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Everything posted by Cantousent

  1. Okay, no biggie. Apparently, the older speakers don't work with the Realtek onboard sound, even though they work pefectly fine with Soundblaster live. What a pain in my backside.
  2. Nothing is working. I'm going to change the speakers to see if that helps.
  3. the speakers are on and plugged into the right jacks. In fact, I've tried moving them around. I have the DVD plugged into the audio in inside the box, but I'm not even getting system sounds right now. Nothing. Nada. Zip.
  4. Oh, the drivers are all installed. In fact, the Asus Realtek audio program runs from the right side of my toolbar. It's just not putting out any sound. Before I assume it's a physical problem on the motherboard, which seems unlikely, I'm trying to look into other possibilities. I'm sure it's something simple.
  5. Winston's Winter album.
  6. I tried Asus, but a search for audio or sound does me no good. I tried Realtek, but there's a lot of crap out there and I was hoping this is some sort of known issue. I have onboard sound enabled in the bios, but I don't know if that means a damned thing. Pain in the ass if I've ever seen one.
  7. I have an Asus p4p800-e motherboard with onboard Realtek sound. The sound just plain doesn't work and I was wondering if any of you gurus out there had any idea what coule be wrong. I went through the troubleshooting and there speakers are on, the sound is not set to mute, the volume is up, etc. Is there something specific I should know? Help.
  8. It is proper for a serviceman to refuse an order that violates the Constitution. It is imperative for a serviceman to refuse an order that consitutes a war crime. Doing so is truly heroic. Now, that said, it takes just as much courage to stand up to your side as it does to stand up to the enemy. Now, that said likewise, any cur of a soldier who commits crimes against humanity should be brought to trial immediately. If found guilty, he should be punished to the full extent of the law within the guidelines of the case. We should never countenance torture. The Bush administration should have made that perfectly clear. American soldiers are not nazis, regardless of what some of you prefer to believe. Most of them are decent, hard-working, brave lads who volunteered to serve their country. Some aren't, but that is inevitable.
  9. I'm listening to "Ferry Cross the Mersey." I can't remember, offhand, who wrote it.
  10. Ah, don't take it so hard. meta can be tough on folks sometimes. I don't doubt you, Lonewolfie. These are heavy concepts for a guy who's trying to get some college under his belt and deal with the politics of the day. Ultimately, it's not about whether we look down on you. It's about whether you look down on yourself. Once you've established what exactly is worth risking your neck, you'll be better off than most us who are still trying to figure these things out on a case by case basis. Don't pray to pass the test. Pray that you're never tested.
  11. Remember our pact. No killing each other. On the other hand, the next Errol, or whatever character Baley decided to build, would probably be just as nuts as the current one. That's Baley for you. Slight insanity interspersed with bouts of outright psychosis.
  12. The point is, would it be better to have the draft, which would have an adverse impact on compensation and signing bonuses? The military provides an opportunity for poorer people. Hell, it provides a decent opportunity for middle income folks. You say that you wouldn't even consider the option if you had more money. Isn't it a good thing that the option exists for folks without a lot of money? Isn't it a good thing that you can sign up for the GI bill and get some extra cash for college? I know it was for me. I lose patience with arguments that turn our volunteer military into a wedge for class warfare. It sucks. It's pointless. It's worse than pointless, it's counterproductive. You know, we're going to have folks with more and folks with less. It. will. always. be. thus. Since that's the case, isn't it good that there is something out there that provides a way for folks with less to get a little more? Maybe take four years to serve their country and then get some free college? I don't look down on folks who don't volunteer. That's fine. ...But there's a lot to be said for someone who does volunteer. That's true for the guy who loves his country and wants to keep lesser men safe and protect their freedom. It's also true for the guy who's willing to take some risks in order to get ahead in life. I don't look down on Lonewolf for his candid comments. He's got the guts to say what is undoubtedly true for a lot of people. Nevertheless, our freedom is guaranteed by men and women who volunteer for the service. Folks who scorn them, even by implication, are truly the most hateful of citizens, because it is by the strength of our volunteers that folks can scorn our volunteer army. Be glad, when you so flippantly deride our volunteers, that you have those volunteers standing ready to protect the very right by which you scorn them. As for the whole debate surrounding something for which it is worth either to live or die, folks die for causes all the time. That cause might be money. That cause might be the protection of the community. It might be the republic. Folks die for their children or spouses all the time. I bet that virtually everyone on this board has something for which they'd lay down their life at least at some point in their life. If not flat out lay down their life, they'd at least seriously risk death. Arguing about dying for something is unproductive, as there is only one way to test the assertion, and then we'll never know if it were worth the price.
