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Everything posted by Bendu

  1. So who is playing the game on the Xbox and would like to play a little bit multiplayer? Feel free to add me to your list.
  2. Still don't get the hate about the ending. Is it really just about the last cutscene? Come on, even if it's the same cutscene with different color, each ending has a different meaning. Finished the game on insanity. The final Earth level was a blast.
  3. Nice read: The Developer-Publisher Model
  4. http://www.joystiq.com/2012/03/15/obsidian-missed-fallout-new-vegas-metacritic-bonus-by-one-point/ WTF?!
  5. From Drew Karpyshyn blog:
  6. Because of one ****ing percentage point... fffffffuuuuuuuuuuu.
  7. Probably no.
  8. Really sad news. I fear that this time there will be no replacement like FNV was.
  9. Damn.
  10. ME3 > ME2. No contest. At least to me.
  11. The endings would be much better if they were supported in one or another way by Mass Effects 2 main plot. Storywise, ME2 main plot was such a waste of time for the entire trilogy. Nethertheless, I really like the synthesis ending.
  12. But Obsidian never made a game which supports DX11.
  13. I will still keep my finger crossed for a DE:HR sequel.
  14. Mass Effect 2. First time with an imported save game and the Shadow Broker and Arrival DLC.
  15. Watched the 3 hour stream. Really looking forward to the game. Looks like there are some improvements over ME2, but also some very cheesy scenes.
  16. Summary of GameStars ME3 review.
  17. Yeah, best game trailer for years.
  18. https://twitter.com/#!/ChrisAvellone/statuses/171693340595728384 Nice.
  19. Playing the multiplayer right now on my Xbox. It's basically Horde mode. The multiplayer is ok, way better than BioShock's 2 MP, but not as good as Assassin's Creed one.
  20. Tocotronic Kettcar Tomte Kraftwerk
  21. Mass Effect. 5th playthrough, I think.
  22. Thank god his character hasn't changed during the trilogy.
  23. No Obsidian tag under your avatar, no money.
  24. Obsidian!
  25. Planescape Torment in Space, please.
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