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  1. I think camping gear entails more than wood, and I'm not sure you'd want to cook your food over heavily lacquered shield wood. You'd also be too tired to cook having exhausted yourself trying to get the shield wood in a condition to burn. :Cant's crooked grin icon: Seriously, though, you're not the only one who finds the camping gear aspect highly irritating. We'll put you in the 'not for it' column. No matter what, thanks for signing up for the boards, man! Stick around, grab a burger and beverage of your choice and enjoy the fun.
  2. Yeah, Blod, I was getting confused. Well, if we weren't disagreeing, then we must be in agreement. :Cant's broad grin icon: ...Not that it's always better to agree. Sometimes, more often really, more comes out if disagreement. That's why trolls can be a good thing. Kind if like fertilizer for an online community.
  3. I'm more familiar with Cthulu, but my experience with the pen and paper game is that it's not about vamping on folks nearly so much as things like investigation and mystery and not quite as much about combat. Sure, have combat in the game, but it shouldn't be the primary purpose and, if there were ever a game to do this, make non-combat options available for every encounter. Yeah, Blod, you might not like that idea, but it fits in with the game setting. Going up against werewolves and mages is a particularly bad idea in the vast majority of cases for vampires in this setting if I recall right. ...And, if you don't like the non-combat slant of the setting, why license it? Why not just create a vampire game where combat is the central theme? With all that said, I would actually like a Cthulu game even more because combat is almost always something to avoid in that setting. Combat isn't bad. I like a good hack and slash as much or more than the next guy, but I also like games that allow for some actual role-playing in a setting and this setting is an excellent opportunity for such a game. No, I don't want a vampire sim. I want a game where the mystery and the investigation are more important than the combat. That's wildly different than saying I want to babysit my vampire avatar while he uses the toilet, cooks vamp food, showers, and dates other vamps with the occasional mortal appetizer on the side. It's easy to trivialize one another's positions, but at least understand the position. Just sayin'. :Cant's crooked grin icon:
  4. I don't think I can add anything new and I don't think it would be worthwhile to flesh out my views. This is especially true since I see other folks using the same arguments I would use and usually better. I just want to get point out from a 'Cant the moderator' standpoint that this has been a remarkably affable discussion considering how clearly frustrating some of the positions are for various members. Keep fighting the good fight folks and remember not to poke anyone in the eye and no blows below the belt. As an aside, I played a mage in Skyrim. Did every mage quest I could find and eschewed all manner of other stuff. Except... probably speech? Maybe a tad bit of weapon skills? ...But even Dungeons and Dragons allows wizards at least a rudimentary skill set with weapons, eh? :Cant's tongue in cheek grin icon: EDIT: Usual silly mistakes.
  5. I can understand wanting to make all stats relevant, but I have to admit I've said from the very beginning that 'might' struck me as a stupid name because common usage implies physical prowess even though it's really not solely or even primarily a physical attribute. Might in this case is an abstraction of all sorts of prowess, from physical to mental to mystical to divine. Yeah, I get that the word can have those meanings, but it's not how the word is typically used. As an ol' mage wrangler myself, I can say that I find the name offputting, but if you just understand that it's simply a way of gauging anything from muscles to magical prowess and you'll be okay. I was one of the members who complained bitterly about it. :Cant's rueful grin icon:
  6. Hey, brindle, I moved the topic here. You'll find a variety of views on this topic here, I assure you! :Cant's crooked grin icon:
  7. Aw well, Gromnir, ya wretch, I always get the impression that you're actually 'heroic' in real life, which makes me jealous. I completely agree with what you're saying. ...But, from a guy who wants to be heroic and falls short, I like the idea that there is at least some consequence. Okay, the reality is that giving 'realistic' consequences for being the good guy is probably not 'realistic' in terms of computer games, but can't they find a way to reward people in the way that most folks get rewarded for being the 'good guy' in 'real life?' Namely, the fact that you feel good about what you've done because *you* knew it was good, not because someone gave you twenty gold and a magic weapon? ...And the fact is that all game designers will be forced to conceive these moral or ethical dilemmas. To me, it's like corporations always being bad in a game whereas the quasi- or pseudo-'freedom' fighters tend to the 'good' guy. In real life, even though the vast majority of western civilization has benefited from large commercial endeavors, popular culture has diminished them relentlessly. A game that recognizes this reality, that reality that some win at the expense of others and society as a whole advances as a result, would be great, but at least a game that doesn't pretend that life gets better just because we manage to diminish commerce would at least be a step in the right direction. I don't think I'm actually arguing against you, my 'half-orc' friend :Cant's goading grin icon:, but only that I want to find the sweet spot in the design that accommodates my own views while still being palatable to other players. Nevertheless, I have to admit that the only reason I even saw this thread is because you posted in it and I took a gander, Grom, ya bastard. EDIT: funny, I had the wife read this because I was afraid that my current state of mind might be compromised and she said that she didn't want games to present real moral dilemmas to her. lol comedy. I guess that scores one in il Khan's column.
