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Found 7 results

  1. Will there be mods support? Any planned DLC? Season Pass? What endgame going be like? Multiple Endings? Character creator? Any pre order benefits? Anything else I should know?
  2. Enchant Upgrade Not Working The Refreshing Finale Enchant upgrade (Empowering an invocation returns 3 Chanter Phrases and a 100% chance to return an Empower point) is not returning the empower point when using an empowered invocation. From some quick experimenting I can't replicate the bug, so I've attached a copy of the save where the item is bugged and a save from before it was upgraded. Before the Item was Enchanted, After the Item Was Enchanted and with the bug. I'm not sure if this is just limited to this item or if the bug is a more general one. Edit: The bug seems to be linked with world map transition, as transitioning into a new area stopped the enchant effect from working properly
  3. Sometimes I would get this weird pathing issues with my companions. It seemed to start right when I got a sixth companion, or in my case Sagani. Basically when the party moves to their move location. One or more companions "stutter" rapidly in place trying to find a place to stand. It seems like the issue might be worse with a party formation that is compact, but it happens still in more spread out formations. You'll also get an annoying sound of rapid footsteps as the characters jitter. ​ ​I think sometimes even NPCs off screen can bug, because sometimes (once my own party starts bugging out) I'll hear rapid pacing from what sounds like an NPC off screen or in the fog that is. ​ ​This is a bug that exists in the current version of the game with both expansions. ​ ​--- ​ ​The purpose of this thread isn't exactly to beg for bug fixes in PoE1, though that'd be nice. But it's to collect a number of issues that could be fixed going forward. Since Deadfire is actively being developed and that's where Obsidians focus and resources currently lie.
  4. The card tag is Light Armor but the text makes reference to Heavy Armor. Is this correct or errata? Thnx.
  5. Flask of Ice (Deck 5) text states "add 2D6 and Cold..." while Flask of Frost (Deck 4) tells the same. Whereas the Fire versions differ (3D6 vs 2D6) those don't. Is this correct, errata? Is both their dice bonus adding 2D6 to the check maths? Thnx. Edit: Also Flask of Force Missile should be "Arcane 14 check to recharge" to be properly escalated in comparision with Flask of Force.
  6. Hi! This is an idea rather for a worldwide and international opportunity and what I believe could be a step forward towards a unified world. Live wherever you want, work wherever you are capable. Technology is savvy enough today to allow people work from one location in the world for a company at another location in the world. I am aware that not every profession would be able to handle this, but an office based, computer/technology/web-based profession could. Programmers, Journalists, Website Managers etc. etc. professions where you work in front of a computer. A solution? Skype or similar service. How am I envisioning this? Skype (in this case) has several features, the one I am most interested in is the "Share your Desktop" feature. So in essence, one could get a cheap dedicated computer at an office in, let's say France, and then work from India. The employees in France could see everything the worker does on their computer through the "Share your Desktop" interface, they could hold conversations with them and direct them as well. It'd be like having the employee at the job, except he'd be invisible. I am also curious about the QA implications a format like this could have. Thoughts? EDIT: Does there exist jobs like this or similar?
  7. Since the Kickstarter has now officially reached $3.5M I'd like to make a suggestion. Instead of introducing new stretch goals, how about devoting the extra money on Quality Assurance (QA). In short, make sure that the game is polished at launch and doesn't require a bunch of patches to become playable. No offense meant to Obsidian, it's just that a project of this scope needs thorough testing.
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