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Found 8 results

  1. Upon Saving a game, and re-loading that save, if you had any prior equipped weapons and gliders, they stay equipped, however the lower right corner of the screen no longer shows the details of what is equipped. Normally you would see weapon details there (and key uses), as well as the glider you have equipped. See screenshots for details. re-equipping an item corrects it, and brings the equipped item part of the HUD back. Glider icon also returns after you unequip/re-equip the glider. Steam Version & Gamepass versions both
  2. I love the look of the insects and these arrow pop-ups destroy the atmosphere when fighting with the bow and arrow. If the pop-ups just waited until the arrow hits the ground or the insect is dead it would look much nicer fighting with the bow. Sometimes you can't even see what you're fighting because it has all those markers all over it!! Would also like a key to hide the hot-bar at the bottom of the screen. If you use the radial, this HUD element is almost useless and is very distracting. Thanks.
  3. The hud is partially off of the screen on my game. I play on the original Xbox One on an older tv 720x1280 (yes i know it's outdated). I barely ever have this problem with other games, adjustable hud margins would be nice.
  4. The HUD should show an icon that indicates a fear of HEIGHTS. Not spiders. Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. Acrophobia is fear of heights. I think the designer for this got confused? There aren't even spiders in this game (so far as I have seen.) View attached file.
  5. Why in the world did Obsidian make a completely stunning game but give it a disgusting interface that the player cannot adjust in any way? Besides turning it on or off; but thats the kicker. When I found a cool hunting rifle, while I had my HUD disabled, I found that there is no crosshair on the scope. I would love an update that adds more customization for the interface plz and thank u
  6. When will we get an option for this? This game has become unbearable for me to play as ill get headaches from not looking where I'm actually looking, and I've had to put the game on hold u til a patch comes through.
  7. I use a oled as my main TV, it would be nice if there was a way to turn off different parts of the hud like the companions skills, or if there was a option for the hud to disappear when not in combat. Great game as always Obsidian! Keep doing you
  8. Quistnix

    Toggle HUD?

    Hi, I've just started my third playthrough of the game and I was hoping to make it a picture tour for Dead End Thrills. This means taking a lot of screenshots, but it also means I can't show any hud or user interface. I could crop and Photoshop most of the HUD out of my shots, but having a key to toggle the HUD on and off gets way better results. I've been looking at some basic Unreal engine ways to toggle the HUD, with no luck. Anyone here who could help? Thanks!
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