Since at some point you have more than 1 party in this game having 3 Jedi would be perfect. You and your apprentice in one party and the other Jedi in the other party.
Atton: Security claimed I violated some trumped-up regulation or another - take it up with them if you want, but they stopped listening to me shortly before they stopped feeding me. Now that's criminal.
I have seen them in one new pic
I have seen them in many old pics. They looked like they were glowing but they were most likely just cloudy.
Endar Spire Peragus Station
Dantooine Dantooine
Taris Telos
Kashyyyk Nar Shadda
Korriban Korriban
Mannan Onderon
Leviathan The Harbinger
Tattooine Dxun
Unknown World Citedal Station
Star Forge ??????
If I haven't forgotten anything then it looks like K2 will have one less planet. Do you think the planets in K2 will be bigger to make up the difference?