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Everything posted by kirottu

  1. Whee! Check the facts. Whee!
  2. I thought it was kinda funny when in reload resistance forces gathered in matrix to keep a powpow and they all had "cool" long jackets and "cool" sunglasses. Small room filled with "coolness".
  3. Realtime in FoT didn
  4. I never finished it.
  5. Tie Fighter for me too. Best star wars game evar!
  6. Perhaps that
  7. Those work better if you include some photos of Biowarian in his door steps taken 2 am.
  8. See it! I got this link from Michael Chu
  9. Hmmm. Must be a woman thing... "
  10. After the demo i
  11. From Bioware I espect mixture of old some stuff, but done in a good way. Unique and bioware just doesn
  12. A black pope would have been neat.
  13. None taken. Linky. I didn
  14. In japan otaku basicly means a rabid fan and geek of something. Literally otaku means "a house" and it
  15. 316 probably. Your profile says "most active in way of topic: 117 post"
  16. Mount Fuji is 3776 meters high and it is the highest mountain in japan.
  17. Posting in way of topic doesn
  18. I would go for that one as well.
  19. Prices for stuff. It
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