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Everything posted by @\NightandtheShape/@

  1. :crazy: I wouldn't blame consoles... There's nothing to blame past the simple fact that folks who infact LOVE non-linear games are apparently a minority.
  2. well, yeah, taking the concept to the cutting edge. still, extremely linear. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> linear is not bad. non-linear is not bad. It's linear but with more options and cause an effect than most games I can think of... But i agree it still has elements of linearism in there. But as i said linear isn't bad.
  3. I can't agree with that... But I can agree with that.
  4. exactly....the JRPG rose when the Occidental Adventure Game started to decline; so, in a sense, the JRPG had no real competition for what it was doing. now it does with games like Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ahhhh Indigo Prophecy was more akin to an interactive movie come book, I'd like to see more such games in the future.
  5. Huh the PS3 is a console, I thought it was a George Foreman Grill... With a very expensive heating system.
  6. I could ask the same, as you made no counter argument, you simply said you didn't agree. And if that counts as a amicable counter point, then I disagree with the point to which you disagree... and so on. Times infinity squared no backsies. <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Really? You should re-read my posts then. Don't get me wrong, some of your points are valid ("lack of exploration in games = bad"), but they have nothing to do with mental effort required to play games (which was initial point of this thread that Kalfear raised). The vast majority of old RPG games that I've played require as much grey matter as their newer counterparts (as I outlined in my first post in this thread). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> With th exception of the options available to some of the rulesets I am inclined to agree, but then again I was always an Ultima Underworld fan, so I'm happy with the way things are going.
  7. JRPG's are more like interactive books than RPG's.
  8. Wii does actuallty ROCK!
  9. Depends, I wouldn't consider an XBOX 360 good loot... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's better loot than a Wii at least. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dunno about that, they'd both bring a good price on e-bay. As for usfulness, XBOX 360 does have the use of being an excellent heater as mention, but falls down just about everywhere else, unless a HD TV is also dropped. At whih point while it'll fetch $$$ it's still crap. GoW sux eotu.
  10. Gears of War Style :cool:
  11. Hmmmm, I have about 20 bolts left for my cross bow when they ran out I'd be forced to go for the old axe I keep laying around.
  12. Obviously you know nothing of zombie survival. Guns are nice and all for killing zombies, but they're loud. That thing will just draw more zombies! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Guns are the only way to kill zombies. If you get close enough to melee them, they're close enough to melee you. And zombies don't get tired. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, but you do have limited ammo. Is it really wise to kill a few zombies with a gun, when you're going to attract 10x their number? First choice is always escape. Since it sounds like Aram lives rurally, it might be a better idea to shack up at his house than I initially presumed. Okay, so in case of zombie attack, we're all going to Aram's house. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Fair dinks, but I have dibs on the BAR...
  13. Sadly it could never be released for the Wii... Without suffering a major downsizing.
  14. Oh i am sure Aram has enough guns and ammo for us all to help in wiping out the surrounding neighbourhoods which have been zombified...
  15. When your smashing zombies, TEA IS A MUST!
  16. The insane endless whine of my computers fan and it OWNS
  17. Saitek X52 is pricey at
  18. You should be able to pick up a decent one for that kinda money, something by saitek will probably have both enough buttons and features to keep you happy for months.
  19. Is X3 like X2 but better ???
  20. There are very few PS3 only titles... There is very little reason to buy a PS3.
  21. Depends, I wouldn't consider an XBOX 360 good loot...
  22. Well in sands case you aim a little too high and to the left... And take out a small town in Texas.
  23. He'd have missed and you know it...
  24. It can be used to clear a small patch of trees that happen to be in the way. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> poor trees.... But equally valid you never know when you may have to randomly do such a thing. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The tree was comin' right for us! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :crazy: And they let you have a very heavy mahine gun.... This is turning out to be the most disturbing thread ever, aram gets attacked by trees and sand almost ended up on a nuclear sub.... WHAT NEXT!
  25. It can be used to clear a small patch of trees that happen to be in the way. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> poor trees.... But equally valid you never know when you may have to randomly do such a thing.
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