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Everything posted by SergeantHans

  1. Same would be the explanaition for anti-kith enchantment. A wall of text on its own
  2. Yes, that redundancy is quite silly really :D
  3. Should be explained in the manual no?
  4. Love it! I also like how the Dyrford track reminds me of Arcanum main theme
  5. Would be cool with an enhancement to weapons that gave accuracy to spells
  6. Yeah the talent description should be updated to clarify it can be used from stealth as well
  7. As the topic says, i did a little testing with the Paladins Flames of Devotion and the Rangers Wounding Shot abilities. They are next to useless when used with say rapier for Flames and with a hunting bow for the wounding shot while being MUCH more useful when using a twohander or an arquebus. Even further favor of larger weapons! I think they should use a set damage that scales with level+might.
  8. What would be cool is if they for the "duelist" style added 1on1 abilities for the talent. For instance a reversed Minor threat that increased crits if no other ally attacks the same target and also a crit to graze/hit to graze only against hits of the current target. Would definately niche the style. Also i guess they should change the bonus for just equiping a 1h weapon back to +15
  9. The bestiary doesent include monster damage type - it should definately include that!
  10. Is it intentional that they attack at the same speed? I thought i read somewhere that 1H should generally be quicker? Maybe give the "one-hand" style an innate armor penetration because "you have better control and can place the blows better"
  11. Do we really need that much info all the time? I run the beta with the recovery bar option turned off and i cant really say i miss it during any encounter.
  12. Would be cool if it was renamed "Duelist style", maybe give it some deflection bonus also as it's definately considered the weakest style *shrug*
  13. Not a good enough reason to make them suck I would love to have a inquisitoreque Undead Hunter with rapier and pistol but as it is now there are lots and lots of better choices.
  14. I guess they have their hands full enough at the moment, but still i dont think it would be that hard to implement since injury status effects are already in the game (only used in scripted encounters though) and there are two talents that could help heal them for instance.
  15. All of the creature-specific damageboosts seems som be terribly unuseful: Beastslayer, Primal Bane, Ghost Hunter, Sanctifier and Wilder hunter Would be cool to have a specialist in the party but i think the damageboost needs to be like 50% to be big enough difference, doubt it would be abused either since we get so few talents.
  16. Better off spending your talent point on something else, and just using the other wizard defensive spells that don't suck. ...why i want it as an "ability" on 1st lvl instead of picking it as a talent (where there are tons of more useful choices)
  17. I think it would make for a much more immersive experiance if you randomly got one of the 7 injury status effects (eg. bruised ribs, swollen eye, concussion) on each time getting knocked out in combat. It would really make players try hard not to get out or to possibly suffer from a serious disabling effect until rest. There have been several times in the beta where i simply didnt really care if a single of my party members got downed as i knew he would simply get up and quickly regenerate back to full endurance with no real loss to his performance. Maybe boost the talents "triage" and "wound binding" to also remove one/several injurys. I couldnt find any topic concering this and dont know if its been discussed.
  18. Yes you should be able to choose. But both are awful as per rest abilities. Hehe yeah not too powerful i agree, still the veil will be more useful to my cc gunslinger wiz
  19. Noticed that wizards dont get the veil automatically any longer and has been replaced with arcane assault as a starter ability. I would very much like to get a choice between the two on first level. Any out there who have a thought on this also?
  20. Penetrating shot is not bad at all with the blunderbuss imo
  21. I wonder if the one-handed "pistol" style animation for the blunderbuss is intentional? Seems way to bulky to be used like a pistol and would look better with the arqebus animation.
  22. I have a slight problem with the obtrusive modal abilities animation. "Vulnerable Attack" attaches big energyballs to the hands of the characters that is not so immersive for me. Its a simple deactivation click between combats but still... Anyway, just played the 435 and its coming along very nicely indeed!
  23. As a fencer irl i was very thrilled when i noticed i could equip any weapon in the "offhand", that is the most forward hand while in combat looked spectacular. However inbetween the hits the character went out of his combat stance for some reason. Would love to see this fixed! The animation is already there and makes much more sense for both the rapier and the onehanded sword.
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