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Everything posted by PrincessSarah

  1. Is there a connection? Am I really Volo?
  2. I am not inbred!
  3. I'm about to give birth!
  4. Maybe there are atleast 5 of us, but probably more.
  5. Our recovery room (and I think even the labor&delivery room) has WiFi. So we'll have pictures up before we even get home.
  6. Shameless bump and an update.... My induction is scheduled for Tuesday morning at 8! Woo!
  7. Don't underestimate my mad pregnant kung-fu skillz.
  8. Hillary Duff!
  9. But you'll be home in an hour and a half....so be careful.
  10. Jessica Simpson Paris Hilton ROMBER from last season's Amazing Race Sela Ward
  11. When will people learn to not get into debates with my husband? It's just not worth it people, trust me. You will be pwned. The only reason I ever attempt to debate an issue with him is the simple fact that I hold the power of the Wonder Twins. And I can banish him to the couch.
  12. College football starts on Saturday, so be fair warned, as that's going to be a dominate topic of conversation for Ender and I for the next few months.
  13. Oh happy days! Veto ceremony spoilers!
  14. In case anybody wanted to know who won the latest America's Choice...
  15. He's alliiiiiiive! Yay!
  16. The news report I watched mentioned how uncomfortable it would be in the Dome with no power. So I'm guessing they don't. We're getting some of the side effects in the midwest with some pretty decent storms. I even heard the word tornado mentioned in the forecast this evening. I'll take rain over triple digit heat, which is what we normally get in Nebraska this time of year.
  17. Sunday nights seem so empty now that Six Feet Under is gone. So I think I'll give Rome a shot. I missed the episode tonight, but I'll catch it one of the gabillion times it's re-aired on the gabillion HBO's we get. And there's always HBO OnDemand.
  18. Veto spoilers....
  19. New spoilers! And this week's nominees are.... Also...
  20. Updates, in case anybody missed the show.
  21. I hated Allison. I hated her even more when she got on The Amazing Race, just because she was runner-up on Big Brother. CBS tends to recycle their reality stars...I was very pissed off when Rob and Amber got on The Amazing Race, because Amber had already won $1 million on Survivor All-Stars.
  22. So far the LJ community has just posted the spoiler of who won the veto. No word yet on who teamed up. I really want to know who chose as their partner.
  23. More spoilers! And the winner of the veto is.... Hmmm....Things are going to get very interesting.
  24. I don't really have anyone I want to win at this point. Maybe Beau, because he really hasn't done anything to piss me or the house guests off yet. We'll have to see how he handles things if someone uses the Veto.
  25. I think you're right. This season seems to be the most "plastic" of them all.
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