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Everything posted by Cantousent
A couple of screen related quirks in Linux
Cantousent replied to exo's question in Pillars of Eternity: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
Thanks for being considerate and using spoiler tags! Welcome to the board and enjoy your stay. After five posts, you'll no longer be moderated and posts will go through without needing approval. Hopefully you stick around and enjoy debating, describing, or otherwise discussing your experiences with PoE and other games. I'll leave the answer to your question to folks more in the know than me. -
aHA! It becomes clearer. There were bomb threats in San Bernardino (high school) and in Loma Linda (who the hell knows where). That at least explains the black helicopter earlier today. I note that no one actually blew up. I'm with you. Bomb scares at the end of the fall term is not altogether unusual at a high school, eh?
Heh, there was a bomb threat at Grand Terrace High School. I have close friends there. Of course, as is usual in these cases, no real bomb or anything. I do recall seeing a black helicopter overhead, but it was more towards Loma Linda so I don't think it was out looking for terrorists who called in a bomb threat in Grand Terrace anyway. Crazy world in which we live.
Trump literally makes my blood run cold. I seriously may sit out the election if he's nominated. The only thing I can say to my gloating Democrat friends who relish the idea of him getting the nomination is this... you might want him to run because you think he can't win, but be careful of whom you root for in the primary because he or she may become President.
Yeah, we're a bunch of lazy bastards. I'll tell you what, archangel, you're still welcome. This is a great place to discuss games and, if you want to do so, feel free. When we get into calling 'people' ignorant or whatnot, then you're going to end having posts gulaged. I say this to you in this thread so other folks can see it as perhaps clarifying how this forum works. We pride ourselves and letting folks speak their minds and blow off steam. ...And I'd already let at least one report in thread slide before a bunch of people (not just you) had their posts gulaged. What I'm getting at is that it's okay to rebut someone's argument or attack their position. We just don't want folks to be the object of personal ridicule. I'll often edit out these things and leave the rest of the post, but if it gets to be too much of a chore, I'll remove the whole thing. In this case, I'm not the moderator who axed the posts, but I agree with the one who did completely. So, go to the Codex and blow off some steam, but if you want to come back later and duke it out with folks, we're here and we'll welcome you. :Cant's slapping archangel on the back icon: Meanwhile, having hopefully clarified the situation, I'll ask you to take further discussion about moderating to PMs. You can always PM one of the mods to personally argue your case. Once again, I'll keep my opinions about the topic to myself.
I used to have a religious distrust of people who wouldn't share a beer with me, but then I came to understand it meant I get more beer that way. Seriously, though, while I *do* think there is a Muslim problem in the world today, I don't think it's necessitated by its religious tenets. Islam, like every other religion practiced throughout history, is not a theology in practice. It more closely resembles politics on the macro level. Personally, people have religious convictions and they organize and interact according to these personal convictions in a way that becomes religion write large. This is true for a megalithic organization such as the Catholic Church down to hearth goddesses of ancient civilizations that were truly personal in a way that a lot of modern folks don't really understand. In all this time, there have been religions that called for varying amounts of violence or non-violence, and there have been folks in quite peaceful religions who exhibited remarkably violent attitudes as a culture and folks who have had religions tenets that not only allowed but even called for violence in certain circumstances who have been relatively peaceful compared to others. I'm loathe to name specifics just because someone always feels hurt or offended and, for the time being, I'll err on the side of not goading other folks. The upshot, however, isn't to castigate any of these organizations used in the examples anyway. It's to point out that the structure of Islam, although allowing for more violence, need not necessarily be violent in practice and there are many communities of peaceful Muslims. That's not a guestimate. That's simple observation. If 10% of the Muslim community in the United States were determined to kill and willing to die to do so, the country would literally look like a war zone. Hell, if .5% of us intlecshually challenged Chrishtuns were determined to kill heretics and willing to die to do it, we'd be screwed as a country. That's not to defend Islamic radicals. I think Islam has shown a propensity for radicalization in modern times that truly sets it ahead of other religions, although not entirely apart from some. ...But we can't solve the problem if we don't understand the causes. I'm not talking about social welfare programs or other pie in the sky foolish utopian nonsense. I'm talking about really getting to understand what options we have to fight terrorism that doesn't amount to engaging in protracted and bloody war on a scale not seen since the last world war. Once again, don't get me wrong. Some ask the question, "how can you fight someone willing to die in order to impose his religion?" The simple answer is, "by obliging and helping him to do so." Nevertheless, that drastic answer truly pits us against them in a way that is not only immoral, but also unnecessary and self destructive. I don't want to join in the mass shunning of Islam now because I have a feeling there's a big group of people who're gladly looking to do it to Catholics later. If it comes to all out war, at least let us know that we looked at every option otherwise and I can't see how it must come to outright absolute war in the largest sense. War against terrorism and specific entities? Sure. Writing off all Muslims? Insane. Sorry for the rambling response. Mea culpa.
