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Everything posted by Cantousent

  1. It's religious to me.
  2. I don't know what I've learned. Probably as much from the internet as from the world at large. That is to say, very little. I've also learned that I tend to like and trust some atheists quite a bit, like Gorth. Even when he's making fun of me. I've also learned that pixies doesn't answer his damned PMs.
  3. I don't think it's unreasonable for someone to cite the Fallout feel of a game. How often have we heard folks say that they thought a game in one genre had the feel of a game in another? While it might be subjective, the phrase certainly has a place. Not only that, but what provides the "feel" of a game might not be the same for everyone. In fact, I doubt it is the same for everyone. I couldn't cite everything that creates the Fallout "feel" for me. What I can say is that the demo certainly had a good Fallout feel, but that doesn't mean everyone will see it the same way. If we use the word "feel" at all to discuss these games, and most of us do, then we should exhibit a certain charity when anyone uses it. That's true even in cases where we don't agree with the person's views. It's hard to define a feeling, but it's easy to use it, and sometimes it's pretty damned hard to find another word that fits. Now, called groin shots are definitely part of the Fallout feel, but I can live without them. It seems like game developers and publishers are more and more gunshy over ESRB content. That's too bad. Movies can tackle adult subjects. Books can sure as hell tackle adult subjects. Plays have been tackling the tough issues for thousands of years. Games? Nope. ...And that's why, no matter what game developers or publishers want to tell themselves, games will continue to be the third class citizens of the literary world.
  4. Having read the full article, I'm more optimistic. First of all, I liked Oblivion. There were aspects I didn't like, of course, but I still enjoyed myself. On the other hand, I don't know if it will be "Fallout." Strictly speaking, probably not. I imagine I won't think of it as a real fallout game. Still, if the screenies are any indication, they've done a good job on the fallout feel. Shrug. I dunno. Right now, I'm pretty stoked about it. In fact, so much I've decided to listen to "A Kiss to Build a Dream on" while I read this thread. haha. Anyhow, I'm pretty sure I'll buy this one.
  5. The scaling system they used in Oblivion is simply a mistake. I'm not going Fallout Faithful on you guys, but that scaling system is a downer. I'll probably pick up the game anyhow, although that's not a given, but I won't like the scaling system. The other thing is, while we can't exactly say the dialogue will be bad in F3 judging from the screenies, we can't say it will be good. If Bethesda really wanted to show that they'd created solid dialogue for the game, they could have released screenshots to prove it.
  6. Yeah, that's assuming you're normal, Wistrik. :D Anyhow, there's always a good chance I'll end up buying it as I tend to like fpses. In fact, I honestly think fpses and adventure games have taken over as my favorite genre.
  7. I'm actually glad to have 9/11 become a normal day again. I'm iffy on Crysis. I think I'd like it, but I thought Far Cry had some very irritating level design. I'm sure there will be some news and reviews here on the Obsidz board. :Cant's invoking mkreku icon:
  8. I've gotten my wizard in NWN2 up to level... 8? I think. It's weird going over some of the same areas again. Some of the voice acting it just horrid, and there are still some pesky bugs, but I still think the story, particularly the later story, is pretty solid. The area between the tutorial (which I thought was quite well done) and the midgame put me off, to be honest. I think Obsidz has gotten the tutorials down quite well. I think the tutorial for KotOR 2 is probably one of the best I've played. It was dark, atmospheric, and suspenseful.
  9. Oh, you ARE older than me. I'll be 38 in a few weeks. Oops. ...And I'll ask for a motorcycle for my birthday.
  10. Too hard for me to take the time to do, but not so hard I couldn't imagine it. I'm SURE you'll get some thought from folks. I see Joseph in here now. If not, I'll get my brother in law to give you some pointers. He does this stuff all the time.
  11. You could mod your case to look like that, Walsh. It isn't even that hard.
  12. I dunno. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Live Free or Die Hard. Great series, although Willis is getting a little long in the tooth for this action stuff.
