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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. more of a squad-based mentality on the missions...if you are going to use a disguise, then every non-droid in your squad needs to be dressed as such. * Squad commands that temporarily override individual AI. * Squad tactics (i.e. Group Stealth)
  2. I would love to play a SW RPG set in the OT time period....HOWEVER, such a thing is not without difficulties.... 1) there is no Jedi Order. 2) there are only 2 Sith at any one time. sooooo, unless they really want to mess around with canon, they will either have us play a pregen (i.e. Luke or Vader) or a non-Force Sensitive. I would love to play a non-Force user (i.e. bounty hunter, mercenary, etc) in the OT era. I just don't know if they have the guts to do it.
  3. I don't know about Nal Hutta, per se. It would all depend on the storyline and if the storyline is about a pending invasion, then I doubt the Hutts would play a significant part in the story. However, I do like the idea of having to traverse difficult terrain and to encouter primitive shamanistic type peoples who have a basic yet untamed knowledge of the Force...to be able to convince them to help you....if you fail, then you'll be drawing that lightsaber. Essentially, we need more Dxun scenarios and we need to be in some places where the terrain is so harsh, only a vehicle will get you to where you need to go. Rideable vehicles and rideable mounts would be cool.
  4. true, but again, KOTOR is the first era to be represented in a SW cRPG (not counting Galaxies here)....but it doesn't have to be the last.
  5. however, there is nothing wrong with having a Bane trilogy and giving that franchise a different name....same thing with RPGs based on the Golden Age of the Sith or Galactic Empire eras.
  6. no because they would have to fast forward thousands of years to get to Bane...I would like to see alot more done with the current KOTOR time period.
  7. actually, that would be a way to use those characters and still give them resolution....they die in a crash of some kind....they are wrapped up in conversation using the terms "Revan" and "the exiled Jedi" while not using their pronouns in the dialog trees (or just pattern the pronouns after whatever gender the PC is). there are actually a number of ways to wrap this up. I just hope they pull it all together in a trilogy-ender.
  8. point taken....they could still have a mili-based system without having the kind of grinding you are taking about. they could still use d20 but it would need so many tweaks to be competitive at higher levels that it may as well be another system. but regardless of which system they use, being able to advance in specific fighting forms (a la Jade Empire) would be really nice.
  9. right. I say find a good way to pull the Revan Saga all together in a ROTJ kind of way (trust me, MCA and company can do this if they are given the artistic leeway to do so). IMO, K3 has to be the end of the current story....I will (and I think alot of others will) be extremely disappointed if it doesn't wrap up the current story arch. and I agree that future games should either be planned as trilogies or as self-contained stories....no more, "patch up the soap as we go along" kind of thing. with regard to d20....just because there will be no more support for PnP SW d20 does not mean that LA cannot continue to license that system for gameplay. d20 is a totally generic system that you can use for fantasy (i.e. D&D), modern, post-apocalyptic, etc. however, that being as it is, now might be a good time to look at using a totally new system....something that uses a mili scale such as Morrowind would be good, IMO. Morrowind-style stats but keep BG-style multilayered combat.
  10. yup, Canderous talks about the great battle over Malachor 5....however, the way he describes it . I don't think this was originally drawn up as a trilogy....however, they intentionally left a number of unresolved threads (in both games) for future games. Now, they have a choice: keep it going as an open-ended soap opera (the most convenient for them) or go with quality and wrap up the story we are in now and all the dangling threads out there. There could still be future games but with their own story archs.
  11. if they only include Revan and one other character from K1, it has to be Jolee.
  12. * hyperadrenal strength * master speed * master flurry if your health is not holding up, Master Speed will allow you to run away from danger and get healed up.
  13. Malachor 5 no longer exits.....it is essentially an asteroid field now. However, I think K3 does need to discuss it quite a bit....K2 introduced an ancient Sith world that is just as significant as Korriban and Ziost....they cannot just walk away from it....we need much more in the way of the backstory of that planet....perhaps there are other Sith worlds in that system....that would make sense and would be a direct tie-in to K3. (note: I realize that K1 mentioned Malachor 5 first but there was no hint of it being an ancient Sith stronghold/training academy).
  14. yeah, I think Obsidian will be asked to do it and I think they will use the heavily-modified Aurora engine that they are using for NWN2 to make it. It is, essentially, an engine with improved AI and what amounts to next-gen graphics. The rules are D&D so the rule system could be easily adapted to KOTOR d20. And I think they will continue with the tradition of making it a "Xbox (360) first, then port to PC several months later" kind of thing. This is the kind of title MS would love to have available only on their platform, at least at first. MS has already been moving titles intended for Xbox over to Xbox 360.
  15. the color you specify to Atton only affects what Atris's lightsaber looks like. she kept your lightsaber after you surrendered it after being exiled.
  16. I heard the voice acting is much better in Heroes.
  17. Settings....we need more "no magic" settings. MCA's high school RPG idea sounds good. I personally would love to play a game where I start as a final year student in the Harvard MBA program, then I accept a job in a prominent New York brokerage firm. After about a year, I decide to buy a car. I actually go down to the Ferrari dealership and haggle with guy over a price. I wine and dine clients, get hit on by client's wives, and otherwise have all kinds of distractions and temptations that such a world presents. Then, after about 20 hours into the game, I realize that I am a brainwashed secret agent for some cabal trying to take over the world, etc....
  18. if you like immersive, story-rich adventure games, I would highly recommend Indigo Prophecy (or Farenheit as it is called in Europe).
  19. Hey, as long as there is a Yoda clone, I'm happy.
  20. right...I do remember an interview in which MCA stated that he doesn't like to use other people's characters and that to do that is to "fake it". I understand that point of view. However, at the same time, the fans want the original cast to have some key involvement and resolution before the Revan Saga is over. I hope that K3 wraps up the Revan Saga and gives all the principles of K1 and K2 the kind of resolution that the fans are indeed looking for. And that includes giving Revan himself that kind of depth and resolution. K4 cannot be about Revan.
  21. while it is true that storyline ideas are the ones least likely to be used, I personally think it would be nice to have a dedicated thread for K3 story discussion. it would be a blast.
  22. thinking about how lightsabers are not accurately being reflected also got me thinking about armor. I hate to keep bringing up Morrowind but, the fact is, it did alot of things right when it comes to immersion. One of the things you had to do is constantly repair (or pay someone else to do the same) your armor. I would like K3 to have the need for armor and clothing repair....also, the possibility of an appearance-altering scar, etc. and a really good selection of graphical sprites...either that or a custom sprite toolset (i.e. as in Tiger Woods Golf).
  23. and then sling shot right into K3 with that engine.
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