Could it have been some sort of status effect that wore off, maybe? What I would do is just take a gander from time to time, especially when you have your inventory open for other stuff, and check to see. If, over time, it doesn't happen, it will clearly show as having been some sort of fluke. Anyhow, I'll let more erudite members find a better answer for you.
If someone truly personally attacks you or breaks the forum guidelines in some clearly offensive way, you should always feel free to report a post. However, the brevity of an answer is not proof, in and of itself, of trolling. In fact, while I haven't read every single sentence, this thread seems a pretty good example of folks having wildly different views and expressing themselves vigorously without crossing over into outright personal attacks. A member disagreeing with you, however terse or short, is simply not a reportable offense. Folks are free to make good and bad arguments on behalf of their convictions and, if you guys are like me, you probably have at least a smidge of both. /public service announcement I actually typed out a long response, but now that I've had to go all moderator, I don't want to appear to take sides. :Cant's bemused grin icon:
Not only that, my impronounceable named friend, but that one heal over time spell at second level. I personally think that's one of the most badassed spells in the game. My thinking is perhaps slightly diminished at the moment, but it gives the priest a couple of truly vital casts of buffs or some other spell without worrying about keeping another NPC on his or her feet. It's not glamorous or exciting, but I think that's one of the best spells of the game.
I'm just here to brag.
Cantousent replied to globalCooldown's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
I'm going to gulag some posts in here. Please continue the discussion about the topic. EDIT: for clarity. -
This is my second full run and I'm forced to play fairly slowly, but I've still only about 35% or 40% into the game as I see it. I don't know for sure. Anyhow, I just got to some sort of seige that clearly part of the xpac. lol I've managed to knock off a couple of groups of baddies, but these guys are real brutes and are tossing around spells to which I have no access. Let me tell you, I can't convince my bruises and broken bones that magic sucks in this game. I might be playing my other folks wrong (although I seem to do pretty well in the battles so far), but Aloth is probably the most effective character in my party. He certainly has the highest damage output. When he's not knocking someone prone, slowing them down, or otherwise vexing them generally, he's hurling aoe grenades at the bad guys or bringing down fire or lightning. I'm enjoying this game so much right now, I'm not even finished with my hard run and I'm already planning my Path of the Damned run. Ironically, I recently purchased eye of the beholder as part of a multi-pack and I still think they did a great job with the game. A little clunky by today's standards, but I'll get to it eventually and play it again.
...And that hits the point home, my numbered friend. I agree with Grom on this, I'll admit, but when you're the 'nosy neighbor' like me, you have to ask yourself, "What if this guy is just trying his best to get ready for some sort of med school thing? Maybe boards or something? What if I call the cops on some innocent guy and something happens to him?" The problem, as I see it, is where do we draw the line? If I hear gunfire, I should call. I'm pretty sure most folks would agree with that. The other scenarios are just too tough to call because there will always be a rational argument for either side and you have to decide. For myself, I know how I come across on the forum and I'm okay with that. It's part of the reason I was willing to be up front about my own personal experience. I've been foolish and callow and maudlin and cruel on these boards, so I might as well be genuine also. So, to that end, I would say this, I think the vast majority of my neighbors have been happy to have someone who takes at least some interest in them than wish I would bugger the hell off. I know a couple over the years who've wished I were gone, but I'd like to think they didn't hate me, just thought I was a pain in the ass. I'm not trying to apologize for being the nosy neighbor. I kind of like the phrase, actually. Reminds me of Mrs. Crabitz (sp) from Bewitched. Only, I'm not trying to dig up dirt. I'm legitimately concerned about my neighbors. Nonetheless, that works both ways. I don't want my neighbors being punished because I'm a busy body. Certainly, I don't want anyone to die for a small amount of pot any more than I want to overlook truly suspicious activity and see a bunch of people getting murdered because I was too cowardly to say something. So I'm not arguing with you, although I'm perfectly happy if you argue with my points I've made here. I'm more pointing out that these personal decisions face us every day and they're not as clear cut as either side make them seem. I don't exist in a neighborhood occupied by politics. I exist in one populated by people and that means having to sort through a bunch of nonsense in order to make a decision and not always knowing if I'm right or wrong.