  13. Great. 100 degree weather broken up by the occasional thunder storm. ugh. Is it possible to work in your bathing suit, by any chance? :D
  14. 15k in my car. This year alone, that means 15k in the mustang, another 1k in my wife's car, another 3k in rentals (including 2.4k miles in a rental all over England). So, a lot more than 15k. EDIT: Plus my younger days were longer ago than yours, taks. haha On the other hand, I really do hate to drive. I think I'm the anti-macho kind of guy. If I'd had my way, I'd be driving some inexpensive full sized car like a Ford 500 or a Chrysler 300. The wife likes Mustangs, though, and I'm overall too lazy to argue these sorts of things. That's the biggest problem with motorcycles to me. I think the experience might be cool, but what if I like it even less than driving a car? Then I'm stuck with an extra motorcycle I'll have to sell. So, I see threads like these and then get hyped, or talk to friends about their motorcycles, but I never end up getting a motorcycle.
  15. I'm genuinely impressed that you made that long of a trip on a motorcycle. I'm also jealous. I've driven the hell out of my car, but I don't know if I would be able to hang with a motorcycle for those kind of miles. I've averaged 15,000 miles in my car over the past 4 years (actually 14,500. Who's counting?), and even that gets to be a pain. I can't imagine going those kind of miles on a motorcycle. To drive across the country on a motorcycle has a certain romantic sound to it. EDIT: That would be 15k a year. Fatigue makes my posting sad.
  16. Unfortunately, I think it's a little expensive for my tastes. Just a little. :D Seriously, this would be wonderful, but where we, mere mortals, put it?
  17. Oh, there are few folks here who will post theirs motorbikes. :Cant's ****-eating grin icon: Seriously, I'm sure Nightshade will want to share a pic of his motorcycle. If I had one, I would share. I had a big discussion with the inlaws about motorcycles on fathers' day. They told me the horror stories of dead and mangled motorcyclers. The usual stuff. The thing is, I don't even want to hot rod. I just want better mileage and something that can get me to where I want to go a little faster. We've got to choose our battles with our wives, however, and I'm not dying on this hill. haha
  18. Frankly, I find the argument interesting. We've all been far more guilty of taking a thread, off-topic, have we not? I can think of a few threads in which even the moderators have taken the entire discussion away from its original course. This is the sort of normal thread evolution we see throughout this entire board. I have to admit, however, I always find it irritating when it seems like someone is more interested in "winning" an argument rather than having an open and honest discussion. I'm not saying that's what Qwerty is doing in this thread. I'm just saying I hate it when someone wants to be clever more than intellectually honest. Why not argue the nature of logic in this thread? If we cannot agree on basic principles and terms, I doubt if we can broaden the discussion at all.
  19. Yeah, I've been meaning to play Tactics for years. haha. Literally years. Oh, and to stay on topic, I've been playing WoW and NWN2 at home as I get the chance. NWN2 if I'm playing alone. WoW if I'm playing with friends.
  20. I've been thinking of picking up Fallout Tactics, Mus?. I take it from your praise that I should do so soon... if I can find it.
  21. I actually think it's cool that you shared this with us.
  22. Good Lord, don't use me as a source of information. I'm more interested in the human side of things than the technical. Other than the project on which I'm working now, I don't pay much attention to what goes on around here. However, I will say that there are a lot of folks working on this project. That's just on the developer side. If you count the folks on the publisher side, it's even more. Remember, I work for the publisher, not the developer. The tally of developers wouldn't include any of the publisher QA folks even though we work on the project daily. I wouldn't be surprised to think that 50 people might be working on some of the larger projects. That's art, design, programming, etc. Remember, though, I'm not really an insider. More like an intruder sticking his nose into industry business. I'm more of a industry busybody, I guess. :Cant's sheepish grin icon:
  23. Sand, you're adicted to this message board. Well, maybe not. You've only got 2k posts.
  24. Well, Sawyer's a lot tougher than me. He looks at a 66 mile commute and thinks, "Cake!" I look at a 53 mile commute and think, "Ugh!"
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