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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. I hear you. I just don't think those sequences would have been that time consuming....LA took certain things out to build up the cliffhanger. I'm not saying that was the best choice (well, maybe I did say that ) but I think that is the right way to look at the Malachor cut content.
  2. they could have ripped it all out....I believe they kept in some easter eggs as foreshadowing....can't prove it though. but, obviously, Malachor is a world we will not be returning to so no foreshadowing there, I suppose.
  3. if they set the identity of the Exile (which I really think they should) then that makes it really easy to wrap up all kinds of things.
  4. FORESHADOWING....I suspect the HK thing will be wrapped up in K3...along with a laundry list of other stuff.
  5. Oh, I hear you. At this point, I don't think any non-munchkin truely thinks that Revan will be the PC in K3. The trick is to give him RESOLUTION while not eclipsing the PC. Obsidian (if they are, in fact, the dev) will find a way to make it work.
  6. IMO, option 2 is the least workable. here is why: what is he doing? if he is not the protagonist nor the antagonist how can he be involved? and I don't think he can be the one to rebuild the Jedi Order -- too shadowy of a character for that. the Exile, on the other hand, would make a great candidate to rebuild the Order. that is my view: kill off Revan in a glorious duel (he was about to win but the Dark Lord played a dirty trick on him) and set the Exile's identity and use Exile to rebuild the Jedi Order.
  7. You honestly think it'll ever be out of peoples' systems? Revan's fanboy/girl following is quite immense and probably will never just let it go until there is resolution. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think it is preferable for this to be a trilogy. If you leave Revan unresolved at the end of K3, then KOTOR becomes a soap. Trilogy = yes Soap = no
  8. well, if you killed him off late enough in the game, you wouldn't need to use his Force Ghost in K3. By the time K4 rolls around, the gender of dead Revan is really not going to be that much of an issue....trust me.
  9. here is the thing with Revan as I see it: >>>>>SCENARIO 1: Revan as PC in K3. ADVANTAGES: you don't have to write 4 dialogue trees for him....don't have to give him a voice actor....alot of fans would like to play Revan. DISADVANTAGES: level problem....a 20th level character in the d20 system is almost a god....you would have to find some cheap way to delevel him or try to write a 40-hour game where the PC *starts* at a high level. another disadvantage is newbie players to the franchise who would prefer to start with a more or less clean slate. >>>>>SCENARIO 2: Revan as a full, speaking scripted character. ADVANTAGES: well, this is the Revan saga...it would be nice for him to play some role. DISADVANTAGES: multiple dialogue trees would have to be written...multiple voice actors....would have to give the player some cheesy way to select his appearance. >>>>>SCENARIO 3: Revan appears as a non-speaking, masked character. ADVANTAGES: IMO, this is the best option because you avoid the disadvantages of the other two scenarios. DISADVANTAGES: unless you kill him, then such an appearance can only be described as a cameo. the star player of this saga needs more than a cameo. SOLUTION: use SCENARIO 3 and kill Revan (and I mean in a tough lightsaber duel with the Dark Lord, not some cheesy accident)....this sets up an all-purpose Force Ghost for future games in this franchise.
  10. I think it is important to not just assume that all of the cut content ended up on the cutting room floor due to time constraints. The devs have said in official interviews that Droid World was cut due to time constraints from the publisher. However, I think it is important not to just assume that all the cut content was cut for that reason. Take, for instance, the bit about Atton getting an arm lopped off and then, later, dying on Malachor. That was probably an Obsidian (think PST) idea. While Obsidian wrote the story, LA maintained creative control over the project...certain thinks were cut probably for aesthetic reasons from LA. Also, the HK factory quest seems like it was almost complete. I think they took that out to add to the suspense of the cliffhanger. At some point, they decided they did not want TSL to resolve anything related to the Revan saga...HK factory would have wrapped up too much.
  11. it is my understanding that this is possible but only if you have a modded Xbox. modding your Xbox voids the warranty.
  12. depending on who you talk to, they changed continuity. I guess we will not know for sure until the new compendiums come out.
  13. should you be able to do anything in a crpg? real question: should developers make games that allow for behavior that is outside of everyday, accepted norms? answer: depends If we are talking about Fallout, then I guess that answer is yes (although I doubt Fallout lets you do ANYTHING you could possibly image). If we are talking about a Star Wars game, I would say "probably not". It's all about knowing what product you are making and who your target audience is. It is also about being mindful of the fact that professional reviewers are not going to reward "pandering" to the lowest common denominator. It is a business decision and there are many factors to be weighed. It is also an artistic/aesthetic decision.
  14. the best way to handle Revan is to kill him....that way, you can still use him as a mask-wearing Force Ghost who speaks more like a ghost than a man or a woman. also, by killing him off, you end the Revan saga which should end in K3. Exile, though, should emerge as a prominent scripted character with a set identity...you can use Exile even beyond the Revan saga.
