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Everything posted by Cantousent

  1. So, wait. Do I go on a date with Moth or with pixies?
  2. Sometime, you people really scare me. By the way, I am here.
  3. That was the best back-handed compliment I've ever received. hahaha Oops, I have to hide.
  4. I'll take that as yes. :Eldar's exhausted grin icon:
  5. Free Fallin' -- Tom Petty
  6. Back from the lake. Another session sounds great. Friday?
  7. I was mostly being funny. I thought the water idea was ingenious. In fact, one of my sisters read the transcript and she thought it was damned funny and ingenious. The best thing about it was that it led to some funny conversations even though it didn't do someone for the battle. I just wasn't quick enough. I tried to think of something it could have done, but the best I could think of was one round of confusion, against which I decided. A good decision? Dunno. You have to make so many of them when you run a game, some are bound to be bad.
  8. Well, to be fair, I think we should have more moments of role-playing. It's kind of hard, but once I get the hang of RPGOnline, we'll be knocking back the game pretty quickly. You know, having the map and getting used to typing out the dialogue will rock. I'm game to give it another shot. There's actually a lot to do and see in the world. It's just a matter of getting to it.
  9. Oh, let's not derail. The fact is, for NWN2, the proof will undoubtedly lie in the playing.
  10. Something rare. A loss of words.
  11. They're just lucky it was a slow news day.
  12. I can only speak for myself. I don't hate you Vol. I rather like you. You drive me to madness, but I'm a masochist.
  13. No, Volourn. You're the mascot for the simpletons.
  14. Song on the radio -- Al Stewart.
  15. "our imagination is limited only by the GMs imagination, even with an idiot, this still destroys NWN" Ouch. I might not be the brightest, but Nick!
  16. You guys got stuck in a lot of combat because you sought it. Hmmm, there's a road and wilderness. Let's take the wilderness. hahaha. Also, I was with Baley. Why did you have to hack down a vine in the river? Why? It wasn't doing anything to you. The only battle you would be forced to handle, in one way or another, was the crossing. Even then, you could have gone the other way! Seriously, though, I need to get a hang on the miniatures screen. It would have been much better to make a little map for you. It's just that I'm not at home, which makes it hard just to putz around with this stuff.
  17. The reason we argue terminology is simple: the simpletons at the Codex have turned the term into a swearword.
  18. Ramza will conjure the spirit of Jefferson and force it into the body of Neverwinter Nights. The monster will then reside in New Jersey.
  19. Okay, click on Game Server. Click on Browse Servers. I started a room in OG DnD. The room is Obsidian. Go ahead and enter.
  20. I thought the devs said that such an arrangement wasn't feasible. However, if it's possible, I don't know why we shouldn't. I guess I spoke too quickly. On the other hand, the things that most intrigued me about the game transcended the story. I liked the faction, epithet, and alignment system. I liked the idea of using floating text with quick blurbs to convey set some of the tone. I liked the idea of an expanded and more robust clerical domain system that what we've seen in CRPGs to date. Those things are part of the game. The story uses them, but I didn't think the engine could handle all of these things. If I'm wrong, which happens a lot, then I'd love to see Jefferson. In fact, if I'm wrong, I can think of no better meal than crow.
  21. No. What's left of the young Eldar is the source of the older Eldar's temper. However, the younger Eldar was suspended several times between junior and senior high school for fighting while the older Eldar would gladly run from just about any fight if there's a choice.
  22. You're a nutcase, Ramza. A good natured and pleasant nutcase, but a nutcase nonetheless. Why not just hope for the same prinicples in a new game rather than try to resurrect Jefferson incessantly.
  23. Young Eldar makes the older Eldar sad.
  24. Four hours to go.
  25. Blessed be the drink for it opens the windows to my soul and those foul spirits that scream rage at the world are but whisper in mind though the cries of dispair are only my own it's only the laughter they hear if it's a disease I have let it take me for the torment I feel is mine alone.
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