  13. You've got to give Llyranor a break. This was a big first step for him. Next time, he might use you to shield him from an attacking horned cat.
  14. Good Lord, Llyr, you just dropped 50 doofus points. Ha, that's it. Instead of granting TOMBS points, I'll detract doofus points from people. This is a great idea! This is the best day of my life!
  15. I've always had you pegged for one o' those intellectual elites, Enoch. I just figured I wouldn't hold it against you. In regards to the draft, the adoption of which would provide a point to this thread, the draft hasn't been a great equalizer either. Rich people will be... well.... rich. They'll get by with things in society. Poorer folks can't. crazed responses anticipated
  16. I dunno, you make the folks here scared of you on a daily basis. So, Llyr, you're going to be a doctor? I can see going into the hospital and hearing them call Dr. Llyranor, "STAT!" Best day for you? Damned scary day for me.
  17. I'd like to see the link to where Bush made comments about reinstating the draft.
  18. rawr. What's you best day, then? I mean, you haven't murdered Nick yet, so that doesn't count.
  19. I'll let you decide. Of course, it's more than love. It's also upholding your vows and dedicating yourself to make something work even when it doesn't always stack in your favor. It's rewarding loyalty with loyalty. On the other hand, my wife just told me that her best "moment" was our wedding ceremony. The day was stressful for her, but mass was great I guess. She puts high school (rather than college) graduation up there and our recent trip to club 33 in Disneyland for her birthday as right up there. EDIT: My wife decided to be clever and say that her favorite day is tomorrow. It's always full of hope and promise. It's a better day. *shrug* I've had a few tomorrows I could have avoided, that's for sure.
  20. I hope he succeeds. It'll mean a good game, which is always welcome. I've always been irritated by Troika. I've been irritated by the way they respond to criticism and the way they hyped their games. I've been scornful in regards to their demeanor and the superior attitude of Troika fans. On the other hand, I hope they do well. I hope most folks do well. Mostly, I hope Michael McCarthy manages to pull it all together. It was even touching to read his praise for the old Troika guard. They had some great ideas and had one great game. If only...
  21. I just drank myself silly at the Renascence Fair. Someone mentioned their wedding day as the best day. It was a great day, but short lived apparently. On the other hand, I do remember my wedding day very clearly, so that would probably put it in a category of most memorable days. Was it the "best" day? hmmm, I doubt it would count as the best day from any of the standards proposed here. Now, the day I told my wife that our marriage was more important than taking an offer for full funding, complete with stipend, at a PhD program... that was my best day.
  22. No. Errol is a pain in my backside. I like Baley, though, and so I put up with Errol's crazy antics. However, Errol is probably going to be exiled from the inn for the time being. The lone healer at the inn can discern no actual mental or physical problem with him, but the folks at the inn don't want to risk having him inside. There's more to this, but I figured you guys would like to role-play it. If you'd rather, however, I'll just write up a narrative concerning this situation so you have more time for getting back to the task of scouting (or whatever) again. Choice is up to you guys.
  23. Damn, I just wish this game were available for direct download. I might take a look and try to find it on newegg or some such.
  24. Let me put it this way. I will never hold scheduling problems against you. I will never be angry with you for not showing up to a game. I might assume that you'll never show up to a game, but, if you do, I'll be happy to see you and do what I can to make you feel welcome. As far as what you do in the game, if I'm angry with you, you'll know it. I like being a nice guy, but I will voice angry thoughts as they pop into my mind. My reasoning is simple, I like you guys and I would rather keep on liking you. If I get angry and don't voice it, I'll stop liking you. That doesn't make sense. So, Role-Player, rest assured that you have done nothing that will have any hint of impact on playing in my campaign. Yet. hahahaha :Eldar's pretend evil grin icon:
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