Ironically, I *am* one of those conservative Christians. I don't take offense at you, Super Cal. I have some extreme views, to be sure. ...But, having been most often faced with either atheists or protestants who were at odds with my denomination more often than other religions, I've come to be at peace with other religious, spiritual, or even downright kind of nutty beliefs. Other people have articulated beliefs with which I agree, and have done so more artfully than could I, so I'll merely point to posters such as Gromnir to capture a lot of my conflicted views on these issues. Not that I agree with Grom in totality, but enough that I don't feel like detailing my personal views at this point. I see the idea of making English the official language as being different from making Christianity the national religion, and being far closer to conservative Christians than most folks here by my reckoning, I would suggest that most of the tea party conservative Christians don't propose such a move. Many if not most of them I have met *would* support making English the official language. I don't advocate either view. In terms of religion, it would be in defiance of the document I hold almost as closely as my bible, the Constitution. In terms of language, the best way for people to advance in this country is to learn English and express themselves well using it. We shouldn't further punish people who don't know it. We should rather encourage people to know English and, if they can, learn at least one other language. Hopefully something more useful than one that's been dead lo these hundreds of years. Hell, it would be great if all Americans knew English and Spanish. ...Or English and French. Whatever. Now to the impetus for my posting. I'm not a mod in this forum, and I'm leery of reporting threads generally, but please don't attack each other. Don't let outside events cause you to hate folks on the net. Fight their views, their religions, their politics, and even their sports teams, but treat the person gently, even as you ravage their arguments. There, I've been preachy and I'll forgive and not be offended by a little bit of blow-back, but even then try to keep it civil.
Missed church today. Have stuff I need to do. So, something simple for dinner from childhood. Hot dogs and tortillas with kraft Mac and cheese. I know most of you will think that sounds gross, but it's tasty. I love rabbit. In basic, there were tons of fearless rabbits running around the grounds on base in Orlando. Oddly, we had rabbit fairly frequently as I recall. Some 20+ years ago, so maybe I got it mixed up, but that's how I remember it.
Which do you have in mind? Use of standard high fantasy races such as elves and dwarves, including more standard weapons (such as swords), and a more or less standard high fantasy setting with real world parity in terms of politics and social organizations are more or less what I mean. The devs designed PS:T, as it seems to me at least, with the intent to divert away from a standard high fantasy setting.
Nice to have you participating again, bringle88. Also, all is forgiven for you, Boeroer. You're not the first person to fall victim to demon rum and post something snarky in these forums. lol :Cant's looking down at his shoelaces icon: You don't always have to play nice, but reserve truly personal attacks for the forums where they downright encourage it. I'd originally thought that Boeroer edited his post, but I see he instead acknowledged being a meanie, gave us his mea culpa, and moved on... and so shall we. :D Now that I'm here, I might as well read the rest of the thread. lol
Now *that* was interesting and quite telling. As a practical matter, it seems to me that PoE intententionally avoided some of the more exotic elements of PS;T. Of the two, I enjoyed PS:T more. On the other hand, we can actually enjoy xpacs and sequels of PoE potentially, which is great for me personally as a consumer and also affirms the design I would think.
This seems imminently reasonable to me. I mean, pre-orders are supposed to be a huge benefit and, when you have folks who are clearly willing to go out on a limb, you should make the product available for pre-order. I mean, it shouldn't cost you anything and you'll be assured early cash flow to bump those numbers! Not that I'm biased or anything. <.<
Food is overpowered, nerf food
Cantousent replied to Kilburn's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Okay, I get you. I still think that it's not a big issue, but I can understand some of these things just get under a players skin. -
I'm just here to brag.
