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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. I think that is right. IMO, they have to lock in the identity for at least one of those two (Revan/Exile) because I think at least one of them will need to have a complete game presence (voice acting, et al).
  2. Hmmm. Yes, I think I remember that. It's not that they were impatient money-grubbers, it is that they couldn't have anything compete with the Epi III game. Yeah, that makes sense.
  3. Absolutely. It's like a game of No Limit Texas Hold 'Em and you decide to go "all in". That's what K3 is. If they hit a home run, then everybody looks to LA for cRPGs. If not, then LA takes a serious beating. And I think the guy who is now in charge of LA's game production is fully aware of what is at stake.
  4. Hmmmm, a sign of things to come? Probably. I think LA had more input in these stories than many realize.
  5. while not definitive, this is encouraging: http://pc.boomtown.net/en_uk/articles/art.view.php?id=8387
  6. yes, indeed there could be an announcement... "we have no plans to develop a K3 within the next 5 years" EDIT: this is not Morrowind-to-Oblivion we are talking about here. We are talking about the second half of a story for Christ's sake. The *presumption* is that it will be completed and within a reasonable timeframe.
  7. >Planets have to have more then just, "I want to go back there," value. All those >are basically the same planets there were in 1 and 2. Not good choices I'd say >for the last game especially Korriban, Kashyyk,Dantooine, Telos, Onderon, and >by god Tatooine. It all depends on the story. If we spend the middle game looking for Revan, then he could have planted clues anywhere. If we have to find the True Sith ourselves, then, I agree, worlds like Tatooine would have no place. >Dantooine: 2 games is enough yes, but Dantooine seems to be something of a Coruscant Jr in the KOTOR franchise. It's not that I hope it will be back -- I think it will be back. If we do go back, though, it would be nice to wander around in some heretofore unknown underground labyrinth. There's a pattern here: first game -- Ancient Tomb, second game -- Enclave Sublevel, third game -- some other underground deal. >Korriban: 2 games for this place is two much unless there is some secret military activity going on, I agree. but I think it would be a great place to have a secret war machine operating just beneath the surface. >Onderon: Nothing really story signifigant would come from this planet really >since it's main plot was in KOTOR 2. there is nothing there unless they hammer it in, I agree. I just liked Onderon/Dxun alot and would like to see it from a different angle. >Telos: I'll agree that might be a good place to go back to, but it's just a boring map. true, but if they let us wander the "restricted" part of the surface with mutated creatures and such, that might be interesting. I am all for going to a world in Mandalorian space and I think the Mandalorians will play a very key role in the third game.
  8. Wow, that was a VERY encouraging interview. Thanks. Now, all of the LA divisions are in one campus area. That should allow for alot of ideas and faster preproduction of projects, etc. He wouldn't say what the Holy Grail is but I think I know what it is. At least I know what I hope it is.
  9. Right. AI is probably one of the more challenging things to write for a game like this. If K3 is based off the Unreal 3 engine, then maybe we will see some really decent AI this time. That would make a big difference.
  10. on the one hand, I can appreciate LA's silence...heck, TSL really hasn't been out that long. ON THE OTHER HAND, K2 was, IMO, nothing more that a (well-written) setup for K3. The story was good filler, BUT IT WAS FILLER nonetheless. The need to give us *something* official soon IMO.
  11. I'm pretty sure it will be made. The only thing that concerns me is that this is an RPG we are talking about here and there are not really alot of companies that produce good, Western-style cRPGs these days. If we were talking about a FPS or a hack-and-slash then they could get just about anybody to do it but....and you don't give K3 to someone who has never produced a cRPG. And, apparently, they no longer want to do it in-house. Ah, the suspense.
  12. I personally would not mind the Ebon Hawk as the next LS ship. However, I somewhat agree that DSers should be riding around in something else. But, then again, so far DSers have not really had their own path...they are forced into an anti-Sith anti-hero role. If they come up with an actual DS/Sith path, then it would make since to have a different ship. If they continue to have no real DS path to speak of, then it will be the Ebon Hawk most likely.
  13. Universal Power....if for no other reason, LS needs access to more offensive powers and I do not see this as an inherently evil power...although, if you use it during a lightsaber duel, you are kind of cheating. But using it against a bunch of mercenaries or something....no alignment problems there IMO.
