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Everything posted by dweaver99027

  1. 8. Just like infinity, only facing upwards...(or is it downwards? <_< )
  2. Oh my, Fate of Atlantis memories... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> At last someone noticed the origins of my nickname! I understand that you're big fan of indy games too? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've actually only played 'the fate of Atlantis' from the Indy game series, and it was by far the best adventure game ever made. Those were the days for Lucasarts, those were the days. On the plus, I'm Greek and I've studied a bit of SOCRATES as well, although it's not my professional field of knowledge. Thank you for bringing back the memories.... ahhh...
  3. Oh my, Fate of Atlantis memories...
  4. My name is Makis, I'm 24, Greek and here's a pic of me in Italy
  5. You like horns in your man, then?
  6. Heh, I've been a fan of Oakland-based US Major Sports Teams for years now, so I know just a wee bit more about the area than the average Greek does... I'm thinking of making a short trip in the next year to catch a Warriors game, or one of your local Sharks' games...
  7. Aye, my thought exactly. BTW, which side of the bay are you on? I'm from Greece, and sometimes my English are a hindrance for forum communication. I'm asking because my girlfriend is currntly residing in Oakland. Well, more like ex-girlfriend , now that there's the whole damn Atlantic ocean and then some between us... <_<
  8. Yes, sometimes we need to be kids again, even if some people , including us, get hurt in the process... Hehe, you should try visiting a sports game forum once. Hormonal drive is ping-ponging around like crazy... Ahhhh... memories ( HK line, be I not mistaken...)
  9. It's just that most game -related interned forums are swarmed with over-hormonal kids nowadays.... I'll be 25 in 8 months, and I've put my childish romantic sins behind me... hopefully.
  10. Which is, perhaps, one reason I like them so much in fiction. Because real life isn't that way, and it's pleasant to roleplay that it could be. Heh, in real life I tend to go for the logical and rational type. Real-life things that are often considered romantic - eh...usually doesn't make an impression on me. They don't pay the rent, for one thing. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mmmm, then I guess you're over 25, which is a good thing in my book...
  11. I hope you don't get so easily in love with guys like that IRL... The mysterious scoundrel type along with the noble gentleman are teh two most frequently used fake personnas used by guys to get into womens' underpants... I'm almost ashamed to admit that I used those techniques during my late teens... Just do not fall for the obvious IRL... In games, well, it's meant to be fun so you can e-fall for anyone, no restraints...
  12. Ooooh, strip pazaak... You guys and gals gave me an excellent idea for tonight's entertainment...
  13. Bah, puritans on the web... go figure... Shall we have a ****tail, dear?
  14. Holy ****!!! We can't even say "****pit" on this bleepin' forum!!! What if my name was Han****? (it is,BTW) How would I introduce myself then?
  15. Who would you want to have children with, Atton or Carth?
  16. You seem to forget the funniest of all. HK 47 providing a definition of love Funniest though was the dialogue option for the exile afterwards: "That's the best definition of love I've ever heard." . In a seemingly serious tone, too!!! Man, I fel off the chair laughing and even spilled coffee on my jeans....
  17. Yes, there was considerable voice talent, especially on the phrase "Yes,General" ... Now,you girls seem to forget THE man, the one whose voice could destroy an army(and a lady's composure), the ONE, the ONLY, Khoonda militia leader. What's his name, anyway?
  18. Kreia is a must for the first playthrough, because she is an integral part of the story, and let's say that if KOTOR 2 was a movie, she'd win "best supporting actress". So I 'd advise to keep her along, not mentioning her 'mentor' ability that increaces XP earned. From the rest I would keep Handmaiden or Visas in the party, but none of them are as important to the storyline as Kreia.
  19. "Wisdom" as in justifying one's actions and logic using a deeper level of thought, maybe. Psychotic or no, depends on the one who judges...
  20. Darth Canderous. He already posseses the mask... Darth TeeThreeus: The first droid ever to fall to the dark side Darth Obsidius: A geeky programmer that provides half-endings Darth Hanharr: Ooooh, that's a nice one... a Wookie ruling the Galaxy..
  21. Maube the Sith were more afraid of the Force Power "Preach my opponent to death" than "Battle Meditation"...
  22. Aboard the Hawk, just after repairing HK. HK-47:"Query: Is there someone you need killed, Master?" Exile:(not paying attention, trying to practice Beast Trick to no effect). "****, I can't do this. I need guidance... KREIA!!! HK-47:"Thankful acgnowledgement: Done,Master!" Exile:"Errr, what are you talking about?" (Sounds of blaster fire and flamethrower shooshing aut of the starboard dormitory) Exile:"What's going on in there???" HK-47:"Gratifying statement: The meatbag is terminated, Master. Ahhh, my photoreceptors had not witnessed such acts of true love ever since that wonderful event on Malachor V!" Atton:"That is one SICK droid!" Exile:"You..what??? You flamed Kreia??? You idiotic piece of junk, wasn't it enough already that this game ghad a half-ass ending,now what are we gonna do??? Who'll be the final boss,now???"( Picking up his cell phone) "Yeah,Obsidian there. Looks like we have to go with plan B. Get Vrook a Vader mask, give him a fleet, and have him come to Iziz... Yes , he has the adress.... Man, after this, my agent is SOOOOO.. fired!"
  23. If you get him influenced enough he brings up some rather deep issues although in a more simplistic manner than expected, mostly due to his low intelligence. His definition of love is rather primitive, but has some merit. The point is that there is not a question you can ask him that he does not have an answer too. Personaly , Iwas quite a bit taken with some of his perspectives on life and justification of his actions? Smarter then the average Wookie...
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