  8. I didn't check the whole thread, only a post that had a report. No biggie, just make sure you spoiler tag stuff. Look, guys, I know the game's been out for a while but try to be conscientious about spoilers. The report itself wasn't 'angry,' just an observation and so this is just a friendly reminder. :Cant's easy grin icon: As for the original post, I generally agree. I don't mind fights with 'tricks' as long as there's some chance to learn them before-hand. Make the tricks of the fight part of the story rather than just trial and error things that require an internet check for most folks. Reward conscientious gamers who pay attention. Even then, you'll still have a lot of casual gamers who need someone to hold their hands. It's the age old fight between the 'bragging rights' folks, other folks who genuinely just like a grueling challenge at every step, and folks who want mostly stiff challenges with a few 'sweat ops.' Take all those, and keep in mind that the devs probably want to include so called casual gamers for whom most fights will be a real challenge. For my part, I think a few grueling fights are good, mixed with a lot of tough fights, and a couple of fights that get to be fairly easy if you pay attention and do your homework. Of course, I'm starting to loath end fights altogether... especially ten false end-fights before the 'real' end fight. I'd like to see the hardest fight a little before the very end and then have a bit of awesome role-playing and story-telling for the last ten minutes or so.
  9. Okay, guys, now that I've finished Shadowrun Returns, I'm wondering, should I play Hong Kong, or get the Dragonfall xpac and play that first? EDIT: ...And I started a game and literally saved and quit right after I saw the intro and finished the first conversation. I'm quite impressed so far. It'd be nice to see a game with a little less atmosphere, it being all the vogue these days. On the other hand, this *is* Shadowrun. Asking for less atmosphere is like asking for Warhammer with a little less suffering and despair. It's part of the setting. :Cant's tongue in cheek grin icon: Nevertheless, I prefer to play games in order and Dragonfall isn't very expensive.
  10. I use the actual codes for that very reason, oaktownbrown. Sometimes the long trees get to be a bit much, but don't sweat it now. I'm heading to bed soon, but I'll try to figure out a quick and painless way to explain it and probably PM you or maybe post it in this thread just in case other folks have the same question. Maybe not for a couple of days as life is, as always, so busy for me! :Cant's wry grin icon:
  11. The only reason I thought that is that I maxed out my mage abilities and put points in other places, but I think I might have been better off using some of those excess points in int/deck. Of course, I'll probably read advice/responses for the next while before I start my Hong Kong run, so I'll see. :Cant's one raised eyebrow grin:
  12. Sorry, I haven't been able to spend much time, so I'm just approving posts. Now that I've read it, I think it really *is* a good idea to include a screen shot. It sounds to me like some of the spirits that pop up after you've 'awakened' your watcher powers. These 'ghosts' don't always interact with you or even have floating text. They will usually disappear if you walk towards them. I don't want to say definitively without seeing the screen though. :Cant's wry grin icon:
  13. Tennisgolfboll *did* make a report about this bug. This thread is really more about bugs in general rather than a duplicate of his bug report. Since we're pretty easy going about folks venting here on these boards, it's all good. Remember, you can bash the game and devs all day long. You can bash specific designers within reason. ...But you can't bash each other at all. :Cant's friendly grin icon: I agree with Katarack that Obsidz has had some issues with bugs in past games, but PoE has been pretty much run of the mill in terms of bugs for me. New Vegas, for such a huge game, was actually pretty bug free on my system, although I think the gamebryo engine has its shortcomings. At least a few.
  14. Moved from general to the more spoilerish forum of Strategy. Help, hint, and spoil away! :Cant's huge grin icon:
  15. Okay, I can agree with the nihilistic complaint. Not that some resolutions shouldn't be nihilistic, but that doesn't mean every ending should have a dark cloud. However, not all of them are horrible. One in particular is never resolved in a 'positive' fashion, but it does allow the NPC to have closure and that NPC enjoys a more or less 'favorable' ending at the conclusion. Still, I can see why some folks feel the way they do about the 'endings.' I would just remember that 'endings'in real life often tend to be the same way. There is no 'ending' in real life until someone's 'real' life ends. In the case I cited above, the circumstances didn't have a Pollyannic ending, but the NPC in question came to grips with what had happened and managed to find peace. That's about as good an ending I have ever found in my 'real' life, and I accept it in PoE. On the other points, however, I disagree. If folks want real choices and consequences, let those start with the people with whom they associate. On your first playthrough, take the NPCs you most want with you. Get to the end of their stories. That conclusion is a reward in and of itself. I particularly found a couple of the conclusions quite rewarding, even if they didn't yield 'shiny' rewards. The reward was the story. The reward was the journey. I loved PS:T. I loved it so much I played it several times. Then I edited my stats to get the widest variety of dialogue options possible and then played it again several times. Then, after many many completions, I downloaded an editor and went through the dialogue to glean the little bits and pieces I had missed. I *want* a game that doesn't give me everything in one playthrough. Certainly, I want to have a great game the first time, but if it leaves me wondering and wanting more, that's a good thing. :Cant's shrug and grin icon:
  16. When you shell out the cash, you hope that the endeavor met with some success? :Cant's wink and grin icon:
  17. Doofus! lol For the record, I don't understand why the trivial amount (for most folks) that the xpac will cost is an issue. ...And if $30 at most is an issue for you, you have larger problems looming over you than the xpac for a computer game. :Cant's own huge grin icon:
  18. I'm reading all of this, alexis. In fact, I was wondering about one of the members talking about getting their heads out of their own posteriors (to paraphrase) and to STFU. I figured I'd let you vent because you're obviously heavily invested in the debate and it's okay to get a little heated. However, by and large it has been friendly up until this morning. I don't believe things have been particualrly spiteful, although the irony is that I think R.Alexander got broadsided a bit unfairly from folks much more than you did. The nature of debate is exactly an 'us versus them' proposition. ...But remember, you might be on opposite sides of an issue today but find yourselves on the same side on something tomorrow. I'm going to leave everything the way you've put it so far. Nothing really terrible, but don't let this stuff drive you crazy, alexis. No one is out to get you and you have the right to speak your mind. Just try not to bring in references to folks' anatomy if you would please. :Cant's broad grin icon: EDIT: Added a word for clarity.
