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Found 7 results

  1. Sometimes, when I discard cards as damage, the game doesn't count them correctly. For example, I needed to discard 4 cards. I discarded Arcane Armor and 2 other cards, then hit the blue arrow(next phase). Then the game makes me discard one more card, though I already went through the damage phase. If I hit the cross(cancel) it gives me my cards back, but not Arcane Armor, and still makes me discard 4 cards.
  2. So Josh Sawyer posted this poll Twitter recently, but Twitter poll durations are limited to 7 days max. I thought I might put the same question to the Obsidian community. My own opinion is that it would make a lot of sense to leverage Obsidian's existing relationship with Paizo to release a Pathfinder-compatible PoE setting sourcebook. That said, , and a significant amount of that thought went toward addressing perceived balance issues in games like DnD 3.5e and Pathfinder. It'd be a shame not to preserve that spirit in a tabletop adaptation - PoE is more than just its setting, after all.
  3. Hi guys, I'm having a lot of fun with the game. I've purchased the full campaign and the daily gold bonus. Today, I seem to have run into a progression blocker (corrupted save?) during Gogmurt's boss fight in Approach to Thistletop (1-4). Attempts to continue my game closes/crashes the app to the iOS springboard. Steps to reproduce IIRC are listed below. General What device type are you on? iPad What version of the OS are you running? iOS 8.1 What model is the device? iPad Air 2 What is your PFID#? PFID-9B361BFFD3E20774 Gameplay Is pass & play on? No Is permadeath on? No Tutorial, Story Mode, or Quest Mode? Story Mode Characters in Party Seelah (Paladin), Ezren (Wizard) Location of each character I don't remember Turn Order I don't remember Scenario & Scenario Difficulty. If on non-normal difficulties, which wildcard powers are in play? Approach to Thistletop 1-4 (normal) Did the issue occur on the first explore or a subsequent explore? First explore of turn. Did other characters aid the check? What did they use to aid it? n/a Was the encounter a Horde? No What card was encountered when the issue occurred? (Or check, or card just played, etc) Closed 2 of 4 locations normally. Encountered boss goblin Gogmurt with Ezren and temporarily closed last other open location with Seelah. Gogmurt rolled the "Before you act" fire damage (3), but I hadn't yet picked any cards to discard. I believe I then put the iPad down and it eventually auto-timed out to the lock/off screen (and autosaved?). Continuing my game (autosave?) after this point crashes to iOS springboard. [both when using Main Menu > Continue and Main Menu > Story > Slot 3 Play button.] Thanks, Ben --- VER-552-20160804 PFID-9B361BFFD3E20774 GameCenter: woebtz
  4. Just downloaded this for my Android device. First off - I love it! Great implementation. However, there is one bug that has made this game unplayable for me since it is becoming more and more frequent. This is what happens: I choose what cards I will use for my roll on a combat check, I roll the die, and even if I succeed at the check I still fail and take damage. I first noticed an instance where I missed the check by 2, recharged chain-mail (reduce damage by 2), but still had to discard 1 card for damage. I started to pay more attention, and these are two more instances where this just happened: Bugbear, combat 10. I roll an 11, and the result: I take 3 combat damage. Enchanter, combat 8. I take the first Force damage (discard), roll a 13, and the result: I take 7 combat damage. Both of those checks were made by Kyra and, as a result, she ended up dying fairly quickly. Is there a rule I missed that would make this happen? Or has anyone else encountered this bug?
  5. The group I play with has some people interested in Martial Adpets. Does anyone know if there is a Pathfinder adaptation of these classes or if introducing weeaboo fightan magic is possible to do in Pathfinder without much trouble?
  6. I'm copy-pasting this from another board, so if it reads weirdly, that's why: ^ I know I don't know many of you very well, and that I tend to keep to the PoE subforums. Nonetheless, I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in watching me squirm.
  7. Hello. I would like to learn little bit GMing by observing and playing in some group. But because of my busy worklife, I have absolutely no idea where to look for online group, which would accept my noob status and would be playing at reasonable time in CET region. I found once awesome group of helpful players, but they were all Australian, so I ended up with having serious sleep issues... I tried to find some other groups and webpages on my own, but either my Google-Fu skill is low or some other mysterious reason, I was able to find American players only, which is as bad for me as the Australian group. The only Euro players which I found did not played online So the question is: do you know about a place, where I could find some community of nice people playing classic Pathfinder (I do not like the restrictions of Pathfinder Society Rules and Scenarios) online over Skype or G+, mostly at weekends around noon-evening in Central European Time Zone (GMT +2), which would accept noob player which wants to learn to be better? Thanks a lot
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