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Found 4 results

  1. Starting topic of any/all ideas & suggestions for possible future games & DLC content. Here are a few things that I'd like to see in future installments or DLC content. 12 Companions Weapons/Armor DLC Archer companion that switches between standard crossbow & bow with power based weapons that include elemental damage ex: fire, plasma, shock, etc. Mimic/Shapeshifter companion that can take on identity/form of anyone in game which could be used for missions or to infiltrate a group/faction or replace someone in game or be used for humor aspects.
  2. - OUTER WORLDS - First off I would like to thank and congratulate the Outer Worlds Team from Obsidian and its affiliates, this game is wonderful and I havent enjoyed a game like this in awhile. THANK YOU! A few Subjects that I thought I would share with the team and fellow Captains. I use (need) loosely, more of agreeable additions. • Companions: Companions need a story buff, I would personally like to see more immersive content regarding companions, I think an expansion on content related to certain members of your crew would definitely bring some extra life and backstory to them while providing wholesome content for players that are here for the story. • Factions: More Immersive Faction quests and more faction content with varying Ranks and missions, allowing allegiances, a fluid Story based off your decisions on what Factions to bring together and what Factions you outcast from the fold. (Your endgame cutscene gave me the idea) •Factions & Reputation: There should be a way to increase your reputation based on actions displayed, a Kill on Sight Faction is basically done for the game, there should be a way to continue to obtain missions and content from KOS Factions via on-ship comms. Possibly an Emissary alerting you that “[Faction] has heard of your [ _] and is willing to come to an agreement if you help us on this task. Varying difficulty for increased or decreased amounts of Faction respect gained. This just provides a resolution to “accidental” situations. • Homesteading In regards with rallying behind a particular Faction, able to build your faction headquarters and bases (included with this is internal ship customization.) Something parallel to what Fallout 76 and The Elder Scrolls series have. This was a nice option to have when you want a break from shooting and blowing up NPC’s. • Relationships I understand this is considered not exactly a key aspect, but developing character relationships with NPCs in game heavily increase your sense of story immersion. Whether it be friends or romance, which can lead to additionally unlocked quests adding additional content. • Ammunition I found it difficult to keep up with my heavy ammunition consumption. Eventually as I progressed I gained enough bits to always buy what I needed, but increasing world spawns of ammo and increasing the amount sold per vending machine may resolve that. • Wild creatures As of currently, looting wild creatures is near useless as they drop an item worth <10 bits, maybe adding in random items on occasion could fix that. • Free Roam One thing that irked me is upon finishing your final mission(trying not to spoil) is that I am now unable to play until a DLC is dropped. Unless I want to start a fresh character. It would be wonderful to see this resolved after the DLC drop(hoping there is plenty of DLC to come.) I greatly appreciate your time and I hope the Development team checks some of this out, it would be a treat to have some of my ideas used to better this game! [XBOX]
  3. Not sure if there is already one of these threads, but if you have any suggestions please drop them below. Hopefully the devs will take them into account. Suggestions: 1: A way to purchase a reduced price RoTR extra content bundle for when you already have all of the things purchasable with gold, since $25 feels like too much for whatever that extra deck comes with. 2: A higher chest tier which only gives items you don't have yet or which lets you pick the deck the items are drawn from. 3: Re-spec heroes for 500 gold. 4: Making teleport boots ignore movement restrictions. 5: Adding optional objectives for quests. 6: Adding more daily missions so we have options and more variety. 7: Having a confirmation screen when clicking not to close a location, or when it happens while encountering a boss let us use that character to close that location again, as it was a clear mistake. Thanks for reading
  4. This was originally a response to the thread of "Urgency: please have it" (link: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/60235-urgency-please-have-it/), but it went into a whole 'nother direction, so I choose to make a topic of my own to potentially discuss it. So keep that in mind as it starts out with the 'urgency' topic and then moves on. Mmk? :D Honestly, I like urgency. I somewhat loathed Skyrim (for example) for not being urgent: you're the chosen one, you have to save a world from impending doom. So if I choose instead to join 10.000 guilds and do even more 'find my lost jewelry' quests, why hasn't doom impended yet? What did the evil dragon of evil do all day? Sit on his arse? Some doombringer... So urgency would be a 'must' for me, if the story lends to it, which I very much support (as opposed to 'here, go play in this sandbox world!')... On a related note: consequences when you're not urgent could potentially be very interesting, and if they choose to not railroad/script the consequences (i.e. make the consequences specific to the missed quest, for example, instead of making it an unchanging part of the main plot), or instant-game-over it, could lend to a lot of replayability. E.g.: Well crap! The village you were supposed to go to, to save from the Evil Bastard, has vanished from the map (apparently he did his Evil Bastardly job well without waiting for you to show up to thwart him) because you loitered around too long somewhere else... Incidentally, you weren't around to find out the next step in his master plan. Now how do we further the plot? What's his next step? How do we find out the next step of his master plan? How cool would that be? It could potentially involve a whole new gameplay mechanic of chasing down leads and investigating, setting up an intel network across several cities, etc etc. This could make the possibility of parallel missions interesting as well: instead of the Mass Effect 2 style of 'here are 9 missions you can do in any order you like! With no consequences if you choose 1 instead of the other, YAY!', you can have 2 or 3 missions that can happen at the same time, but you can only choose to chase down 1 lead, choose to do 1 mission (which you may or may not find out after the mission is over; as in: hmmm, let's do the investigatory mission first before going to the village where Evil Bastard has been spotted --> Well crap, apparently the Evil Bastard destroyed the village, but at least I found a piece of vital information that might come in handy later, or that unlocks some other important mission; and vice versa, of course: let's go save the village --> you have saved the village, but at the expense of some vital piece of info). Again, it leads to replayability. That could take a lot of work, granted, but hey, that's what additional stretch goals, or possibly mods, can be for, right? ;p (no offense to game makers if that comment is just plain wrong, though... O_o) So... Ideas? -Tim
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