opulencia, send me a friend request. I'm Melkathi ingame as well. So:
  5. 4:49PM for me. Im about to go eat some pizza. Buuuuuuut my apetite isnt doing so well. See my mind feels like its on acid. Im on winter break (towards the end of it anyway) Spent most of it gaming and reading manga. What a waste!!! Im an idiot... I should have been thinking about ways to confess to the person I like. Trouble is the first two people I told about my crush was 1st my best friend (let's call her Lady Crabs) & 2 a guy friend (let's call him Mr. Jacket) Heres where the DOOOOM begins. I told Lady Crabs about it & her reaction was not too enthusiastic. In fact she hasnt been talking to me for while.... Im crazy worried about her but I've got my pride so like hell im gonna try to work things out with her first! Then there is Mr Jacket who upon telling him about my feelings for his friend I soon found out that HE has a crush on ME?! That's just great! A darn love triangle! The only one who doesnt know is the fellow i have the crush on. We shall call him -> Little Slash That's all for now. Any advice for a poor love striken sap like me!!!??? I really dont wanna be crushed with this crush. Otaku Piece!
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