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Everything posted by Cantousent

  1. Oh, come on Laozi, only sissy's take baths. Plus you'd get your TV wet. Actually, I'm another one of those whimpy guys who takes a bath every now and then. It's not as much fun since I lost the rubber duckie! Since I liked it so much last time: Where is My Mind -- Pixies
  2. Looks Scary to me.
  3. The Gunner's Dream -- Pink Floyd
  4. Today, the wife and I are going to some friends who live up on Big Bear and teaching them how to play DnD. I've done this lots, so I just go over the basic principles behind DnD, go over the main attributes of character creation, show a friendly encounter, and then go through a small battle. That usually takes a few hours. I've rarely had someone who didn't then want to create a character and get into a campaign. Of course, my life is chaotic and I'm reluctant to start something and not be able to follow through in the long run. I'll just show them the basics and then maybe get them started for a while and then they can create a campaign of their own or continue with my basic story.
  5. I'm an Asus fan. My current build has Asus video and mobo. I'me not sure on anything yet, though. I'm going to look when I'm at Frye's and see if anything catches my eye.
  6. I might actually get one of those quad cores in July if the prices are right. I tend to like to wait until at least Mid-October before I begin builds, but I can always make an exception this year. Probably not, but you never know. Anyhow, I have to go to Frye's (or however it's spelled) sometime before the end of this month anyhow. I'll take a look at stuff then.
  7. Was it the hammer and sickle... or the vodka?
  8. Oh, the Wii is an excellent console. I'm thinking of picking one up for my sister.
  9. Yeah, everything except the Wii I think.
  10. Speaking of which, I think you can play that on the xbox 360. Oblivion.
  11. Ah, they're allowed, dustin. And even entertaining. hahah
  12. That's me. Give me a hammer, a sickle, and a case of vodka and I'm set for the rest of the month.
  13. Sure. We can all warm our hands by the radioactive glow that will be this thread a few posts down the line. I'm looking to buy an xbox 360 someday. Another year, if I can judge by how long it took me to buy an xbox.
  14. Miss Potter. The wife wanted to see it. ugh. Turns out, it was a pleasant little film. I was quite taken by it really. I doubt if I watch it again, but not an unpleasant film by any means.
  15. I've told you before, democracy. doesn't. work!
  16. Yeah, it would at least get more substantial posts in general. That or the Bioware modding forums.
  17. I agree with Azarkon. The most dangerous racism is not so loud and selfproclaiming as these so-called "neo-fascists." Racism that hides it's motives is far more damaging to society than neo-nazi fringe groups. That said, things like fascist and communist get thrown around with absolute abandon. Just because someone is conservative doesn't make them a neo-fascist any more than being a liberal makes someone a communist. There are neo-fascists, and there are communist, but for the labels to have any meaning, we should probably use them where they actually apply.
  18. I like planning as long as it doesn't take five hours to make a character. Like Tale, I prefer to play where folks don't mind doing something clever or goofy. RPG are particularly poor venues for "win at all cost" gaming. Driven players tend to drive away others. However, acting stupid all the time isn't fun either. Except for Paranoia. That requires goofiness.
  19. It's relevant because he's talking about NWN2 staying true to PnP, jackass. Well, it's a little relevant at least. :D
  20. Broadening the criteria: Floyd the Robot - Ah, the death of Floyd. He came back in the end, though. [Planetfall] Dupre - First person with his name I'd met until that time. [ultima IV] Glottis - I thought of him as a sort of loyal talking dog. [Grim Fandango] Young Boy - The kid was more help than any of the other dead losers. [Dark Fall] The Nemesis - I never trusted those dead folks [Zork Nemesis]
  21. Have fun in Michigan and tell us if you hear any rumors about K3 while you're there. I'm hoping for WH40K more than K3, but I think our side is losing, Gorth.
  22. Yeah, but what I'm getting from Tale is that the glass could be half full, even if we cannot measure it. I see Tale beat me to it by a breath.
  23. My God, they're plain evil, but it's really good to see you again, julian.
  24. Now now, gentleman, let's agree that all the little people suck, halfling and gnome alike. I guess Sung Chiang would be one of my favorite NPCs if he were only an NPC.
  25. The public got excited. I mean, the comic book guys out there are probably all bunched up in rage, but the film has been received very well by the public. I'll probably end up seeing it on DVD.
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