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Found 7 results

  1. Hi I like the game but it would be even better if these survival restrictions (like food drink sleep) could be available for lower difficulties as well. Survival has got nothing to do with difficulty, imo there's no reason to lock it behind the highest difficulty. - Spacehamster
  2. Greetings, everyone. I hope you're having a nice day. As the title says, what are some survival horror games that require a considerable time investment to beat? I've recently stumbled upon "Lost in Vivo" which seems to be right up my alley save for its disappointingly short campaign. I don't hold it against the developer because they're indie and all but it has me thinking whether there are any other games in the same vein that take more than just a few sittings to complete. Does anything come to mind? Cheers to anyone who helps me fill my upcoming Christmas break with neat games.
  3. Something I wouldn't mind seeing in the future is a stronger connection between your Survival/Alchemy skills and the collection of useful plants. Right now I just constantly click on anything glowy in the hope that some day it might prove useful. But wouldn't it be more meaningful if those plants would only become clickable in the first place if you had the necessary Survival skill rank to identify them? Maybe have a little effect go off when I notice a plant worth collecting so it catches your eye. It would at least make the chore a little more interesting, and provide a little reward if you pass back through a cleared area.
  4. New Russian Post-Apocalyptic Survival game inspired by sci-fi works of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. http://youtu.be/k1gmBupfIZg http://store.steampowered.com/app/435530/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arkady_and_Boris_Strugatsky
  5. Can someone please explain to me the purpose of the skill system? I understand the basics, meaning I understand that you can pick locks with high mechanics or you can receive extra dialogue options with high lore, but are these skills class specific? Should I focus on certain skills when I play with certain classes or should I develop all the skills simultaneously? The athletics skill for example doesn't appear to be useful beyond a certain point. If my fatigue is already reduced by 90% what's the point of developing the skill even further? My barbarian won't become stronger from athletics as far as I can tell... His health and endurance are based on his level and attributes. Or am I mistaken? The situation is similar with the rest of the skills as well. Maybe stealth and mechanics are exceptions (I suspect I will encounter more observant foes and stronger locks towards the end) but I am not sure. I think from a role playing perspective a stealthy barbarian would be pretty ridiculous just like a wizard with high athletics. I have an aumaua barbarian and I have the first four companions but I have no idea how to develop their skills. So far I gave mechanics to Aloth and developed his lore. I also developed the athletics and survival skills of my barbarian. But I don't know what to do with the rest. There are only 5 skills so there aren't too many options. When I find the ranger companion I will give her stealth... but apart from that the skills of most of my companions look the same. It's quite depressing. I checked the game manual for more information but its skill descriptions don't match the in-game descriptions so it wasn't particularly useful. Can someone please explain to me the skill system? I would appreciate some suggestions regarding how to develop the skills of my party members too. As I said my party contains a barbarian, a fighter, a wizard, a priest and a chanter.
  6. It's a considerable design change, but I like it because: It's more strategic. It's now harder to mindlessly max out a specific skill. You actually have to sacrifice a talent if you want to be maxed Mechanics, maxed Lore, etc. You can have more/deeper talents, focus on more/deeper skills, or find a balance. This is more interesting to me than deciding which guy is going to max Mechanics, which one Lore, etc. It's more logical. Linking talents and skills makes flavor sense--Hold the Line tying into Athletics, for instance. Having skills exist in their own vacuum, completely independent of talent selection, seems odd now. It's more fun. I don't miss the dull process of pumping more points into whatever skill I want to max in order to reach gated content or unlock chests. Let's see what you guys think. If you don't like it, how would you redesign it?
  7. I am a rational person, I tend to only believe in what I can see as much as I would love the world to be more fantastic it sadly isn't. Saying that I often find myself planning what to do in the event of the Zombie uprising. In 2046. On March 31st. At 2.03 pm Plans for this are based on a few set guidelines. 1) Any plan I have is based on slow shambling Zombies. I fully accept if they are fast running Zombies, I am one of them. Although slow they have exceptional hearing and smell. 2) We all know that in a zombie scenario the military is useless with Shawn of the Dead being the exception that proves the rule. So military installations are expected to be destroyed or just overrun. 3) Through whatever method has spread, roughly 90% of humanity is gone. 4) Basic infrastructure is gone. Electricity running water etc. 5) My one kindness in this scenario, you and fellow survivors are immune. 1 bite will not kill you. If a survivor dies they will come back. 6) You did not know this was coming and have not had time to prepare. you were as surprised as the army, you have just lucked it this far. 7) you need to survive for 6 months. After that the zombies are gone. Cure, starvation or act of god you choose. OK rules done. Lets here your plans. I will post mine as well but that's enough text for now
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