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Carth Vader

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Everything posted by Carth Vader

  1. Be strong! We're PCers, the fearsome and brave! We can take what puny temptations the Xboxers offer us! Do not submit! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh come on, just look at how cute they are.
  2. Not plot related but the crappy robes bothered me a little.
  3. I'll forgo the obvious political joke. "
  4. I think Chris Avelone has been playing the game and has liked it so much that he can't stop telling us about it . Or not . Whatever :cool:.
  5. So was I.
  6. http://www.gamestop.com/
  7. I know it's not quite the same thing, but I find this statement a bit ironic and a lot hypocritical. By definition, a modded XBox (or PS2) is stealing, since the reason for modding such a system is usually to be able to play games you wouldn't be able to without dishing out extra money to do so. For instance, most people have modded PS2 systems so they can play "burned" games. What are burned games? That's right, games that are borrowed or rented and then copied for FREE. Now unless the reason for "modding" a XBox differs greatly from PS2, then it's basically the same thing. Btw, I'm not condemning anyone with a modded console system. But I just found it an ironic choice of words that I quoted considering that if it were up to the game companies, NEITHER pirating nor modding of systems would be permitted. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Buying the game brand new from a store or online to play on a modded Xbox is not pirating, using it to play "burned" games is.U.S. gamers have been modding xboxs for years so they could play japanese games that don't get released here on their xbox, but they still buy the game. I don't own a modded xbox or pirate games so how am I a hypocrite?
  8. I don't put my faith in anything but God. I have no problem with people buying the game to play on a modded Xbox because that is not pirating.
  9. Anyone who pirates this game is a moron. People really need to get over the release date debacle, the complaining has gotten really old.
  10. Only if we are sith. Jedi don't bow like that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> both do that, bastila bowed to the Jedi High Consule, but the Sith just bow all the time. O AND it would be cool if you could meditate <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Jedi don't kneel.
  11. Only if we are sith. Jedi don't bow like that.
  12. Maybe the wookiee will be a love interest so we can get some wookiee nookie.
  13. Ummm... why? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why not?
  14. link no work <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Try http://www.starwars.com/databank/.
  15. How long until we get the feature were we get to kill and eat wookiees?
  16. That would be an Ewok.
  17. I hate to say it, but you'll never be happy.
  18. I don't think it was an HK model either. I think it may have been a dantooine sex droid model, you remember it right?
  19. I'm sure Gamestop and IGN just got preview copies.
  20. Hades I have no problem with your opinion but do you have to repeat it in every damn thread! :angry:
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