  19. Many thanks, brother, but I've actually *gained* a seven pounds since I went on a strength regimen. :Cant's rueful grin icon: If it wouldn't be so gauche, I would post pics. ...But I better let other folks describe *their* days.
  20. There is a thread about this in CnC, as Excalibur said: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/80155-chris-avellone-leaves-obsidian/?hl=avellone As long as this thread doesn't get personal or goofy, I think it should stay open. It's not really any different than any other thread discussing various aspects of the design and the designers are a huge part of that. :Cant's Captain Obvious grin icon: I think Durance is probably NPC hall of fame material, but you never know how things will go. For all we know, Avellone will end up doing some work on future projects. I didn't hear that he parted from Obsidz on unfriendly terms and I hope he didn't. If that's the case, then he could still do work for them even if he doesn't have the same position or even ownership in the company. Remember to be gentle with one another and we can speculate about what this all means for PoE as much as folks want. :Cant's broad smile icon: EDIT: This isn't going to be a gossip column thread. I don't mind a little snark or heated debate. However, if folks make specific unsubstantiated claims of fact, I'm either not going to approve them, I'm going to remove them, or I'll just close the thread. If you want to discuss Avellone's reasons for leaving and the impact it will have outside of PoE, I refer you to existing threads in other sub-fora.
  21. The stronghold to me is one of those things where I didn't realize I hated it until someone explained it to me that I did. :Cant's wry grin icon: Actually I still enjoy the stronghold, but the points people make about fleshing it out are sensible. In fact, I had no problem with 'average adventure' and 'minor item,' but farleybear made an excellent point about at least giving some RPG flair to the descriptions and stories. I don't know how hard that would be, although intuitively it doesn't seem like it would be particularly difficult. I'm glad to have the stronghold in the game, but if it could be infused with some of the ideas that people have had here, I imagine I would like it even more. Some things don't appeal as much to my tastes, however. For example, I don't want to be stuck in an RTS strategy game. Right now, the stronghold improvements and staffin decisions are by and large unobtrusive. Hell, if anything, I would rather be able to set up defenses so that I don't even need to worry about heading back to take a personal hand in fending off attacks.
  22. Guys, if this is going to become nothing more than a multi-player option debate, I'm going to wrap it up into a previous thread. On the other hand, if the MP aspect is only part of the overall discussion, I'll give the benefit of the doubt to the original poster and leave it as is. :Cant's bemused grin icon: I do, in fact, like giving the benefit of the doubt to the members.
  23. Welcome aboard, atarb! I'm going to finish my hard run and then do a PotD soiree myself. However, I just can't help myself but to include one of those wizards with his watery AOE spells. :Cant's wink and broad grin icon:
  24. If I remember from the last time I played, there's a setting to allow you to respec your companions. Let me dig around for it and then I'll let you know... assuming one of our most erudite members doesn't beat me to it. :Cant's expectant grin icon:
  25. To be honest with you Grom56, I kind of think of everyone who came and participated in the discussions here on the Obsidz boards as being backers. I know. To get the distinction, you had to be one of the people who ponied up the cash up front. However, that doesn't mean that everyone is important, from the fellow who paid enough to create an NPC to the guy who hears about it today and buys a copy, aren't important. I know I know! STFU and quit blowing smoke, Right? Well, I really feel that way. I paid in at my tier, but there were people who didn't get in on the kickstarter campaign because of various reasons (funds, didn't hear about it, whatever) who have contributed immensely more to the game than me. All I did was toss in an (extremely modest) sum of money. I'm just a volunteer mod, serving at the pleasure of the powers that be, so I don't know anything, but I would be *very* surprised if Obsidz didn't do another kickstarter campaign. If they do, then you can buy in to get the shiny backer badge thing. ...But if you stick around and participate, you'll already have contributed to the project. Okay, I'd better end the pep talk before the flame throwers come out. :Cant's pensive and weak grin icon:
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