Cantousent replied to globalCooldown's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Perhaps I misunderstood the things I read. Not uncommon for me lol - but totally worth it just to hear the phrase "murderhobo" lol I have to admit that the murderhobo term caught my eye also. Does it say something bad about me that I found it so funny? I've tended to actually role-play as best I could, which means avoiding most avoidable fights unless I'm convinced that someone is evil and meant to harm folks, in which case I've sometimes actually instigated fights and sometimes even outright started them, but mostly just talked my way past fights. On the other hand, I don't tend to avoid hostile monsters on the roadside or whatnot. I figure that those monsters are dangerous to travelers and I fight them. ...But they're already hostile before they even see me, so no harm no foul. -
Food is overpowered, nerf food
Cantousent replied to Kilburn's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
I haven't been able to post as much lately, but I figured I had to agree with the crowd who doesn't understand why it's an issue. I mean, a hat that gives extra intelligence and mechanics is just fine, but eating some good ol' fashioned homecookin' just strains credulity? Of all the simulationist issues, this one appears particularly weak to me on its face. -
I've been reading these exchanges. I'm going to relate something in which I was personally involved. I'm sure some folks will read this and think I'm a real tool. Of course, I'm sure plenty of people already do. I'll have to explain a few things first, so please bear with me. What kind of guy is a volunteer mod? Someone who likes an orderly society? So it shouldn't be a surprise that I like to feel that my neighborhood is a safe and orderly place. Now, I'm a friendly neighbor, and I'm a helpful neighbor, so my first recourse if I think there's something weird going on with my neighbors is to strike up a conversation and get a feel for them. I also believe you shouldn't blindside neighbors without addressing your issues with them before taking some sort of drastic action. For that reason I have had very few problems with my neighbors over the years. I have had a couple of instances of harsh words, but those were resolved to mutual satisfaction with a couple of exceptions, and I figure that over four decades of being a neighbor to one person or another, that's not such a bad track record. Some ten years or so ago, one of our neighbors had people coming and going at all hours. A lot of doctors around here and a big hospital, soooo, that's not in and of itself a reason to worry. Maybe late shift at the medical center? A lot of cars of various states of repair and disrepair and makes and models out in front of the house, sometimes with people sitting in them literally for hours at all hours, such as... say... 3am to 4:30. I didn't notice these things at first, but after I noticed it the first time I ended up going out to inspect a noise in my back yard in the wee hours of the morning, I started paying attention. Still, I don't like to make assumptions. Soooo, I went out and talked to one of the folks one night. Not at 3am, but around 11pm. The response was unfriendly and, when it became clear that I wasn't just going to go away, the driver drove off. Went to knock on the door and no answer. Now, at this point, I start wondering what's going on. Soooo, I called the police. I carefully mentioned that I wasn't sure something was wrong. There were a lot of people in medical school in the neighborhood and maybe it was just some crazy study sessions or some such and maybe shift work, but I figured it would be prudent to let the authorities know. I detailed my contact with the people. The police asked if I would give my name. I did. They asked if they could call me back or call on me if they needed to come to my house to speak with me. They could. I never saw the cops go to my neighbors, but the car visits stopped and my neighbors must have moved soon thereafter because I suddenly had new neighbors. Now, maybe I was wrong, but I am convinced I took reasonable action. It seems to me that I'm not engaged in some sort of draconian 1984-esque big brother mentality. I'm just looking out for my community. Luckily for me, the neighbors were white, but I imagine a scenario in which my neighbors were a minority group and I would be accused of some sort of bigotry for doing the exact same I would have done anyhow. I don't know the specifics of the terrorists from Redlands. I know that probably sounds a bit odd considering how close I lived to them, and I pass by that neighborhood at least once or twice a week, but I just haven't had time to scour the news about them. If they just had packages delivered a few times and worked a bit out of their garage, I wouldn't have called the police or thought much of it period. If they had a *lot* of people coming and going at odd hours, were secretive, and their activities in the aggregate were sufficiently suspicious, I would have called. ...And for that minor inconvenience for me and a few minor questions for them, 14 people who were murdered might still be alive.