  14. personally, I would be happy with the following combat changes: 1) Real-time for BOSS BATTLES (and only boss battles). 2) The ability to advance in specific forms and/or stances (i.e. Jade Empire does this). 3) Better NPC AI (that's a no-brainer). 4) Keep the individual AI scripts but also add SQUAD COMMANDS that temporarily override the individual AI. those changes would do the trick for me. EDIT: also, we really need to be able to resolve combat in NON-LETHAL ways some of the time....Jedi try to detain and not kill whenever possible. This is huge from a roleplay perspective, IMO.
  15. I think there is a good chance that Obsidian is working on K3 AND that it is NOT Project New Jersey. I suspect they are already working on the story and possibly voice acting with LA. There are alot of ways they can talk around the issue without actually lying....that is probably the case here. Here is the thing: Obsidian is already developing their own next-gen RPG engine for PNJ. Why not use the same engine for K3? I suspect that is what they are doing.
  16. I somewhat agree....I like the Balder's Gate-style Active Turn Based with pauses. I do NOT want all combat in these games to go real-time. However, I would love it if the boss battles were real-time.
  17. for planets, I like: * Korriban (yes, I know, but there is so much more that could be uncovered there) * Ziost * Coruscant * Dantooine (maybe a subterrainian quest this time) * Tatooine (no particular reason...just a good SW planet) * Alderann (this would be a good world to have that is on your map but has no main story significance) * Kessel (like Alderann, this planet gets lip service in the movies but no real screen time...let's see how fast the Ebon Hawk can make the Kessel Run) * Utopia (sounds like a good idea D Nuke...good place to get some lightsaber crystals ...that is needed since there are none left on Dantooine) * Onderon (let's see the rest of the planet this time...maybe hang out with the Beast Riders) * Kashyyyk (let's see Chief Zaldabar in his throne room...this would be a good place to have an expanded explorable map) * Telos (supposedly, this is where Force Sensitives go that don't get selected to be trained by Jedi...could be significant...also a good place for some interesting and non-traditional quests since the actual environment is so hazardous)
  18. [spoiler ALERT] well, that seems plausible. on the one hand, it could be said that the reason why Revan is in the Unknown Regions was just because he was not the protagonist of K2 and they needed to find a device to get him out of the way. however, K2 really did paint a picture of the True Sith getting ready to strike. truely, the destruction of Malachor will put things in motion even more. everything points to a conclusion....there is no way that this was anything other than a cliffhanger to set up K3. K3 was an in-house project that was cancelled but that was part of a major restructuring. Truely, they must want to finish this story that they started. Problem is, finding someone to make this kind of RPG is not as easy as finding someone to make a FPS or Action game. If it ain't BioWare or Obsidian, who else could it be?
  19. I thought it was good filler. It really was about Kreia's madness, though. There is no way the Force would have died. It was about being extremely smart and crazy at the same time.
  20. BioWare formula = chosen one Obsidian formula = why exactly did you even bother getting out of bed today? Well, we shall see if they do that with NWN2.
  21. I don't know, though...I personally think that LA had originally intended for this to be a trilogy and they wanted to milk the story arch. I believe they told Obsidian that they wanted a media tie-in that did not really touch the true story arch. Couple that with the time constraints and I think Obsidian did a good job under the circumstances.
  22. right. I suspect LA will be involved in some sort of true, story-driven RPG within the next 3 years....might be a KOTOR title, might not. we need to be patient...this is a new genre for them.
  23. John Taylor Jack Williams Brian Johnson Bob Jackson I suspect that is not what you were looking for
  24. BioWare makes solid RPGs but they do seem to be stuck on the "chosen one" formula. And K3 really needs to NOT be of that formula IMO. my own preference would be 1) Obsidian, 2) BioWare, 3) Microsoft (just because they have the resources to finish it quickly). the best scenario is probably some sort of joint venture but I'm not getting my hopes up.
  25. Absolutely. Revan's child as the PC is just so much wishful thinking among Revan fans. The best way to have a blood connection, IMO, is nephew or cousin. But that would still be a variation of the "chosen one" routine. I think we need a clean break from "chosen one". KOTOR 3, if it gets made, needs to be within 5 game years of KOTOR 2...absolutely.
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