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Everything posted by @\NightandtheShape/@

  1. Fascinating! <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's scary to think Sand was in the Navy...
  2. Aram obviously needs the B.A.R. to get rid of bowling pins... I mean after all, desposing of bowling pins and such trash is hard work, the B.A.R. clearly must speed this process up. That is my only thought.
  3. I must be dumb, I dunt get it...
  4. Ahhh I see you saved me the trouble!
  5. Seeing Meta owning Kroney like that, is pure bliss...
  6. I'd happily fight, kill, and maime for what i believe in, I don't need to be drafted for that. Problem is that folks in power won't let me fight for what i believe in without tossing me in jail... So... We sits and waits, oh we sits and waits.
  7. Why is that Mortis? ( For once, I'm not being a smartass, just curious what might cause a person to change their allegance. ) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well what patch of soil I was conceived doesn't mean that I automatically hold some philosophical belief that I must defend that patch of land with my life. To quote Bill Hicks "It's a round world the last time I checked." I grew up in England during the Thatcher years, if there is anything that can kill any sense of nationalism it's that mad woman in office. When I was 10 years Old my mother moved us up to Scotland, and when I was 17 I decided to move to America. I have traveled all over this country, I have met a great many different people from Billionaires whom own Newspapers and TV Stations too Homeless runaways without a penny to their name. Since being here I have both suffered and prospered, there have been times where there was no food in the cupboards and I had to live off Ramin, and there were times that I ate out at the finest restaurants the world has to offer. I have seen a great deal of America and this is now my home, this is where my family is (My Wife, My Friends) and this is where my memories and experiences of adulthood are. I do not agree with Americas Political agenda, I do not agree with the war in Iraq, but I love my friends, I love my family and I would fight to protect them, anything worth loving is worth dieing for. My Mother came over to visit a couple of months back, and she was spouting the same crap that people always accuse America of. That the people are fat, ignorant, lazy and stupid, that Americas health care, social system, education system is atrocious. And I found myself actually getting offended. The American people truly get a bum wrap, the "American way of life" gets a bum wrap, and it is the target of a great deal of Anti-US propaganda the world over, every country is quite happy to slate the US as the bad guys, and the unfortunate part in that is that the US Government gives them a great deal to work with. The simple truth is that this is one of the most privileged countries in the world, and the American people are some of the most enlightened, kind spirited and loving people I have known and I would rather live out my days and raise my children here in the mythic land of milk and honey, than I would anywhere else. Sure the US Government is comprised of a few soulless money grubbing mass murdering bastards... but they are not all like that, some of them are actually decent people who do a great of good, and at the end of the day what Government does not have a few bad eggs? It's certainly not Britain's Government that's for sure... The British Empire, The Crusades, The Enslavement of Scotland, Ireland and the working class... Thatcher, The Royals... the only thing that Britain has to be proud of is that it has somehow convinced the rest of the world that it's larger and more powerful than it really is... mainly by killing and enslaving a rather large portion of the world. All in all after having seen so many other countries of the world (I did a great deal of travel as a child, and even got to experience Soviet Russia.) I know just how lucky and fortunate I am to live here in the US. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm glad to see you've finally ended up where you belong, having lived in the US, I totally disagree... But each to their own, rather you there than here.
  8. Why is that huh, that as an Englishman hating the french takes absolutely no effort at all... It's like a natural impulse.
  9. YES. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *SIGH* :crazy:
  10. Probably one of those... Wicca... Happily Asatru. Anyways regardless, BURN THE GOAT! p.s I saw wintersun a couple of weeks back they owned...
  11. aaaand the update doesn't work! W00t!
  12. Is there something I didn't know?
  13. Which is cool so don't knock it
  14. Yeah it's the H key!
  15. Oxymoron-class. You cant have a story in an MMO any more than you can in a game of QuakeIII. Sure, you can create a story that "generic grindquest instance 356" is about killing some evil person in order to..whatever, but since you kind of go back and kill that same person 50times in the average MMO, that kind of goes out the window. The only way you can make an MMO with story is to step outside of the norms of the MMO genre, and no publisher would pay you to do that when they think someones sitting on the next WoW.. which was a game that did exactly what every other MMO did <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I never have been able to pin down WOW's popularity for those exact reasons, it didn't do anything new particularly, more of the same... I'm also 100% certain that a story based MMO is quite impossible without breaking the norm, they would have to be some serious changes to make that possible... I'm dubious, because MMO's make me dubious.
  16. Democracy, allowing stupid people to decide too.
  17. You know, it's not always QA's fault, sometimes it's just the machines setup was never tested...
  18. Not Trolling Volo is hard work....
  19. Point and click is alot harder to implement than wasd, end of. :crazy:
  20. My bone marrow just up and quit one day. To this day, nobody has actually given me a good reason why. I got a transplant from my sister, and then went through about a year and a half GVHD that bounced around from my skin to my mouth to my intestine, and varying levels of high dose steroids. It seems to have finally calmed down. Hopefully it'll stay that way. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wow, respect where it's due ya tough bugger... Glad to hear you're doing well!
  21. Two years since transplant, a long, rocky road since then, it looks like I may finally be getting back to a normal, healthy, firearm-obsessed life. I'm off steroids completely and down to a smidgeon of cyclosporin, and should be off the meds completely by the end of January. Provided no big disaster happens between now and then (to be honest, it wouldn't surprise me), the whole business should all be behind me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What the hell happend?
  22. He/she/it is now engaged to the poster know as Kate. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wow. True love blossoms on an internet message board, amidst discussions of rule interpretations, "phat loot" and whatever else you guys talked about back then. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Who'd have thought the queen of femi-nazi's would have gone got herself engaged... :crazy: Proof of a world gone mad.
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