  15. I think the gun turret mini-game should continue to be optional but that it should appear more often. The Ebon Hawk is the kind of ship that would be targeted alot by pirates...not just the Sith. Here are some things that I think it would make sense to be able to add/upgrade: * gun turret * astro charts (unlocks a planet and the Yavin Space Station) * meditation chamber * swoop bike upgrades * kolto tank in the medlab * brig (for transworld bounty hunting) * dejarik board (with hologram pieces) obviously, I'm not expecting to see all of this but I think these are some plausible things to spend money on for the ship.
  16. absolutely right. it also opens up a really convenient side quest: BOUNTY HUNTING in K1, you could go to the "bounty office" but the bounties were really just contract killings....if you have the ability to do some legit bounties, that would be really cool: make money and level up at the same time.
  17. one of the biggest problems in RPGs is the "Monty Haul" effect...too much loot...too much money. being able to sink 5,000 credits into a turret upgrade, for instance, would help not only from a gameplay perspective (i.e. a better turret) but also by giving you something to do with your money and the obvious roleplay satisfaction of that. optional upgrades to the Ebon Hawk that you purchase via dialogue would be EXCELLENT IMO.
  18. In a sense I agree. However, I think we really need to see more aliens on the ship....and all different kinds....some alien combinations would not be plausible so you would need a larger pool than the number of slots on the ship. Plus, they need to give some NPCs really strong personalities and certain combinations of those would not match. Plus, the stronger someone's personality, the more you may just not like them...think of the enjoyment of leaving that person on Nar Shadda. :D
  19. >Regardless of whether I played Sith or Jedi I needed Kreia, >as a mentor(the game makes that quite clear and without her >you would never complete your quest since you would choke >to death on Nar Shada). I normally just equip a breath mask and I'm good to go. The . >No other character has ever managed to make me doubt what >I was doing was the right thing (playing LS) which makes her >unique in the annals of RPG history. I agree. As I have stated, Obsidian pulled out all the stops and turned a mediocre filler story into a really interesting one. Most of this was done via the Kreia character. >KOTOR II follows the KOTOR model, cant kick people out therer >either unless their part in the story is over and they are then obsolete. when do you HAVE to use HK? when to HAVE to use Disciple? when to HAVE to use Bao-Dur? Never. I do see your point, though....UNLIKE K1 in which all but Carth and Bastilla were surperfluous to the main story, K2 tries hard to give a greater number of characters main story significance...sometimes this is done via the multithreaded elements (i.e. the T3 quest, Mandalore on the Ravager, etc). I think there should be two types of NPCs: inner circle and outer circle. You can't replace the inner circle ones but you can replace the outer circle ones. Basically, your pilot, your astromech droid and possibly one other person should be all that comprises the "inner circle", non-replacables. >Different games, different design especially when your talking full VO it's >not particularly feasable to have 20 NPCs 11 of which most people will never >use (research shows that most people never finish games let along replay them). well, Oblivion is going to have voice acting and there are going to be a number of NPCs in that game, let me tell you....I think the KOTOR franchise can afford a few more NPCs in there....I would prefer 10 extra but it does not have to be that many.
  20. GoT0 is another good example of being "stuck" with someone. If you talk to him, he actually ...(not sure of the exact quote but that is pretty much it). this is not so much complaining as it is establishing a baseline of the limitations of the game....for me, having almost no party management abilities and having to try to unlock clues that are out of my reach because of alignment, are things that I would really like to see improved upon in the next installment. going forward, sentient droids should be purchasable AND SELLABLE, IMO....get their backstory and then give them a memory wipe and then sell them
  21. I see your point. I just hope next time that they don't force a party member on you like that. Main story clues and triggers can come through radio transmissions, hologram messages, ghost visitations, etc...you should have some say in who is mentoring you, IMO...it should not just be one person that is available for that. And your mentor should not be the primary vehicle for story clues. By depending on one person for both Force training and main story clues, that just makes that person too powerful in your universe, IMO. And the PC needs to be the top dog on his own ship.
  22. addendum to the planet list: * Droid World - this was the major thing that got cut....I wouldn't mind seeing it in K3 [spoiler ALERT] also, one of the many loose ends that they should wrap up is where are the HK units being produced AND WHO IS BEHIND IT?
  23. true, it still would have been the MOTHER OF ALL CLIFFHANGERS but it would have had an extra planet and less bugs.
  24. you said it just as well or better than I could...yes, there were choices but they "threw" so much stuff at you that you (I) did not really feel in control much of the time. the fact that there was no way to get rid of that is joyriding on your ship is, I think, an excellent illustration of this.
  25. [spoiler ALERT] > In the DS ending, she tells the Exile that Exile and she are True Sith. really? wow, they really did leave it wide open. > Most of all I think it would be a mistake to have the Jedi > and Sith join forces to fight some "supersiths" together. I agree UNLESS we are talking about the red-skinned Sith of antiquity and the fallen Jedi half-breeds. I realize that continuity has them died out already but if some went beyond the Outer Rim, then they could still do it. Still, by having a totally alien threat, this allows them another shot at not having a proper DS path. Hopefully, this will be the last game in which that is the case.
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