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Found 4 results

  1. I've taken a look at how Attack/Action Speed works in Deadfire, and will list the aggregated info in this thread. First of all here are the main differences between Beta2 and PoE1: - weapons' recovery duration (on average) was doubled - but they now have almost halved attacking duration - reloading weapons no longer have recovery phase at all - weapons deal damage right at the end of attacking phase (instead of doing that somewhat in the middle of it) - in PoE1 we could "abuse" Quick Switch and skip recovery of firearms along with reloading. This is not possible in Deadfire even if firearms would still have said recovery. - many PoE1 "+x% Attack Speed" effects were changed to "+x% Action Speed" - in PoE1 attack phase duration was influenced only by DEX. In Deadfire everything that states "+x% Action Speed" affects it. This is minor for weapons (since they have really fast attack), but big for spells. - speed system / formulas / stacking was heavily rewritten - dexterity bonus is no longer multiplicative with other coefficients. All multipliers are now aggregated in additive manner. - and maluses go through double inversion (like in current damage calculation) In practice that results in: if you have many bonuses and let's say 1 malus - that malus will have a much greater effect on the final value. - stacking speed bonuses subject to increasing returns in PoE1; and is subject to diminishing returns in Deadfire. Notes: - it looks like reload duration was decided to be left unafected by the armor type. - Swift Strikes and Frenzy seemed to not affect attack duration in Beta1 (they do in Beta2, and it's now consistent with other "+x% Action Speed" effects, like: potions, bloodlust and dex). Now regarding the formula: phase_duration = base_phase_duration / speed_coefficientwhere: speed_coefficient = steps_sum >= 0 ? steps_sum + 1 : 1 / (1 - steps_sum)where: steps_sum = step_1 + step_2 + ... + step_nwhere: step_n = coef_n >= 1 ? coef_n - 1 : 1 - 1 / coef_n And a concrete example. Warbow has: - 1.1s base attack duration - 3.0s base recovery duration Q: What attack/recovery it will have at 20 DEX with overdraw? > Let's compute attack duration: - steps_sum = (1.3 - 1) = 0.3 - speed_coef = 1.3 + 1 = 1.3 - attack_duration = 1.1s / 1.3 = 0.846s > Let's compute recovery duration: - steps_sum = (1.3 - 1) + (1 - 1 / 2) = 0.3 + -1 = -0.7 - speed_coef = 1 / (1 - -0.7) = 1/1.7 = 0.588 - recovery_duration = 3.0s / 0.588 = 5.1s Result: at 20 DEX and overdraw, warbow will have: ~ 0.8s attack duration ~ 5.1s recovery duration Btw, ever wondered why: - plate armor displays: +55% recovery time - scale armor displays: +35% recovery time - plate armor with armored grace: +18% recovery time - scale armor with armored grace: +6% recovery time ?
  2. Hi everyone, it's dumb math question time! I was wondering how exactly the bonus to action speed from Dexterity is calculated? I reckon it is a percentage but I don't get what the base number is to which it applies. I also reckon heavy armor applies to a penalty to your action speed—but again, not sure what the base number is. Additionally, how do the two interact? e.g. base number 10, armor -20%, dexterity +10% Do they offset each other prior to applying? I.e. (-20% +10% = -10%) so 10 * (1-10%) = 9 Do they apply one after the other? I.e. 10 * (1-20%) = 8 * (1+10%) = 8.8
  3. I tested spell speed this evening. Fast 2.23 seconds consumed Frames to Effect: 14 Frames to Completion: 35 Frames of Recovery: 32 AVERAGE 4.3 seconds consumed Frames to Effect: 53 Frames to Completion: 79 Frames of Recovery: 50 SLOW 7.93 seconds consumed Frames to Effect: 128 Frames to Completion: 132 Frames of Recovery: 106 I used naked Wood Elves with 10 Dexterity as a baseline. Recorded casting in FRAPS at 30 FPS and checked speed frame by frame in After Effects. Dissected single spells and verified with queues of 5 spells. Speed seems to vary some within categories, as fireball and burst of summer flame gave different results. There is a slight delay between when the system declares a spell has been cast and when it realizes that spell's effect, probably based on the effect's animation. I tested the same spell with 10 Dex and 20 Dex to find that the next spell occurs 30% faster, so Dex expedites casting time and recovery time, but had little effect on realization time. For comparison, a hunting bow is 3.0 seconds consumed, 45 frames to completion, 45 frames of recovery. Fast spells are ~25% faster than hunting bows, deal ~100% more base damage and can reach a 1.4x damage multiplier (talent, bracers), so a good fast spell is akin to a hunting bow with a 2.4x damage multiplier and swift aim. Below is my raw data pasted from notepad. --------- FAST --------- (DRUID summer flame) 10 frames to be told cast 13 frames to see damage 35 frames to end casting animation 32 frames to start new casting animation //13 to damage [0.43 seconds] 35 to end [1.17 seconds] 32 to new action [1.07 seconds] 67 frames total [2.23 seconds] (DRUID summer flame [20 Dexterity]) 7 frames to be told cast 12 frames to see damage 29 frames to end casting animation 23 frames to start new casting animation //12 to damage [0.4 seconds] 29 to end [0.97 seconds] 23 to new action [0.77 seconds] 52 frames total [1.73 seconds] (WIZARD fireball) 14 frames to be told cast 17 frames to see damage 36 frames to end casting animation 34 frames to start new casting animation //17 to damage [0.56 seconds] 36 to end casting animation [1.2 seconds] 34 to new action [1.13 seconds] 70 frames total [2.33 seconds] --------- AVERAGE --------- (DRUID blizzard) 50 frames to be told cast 53 frames to see damage 79 frames to end casting animation 50 frames to start new casting animation //53 to damage [1.77 seconds] 79 to end [2.63 seconds] 50 to new action [1.67 seconds] 129 frames total [4.3 seconds] --------- SLOW --------- (DRUID returning storm) 128 frames to be told cast [4.27 seconds] 132 frames to end casting animation [4.4] 106 frames to new action [3.53] 238 frames total [7.93 seconds] *Changed a few frames after verifying with a paused queue. Fast -1 frame, Average +3 frames.
  4. Game & Strategy Guide recommend Dexterity for Wizzard, but I don't understand why. Does Accuracy depand on Dexterity? Wiki referring to Josh Sawyer post says "yes", but Game, Manual & Strategy Guide don't mention it. So, where is the truth? It seems like Wiki is off. Is Action Speed important for Wizzard? Surely Wizzard uses wands & rods, but most of his spells are limited and powerfull so he can't spam them.
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